Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1374: A ghost place where birds don't shit

Jiang Cheng stopped and said, "Quiet! This is the Congo River." Tranquility stood beside Jiang Cheng and watched the Congo River flow from a distance. The yellowish but very clean river water made me feel a lot better.

Have you been here?" Tranquility asked.

Jiang Cheng didn't answer her, he couldn't say that he had been here in the previous life. At this time, a little boy who was about fifteen or sixteen years old came out of a thatched hut and saw Jiang Cheng stunned, followed by a yelling.

Jiang Cheng said in Spanish: "Children! Is Jack there? The little boy nodded: "Yes!" Then he pointed to a house behind him. The house was a bit strange, it was built on a tree.

Jiang Cheng nodded, took out a handful of candies in his pocket and gave them to the little boy to distribute these candies to your friends.

The little boy received his hand and walked away happily. Jiang Cheng led people to the wooden house.

Chang Mengmeng asked, "Why do they keep their houses on the trees?

Counting sheep said: The rainy season here is heavy, and it is easy to be flooded when built on the ground. "

Chang Mengmeng nodded and looked at the wooden house curiously. There were banana leaves on the roof and the green nets around the walls. There was a small door on the ladder, Jiang Cheng opened the door and walked in with a bow of his head.

There are a few tables in a mess. There is a large bar counter to the south, and there is a wine cabinet behind the bar. The wine cabinet is full of colorful and various styles of wine. Tranquility learned that this is a bar.

There is no electricity here, so an oil lamp is lit on every table. There was a man who seemed very vicissitudes of life, sitting at a table drinking alone. There are still many oil paintings hanging on the wall in front of him, which are very different from the temperament here.

At this time, local time was not at night, but it was almost dark. The oil lamps in the bar were all lit, and the smell was a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Cheng walked to the big man and sat down, "Hello Jack, we finally met.

Jack raised his head to see Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up, "Jiangcheng! You are Jiangcheng." After speaking, he turned to see Dashan, counted the sheep and them, and said hello one by one.

I have been informed of the purpose of your coming here. Jiang Cheng was also not welcome. He picked up the wine in front of Jack and poured himself a glass. After tasting the tasting, he said to Tranquility and Zhang Mengmeng, "It's been a long time! This is definitely the wine they brewed by themselves. I've heard about it a long time ago! Haven't had it, come and taste it.

As a foodie, Zhang Mengmeng is naturally not polite. He walked over and took a sip from the wine glass, "Ah! It's really delicious, like a drink."

Dashan and the others got a drink by themselves, Jack said with a smile: Don't drink too much, or you will definitely be drunk and unconscious. "" Quietly nodded, very familiar with Jack, this wine does have its own characteristics.

Jiang Cheng gently shook the glass and said, "Jack! We are here this time for the'night' organization. Can you provide us with door help?

Jack thought for a while and said, "Ye's organization used to have the support of the West District, specifically for the West District to do some things that could not be put on the table. Later, for some reason,'Ye' was out of the control of the West District. But because the night organization controlled it. There are a lot of shameless secrets in the West End, so the West End Mansion has been hunting them all over the world.

Due to the pressure of the Western District, the headquarters was moved here at night, but I do not have exact information on the specific location. "Speaking of this Jack, he stopped for a while. "It's better if you are here for two days. I will ask the people under you to inquire about it. You should be able to get specific location information."

Jack arranged a few rooms for them. Such rooms were originally prepared for tourists.

After dinner, Jiang Cheng leaned on a tree and thought about something, raising his head and looking at the night sky. And Tranquility stood not far away looking at him. At this time Jack came over to Jiang Cheng with a hand-drawn map.

I found them.

Jiang Cheng took the map and walked into the bar to clap his hands. Dashan and the others immediately surrounded Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng spread the map on the table, looked around, pointed to a place on the map and said, "This is a tribe, remember this place.

The five people looked at the rock carefully, and after a while the mountain nodded and said, "Remember."

Jack said: "This unsaved guy killed all the original people of this tribe, and now they have taken that tribe as their own.

Jiang Cheng checked the time, "Leave in half an hour.

Counting sheep said with a smile: "Jack! It's not easy for you to find out these news so easily, I'm really convinced.

Jack said: "I did not die under the care of the Eastern District, so I will do my best for the Eastern District.

Jiang Cheng drank a glass of wine, and then poured another glass. "At that time, he and a brother were killed by a surprise attack by the team in the western area. During the escape, he was rescued by our people. In this way, he became our overseas partner. A dark line."

Jiang Cheng told them the information he had obtained from the person in charge. After half an hour, four people except Zhang Mengmeng set off in full gear. Since Zhang Mengmeng is not a supernatural person, Jiang Cheng left Zhang Mengmeng with Jack for safety reasons. Zhang Mengmeng was also very reluctant to do this, but there was nothing to do.

When they were two children, the four of them were already five kilometers away from the tribe. Pay attention to concealment. "Jiang Cheng issued an order.

There are several sheep, and they don’t have to worry about water problems. Moreover, most of them used their abilities to mix the sand near them into mud, and then Da Shan used his abilities to control the mud and temporarily became a place similar to an air-raid shelter, so Jiang Cheng and others were very safe here.

Jiang Cheng was thinking about how to enter the camp quietly. Suddenly, Da Shan spoke.

"Here are four people, carrying heavy weapons.

After a short time, there were slight footsteps and voices above their heads, "NND! After walking so much today, there was nothing to gain. This **** place, there is no good wine, no beautiful women, and no old brains. I was thinking about something, hiding in this ghost place where the birds don't shit." The voices of the four people gradually entered the ears of Jiang Cheng and others.

"Hey! Zach, you drunkard, don't talk nonsense, you want to leave but no one will let you go." A white man who was nearly two meters tall looked at Zach and said sourly.

Zach turned around and grabbed the big white man by the collar, "Lasia, you bastard, I'm going to break you into pieces and bury you in this shahan."

Lasia suddenly raised her hand and punched Zac in the face, "You drunkard, come and try to trouble Lao Tzu.

What made Jiang Cheng and the others couldn't figure out was that the other two people in the same group didn't want to stop them, but walked aside, "Zi Abu! I bet Rasia will not beat him for a hundred dollars.

Zi Abu looked at Zac and Laxia, "I bet Laxia can knock his big teeth." After speaking, he shouted, "Laxia, you drunkard must win this time. I bet you won so many times in the past few months. I have played thousands of times.

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