Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1375: Nemesis

Zach wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, clenched his fist, took a step forward without any warning, and ran straight to Lasia's throat.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng raised a bloodthirsty smile at the corner of his mouth and made a few gestures. After seeing this gesture, Da Shan and Counting Sheep quietly touched them.



The heads of Zac and the other were weirdly tilted to one side, blood dripping down the corners of their mouths.

Zi Abu and Laxia suddenly stopped their movements, raised their guns in a tacit understanding and quickly turned around. But in their eyes only the bodies of their two brothers fell to the ground.

The reaction of the two people can be said to be very fast, but they don't even know where the enemy is. Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and cold sweat instantly emerged from them.

At this moment, Zi Abu and Laxia heard what seemed to be movement under their feet, and did not think much about them. They raised their guns and shot them under their feet. But it was too late, a strong hand grabbed their feet and pulled them, and then the two fell to the ground at the same time, and then they felt hot, as if some liquid was flowing out.

The eyes of the two men protruded from their eye sockets, and their limbs gradually weakened. They could feel the blood in their bodies gushing out uncontrollably. At the last glance before they died, they saw the two Hua family members really smiled as they both bleed to death.

The power in the body disappeared, and the color in front of him lost its color. They were unwilling to die like this. They wanted to say something, but they couldn't make any sound when they throated. They could only hear the sound of bleeding from their mouths. Slowly, everything felt No more.

Dashan and Shuyangsong watched the two men die, they picked up their weapons and carried them on their shoulders. After all, even if they are supernatural beings, they are not invulnerable. It is better to have weapons than not. Although Jiang Cheng has many more advanced places, it is not a good waste.

Jiang Cheng and the others continued to think about it. Normally, in such a vast desert, it is harder to hide your tracks than to climb to the sky. There is no shelter, no place to hide, and some are just endless sand. But for Jiang Cheng and others, it is not a problem. Soon, they had reached the base camp of the Night Organization not far away.

The base camp of the Ye organization is in front, how about it, are you afraid? Jiang Cheng looked at the other three and asked jokingly. Of course no one would say that they are afraid at this time, and they are indeed not afraid. Now they are full of turmoil. In this place, you can use your abilities to the full. There is no need to keep the opportunity, what a difficult opportunity.

Captain, hurry up and order the attack! I can't help it anymore! "Da Shan's face is full of impatient.

Hey, don't worry, count the sheep, it's time for you to show. "Jiang Cheng looked at counting sheep with an expression on his face that you know.

Counting sheep has really learned a lot about Jiang Cheng after these days of getting along. All of a sudden, he knew what Jiang Cheng wanted to do.

A few minutes later, Jiang Cheng and others disappeared, replaced by the four of Lasia who had their necks broken.

I have to say that the disguise technique of counting sheep is really amazing. It can not only change the appearance, but also the body.

Hey, we are here for the night organization!

Hey, Laxia, Zi Abu, why come back empty-handed! "As soon as Jiang Cheng and the four entered the tribe, someone greeted them immediately. Jiang Cheng worried that he would lose if he said too much, so he didn’t want to take care of them, so he smirked twice. Leaving away, the person who greeted him felt a little strange in his heart, but didn't think much.

The tribe is not very big, but it is at least the size of two football fields, and each house looks similar. Jiang Cheng really couldn't find the leader of the night organization in that house for a while.

Several people couldn't be found after going around. It was Jiang Cheng who was a little impatient.

"Damn, I forgot about it. Zhang Mengmeng gave me a prototype detector before leaving!" Jiang Cheng said, taking out the miniature detector. This detector is only half the size of a fingernail, and the color is very inconspicuous. If you don't look carefully in the air, you won't be able to see it.

I said, Captain, is there water in your head? If you have such a good thing, you don’t take it out earlier, and you take us around! Do you want me to pump water for you! "Counting sheep is driving Jiang Cheng’s joke.

Go and go, you pump me water? Believe it or not, I will make you a hairstyle?" Jiang Cheng said, raising his hand, counting the sheep and begging for mercy. Jiang Cheng's thunder is his nemesis .

After Jiang Cheng used the wristband to connect the micro-detector, he input the information of the leader of the night organization into the detector, and then the detector set out on its own to find the target. During the flight, the probe will scan the face of every simple person for recognition. Once it recognizes a face with the same characteristics as the target, it will report to Jiang Cheng and send location information to Jiang Cheng’s bracelet.

At this time, the leader of the night organization, Zhang Xiaopang, was enjoying leaning on the sofa in his room. Next to him, there was another person pinching his shoulders, and Zhang Xiaopang’s hands were not idle. .

At this time, none of the two people in the room noticed. At this time, there was a detector in the room looking at them.

On Jiang Cheng's side, when Jiang Cheng saw the photos sent by the detector, he couldn't help showing a subtle expression. Seeing the expression on Jiang Cheng's face, the other three curiously asked what happened to Jiang Cheng. It happened, but Jiang Cheng didn't elaborate on it. Everyone had no choice but to suppress their curiosity, followed Jiang Cheng around, and came to a house.

This is a very ordinary house. If it weren't for Jiang Chengxin's vowing to say it was here, everyone would definitely ignore this place, because it seemed so ordinary.

The four Jiang Cheng stood at the door of the room. At this time, the other three knew why Jiang Cheng showed such an expression at noon.

At this moment, the usual blushes appeared in the quiet danger like a fairy, which made Jiang Cheng feel a little puzzled. This is not like a quiet style. Normally, Jing should take the opportunity to molest himself. Sentence is right.

However, Zhang Zaizhong didn't think much about it. It was what matters at this time. Jiang Cheng gave Da Shan a look, Da Shan nodded knowingly, walked forward and kicked directly towards the door of the room. The door, which was already very weak in front of the mountain, flew out, and then " "Boom", it seems that something has arrived.

Bastard! Who is tired of life, dare to go to Lao Tzu to withdraw from the wild!" Zhang Xiaopang's roar came from the room. This normal person would be angry!

Suddenly a loud noise made him almost incompetent, and then a door slammed on his back! If it weren't for he usually exercised more, this one would kill him.

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