Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1369: Monitor

After speaking, the person in charge looked at Jiang Cheng and asked a few people: "Is there any problem?"

"Yes. How can we go for such a simple task? Just send ordinary agents."

The person in charge replied: "Because the genetic warrior will be responsible for the connection. You know what kind of genetic warrior exists. Therefore, オ will send you to perform this mission. At this time, the organization will trust you. "

If there are any more questions, let's go straight away. I will arrange everything I need on the road.

Five people talk, no more to say. Immediately drove to the airport, ready to take the nearest flight to the distant place.

On the way to the airport, the person in charge has sent the deployment of actions to everyone's watch.

The person in charge of this mission is the commander-in-chief, but he will not perform the mission himself. Instead, he will sit in the command center and give Jiang Cheng and others remote guidance and weapons supplies.

The commanding authority for the operation is more on Jiang Cheng. Obviously, this is a test for Jiang Cheng and their team.

When they arrived at the airport, someone waiting there had already handed them the passports and other documents of Jiang Cheng and others. Open the passport, except that the photo is the same as the person, nothing else is real. Jiang Cheng couldn't help sighing the area's ability to do things.

Soon, the four of Jiang Cheng boarded the plane and embarked on the road to Xiyue.

After days, night, airport.

A jet plane landed at the airport. At the exit of the airport, Jiang Cheng and the four came out. According to the plan, at this time there should be agents of the security team in the West to meet them.

The five people looked around for a while, and then they found a secret code unique to the Special Operations Department. The secret code was marked on a sign for picking up someone. The person holding the sign is a middle-aged fat man with shameless appearance.

Jiang Cheng and others stepped forward. Jiang Cheng stretched out the hand with the watch to greet the fat man. When the fat man saw them, he asked in Chinese whether you booked a room, a double room, a five-person room, and a single room for spare.

Jiang Cheng returned: "Yes, the cheapest apartment, the money for the single room is owed first."

After confirming that it was his own, Jiang Cheng and the others got into the car with the agent. On the road, several people were talking enthusiastically, because it was a specially made car and Jiang Cheng and others had also checked it carefully, so they were not worried about being tapped. The fat man's name is Wang Yuan. It's from the regional security team. It has been undercover for eight years. Now he runs a hotel in the West. Secretly, this hotel also does casino business. This casino is only open to Westerners, so it is easy to collect news.

Two or three hours passed. Jiang Cheng and the others arrived at the hotel, and before they could breathe a sigh of relief, an agent who was specially responsible for this matter came to the door.

This is the information of the traitor, please find out. The agent handed Jiang Cheng and others a strong document.

Zhang Zhou, male, 45 years old. Served as deputy commander before defecting. Half a month ago, after contacting unknown people, he immediately stole the documents of our team and defected. After I reacted, he has arrived in the West.

According to our latest observers, Zhang Zhou should not have contact with figures from the West, and the confidential information should still be in Zhang Zhou's hands. Zhang Zhou’s current location has been sent to you through the bracelet. Now there are our people staring at it. In order to avoid getting rid of the grass and startling the snake, we suggest to act at night. After all, the genetic warriors of the West are really hard to deal with. "The agent said.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, and what the agent said made sense, and the specific action plan needed to be considered for a long time. So he immediately reported the situation to the person in charge. And the reply from the person in charge is only four words, you can figure it out.

At this time, Jiang Cheng felt a sense of being trapped. Jiang Cheng is speechless, but it doesn't mean he is incompetent.

After calming down and thinking about it, Jiang Cheng said to the agent: "Thank you, please go back to the door. We stared at Zhang Zhou, and we will start the operation at night."

The agent nodded when he heard the words and left.

Jiang Cheng then said to Zhang Mengmeng: "En, you sort out the terrain and building distribution around Zhang Zhou's place and send it to everyone's watch.

it is good.

Zhang Mengmeng nodded, then took out the computer, and began to tap the keyboard with both hands.

Soon, it didn't take long for everyone to receive the information from Zhang Mengmeng. Looking at this picture, soon, the action plan was formed in Jiang Cheng's mind.

In the evening, we met a three-star hotel in the city center.

It was time for dinner, and people came and went in the hall around seven o'clock in the evening. People of all nationalities are in an endless stream. At this time, a Jiachangken came out of the hotel. A woman who was daring in dress and full of charm walked out of the car and immediately attracted the attention of most men. Who else can this woman be besides silence?

Tranquilly walked into the hotel, attracting most of the eyes.

Quietly walked to the front desk, and said to the front desk in fluent English: "Open a suite for me, and two men will come to me later, and you will bring them up later." He cast a wink. The front desk was suddenly fascinated.

Zhou Guo's man said that he was full of thoughts about tranquility in his heart. When opening a room with two men for the second time, the technique must be good and open enough. I really hope that I can have a chance to post that would be great.

Tranquility finished the formalities with a charming look at Zhou Guo's man, walked to the elevator, and headed to his room. Seeing Tranquility gradually walked away from the back, most people's **** in their hearts couldn't be lowered for a while.

Tranquility smiled at the two security guards standing aside by the way. The faces of the two security guards changed, and when Jing came to the front desk, one of them hurriedly called.

Tranquility finished the formalities with a charming look at Zhou Guo's man, walked to the elevator, and headed to his room. Looking at Tranquility's back, the **** in most people's hearts could not be lowered for a while.

When everyone’s eyes were attracted by the tranquility, no one noticed that two men with ordinary appearance and appearance came into the hotel. In fact, even if they noticed them, they wouldn’t care, because these two men are really too Ordinary, it belongs to the type in which no one will look at the second glance at all.

but. The sharp Jiang Cheng still felt something suddenly. These two men are really Jiang Cheng and Counting Sheep. After they opened the room at the front desk, they walked straight to their room.

After entering the room, Jiang Cheng quickly used communication tools to contact all members of the team.

"Action cancelled, attention! Action cancelled! Don't let anyone find out. Retreat.

When Jiang Cheng stepped into this hotel, he felt that someone was watching him. I didn't care about it at first, but I always felt strange in my heart. Now I want to understand after entering this room.

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