Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1376: Well organized!

At this time, Zhang Xiaopang had wrapped a towel, and held the ak in his hand, aimed at the four people who walked in. When he saw the person who walked in, the expression on his face was even more angry.

Laxia! Do you **** want to see God!" Zhang Xiaopang shouted at Jiang Cheng. He couldn't figure it out, his men dared to kick his door.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhang, I'm not your Lasia!" Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Xiaopang and said jokingly. The five people on his face also began to undergo strange changes. After a while, they completely changed back to the East. Human faces.

Are you the Hua family?" Zhang Xiaopang was shocked. He soon realized that in this situation, 99% of the Hua family were enemies. As for that one percent, and the four in front of him. Personally go to see God!

When Zhang Xiaopang moved his finger, he was about to pull the trigger. Suddenly, Zhang Xiaopang felt a convulsion in his body, instantly losing all his strength in his hand, and ak fell to the ground randomly.

His face changed in an instant, he felt the power beyond nature, and the numbness brought by the thunder element made him unable to move at this time. You! Are you a superpower?! "Zhang Xiaopang is already panicking at this time. He never expected that a superpower would come to trouble him. Although he seemed very powerful, he was in front of the superpower What can I do, not to mention, at this time I am only one person, how can I be the opponent of these superpowers!

Who caused you to trouble me? How much did he give you? I doubled!" Zhang Xiaopang tried to find the possibility of surviving, but he did not expect that Jiang Cheng really did not do things for money.

One hundred million!" Jiang Cheng said, "My employer gave you one hundred million to kill you. Look... "Jiang Cheng's eyes are almost turning into money at this time. If you have money, don't make a bastard. Don't give away the money for nothing.

OK! I'll give you three hundred million, you let me go!" Zhang Xiaopang saw the hope of surviving at this time, with a hopeful smile on his face.

Transfer money, my account number is..." Jiang Cheng told Zhang Xiaopang his bank account number, and now Tranquility and others behind him are looking at Zhang Xiaopang with pity, but Zhang Xiaopang’s Shi was completely immersed in the joy of surviving, completely unaware of the eyes of the other people.

A few minutes later.

"The transfer is done, you can confirm it!" Zhang Xiaopang said the transfer operation and smiled flatteringly at Jiang Cheng.

Well, I received it." Jiang Cheng received the text message from the bank. "Then can I...?" Zhang Xiaopang can't wait to stay away from the demon Jiang Cheng.

Of course, Dashan do it. "Jiang Cheng turned around and left the room after speaking. When Zhang Xiaopang heard the first half sentence, he was so happy. He was about to rush Jing to leave this place, and he heard the second half of Jiang Cheng's sentence and the mountain slowly approaching! don't count!! "Zhang Xiaopang is very desperate at this time, what about the basic trust between people?

I don't have any. I asked you to transfer money. I didn't say to let you go. When did I say to let you go? If I said to transfer, you just transfer, blame me. "Jiang Cheng's voice came in from outside the door, and Zhang Xiaopang almost spat out old blood.

You devil! God won't let you go!" Zhang Xiaopang let out the last roar in his life, and then, just like the four of him, he was twisted off.

At this time, Jiang Cheng was very happy. The task was completed and he had earned 300 million in vain. No loss, no loss in this wave.

"Captain, those three hundred million, aren't they?" The voice of counting sheep rang out, and immediately got the match of the remaining two.

"Yeah, Captain, it's a little bit more or less, you look at others so hard!" Jing Jing pulled Kaxia's arms and shook, a pair of soft rubbing on Jiang Cheng's arms, the wonderful touch makes Jiang Cheng almost flew away!

Well, divide and divide! You have a share when you see it, everyone has a share! Go back and share it!" Jiang Cheng finished, and everyone cheered.

Let's leave a little gift for this night organization too!" Jiang Cheng said, took out a handful of group bombs from his pocket, and distributed them to everyone. ""Let’s split up!" Jiang Cheng’s eyes were shining. Excited. Everyone agreed.

Half an hour later, two kilometers away from the night organization base camp, Jiang Cheng and his party were walking in the desert excitedly.

Mine is finished, what about yours? I also finished throwing, hehe. Me too! Me too!

4, 3, 2, 1.


As Jiang Cheng's voice fell, there was a loud noise from the night organization base camp behind them. Before anyone could react, one after another loud noises rang, and the flames rose to heaven everywhere in the tribe, and many people were blown up. Fake, but no one can care about the wounded at this time, because they have found Zhang Xiaopang's body, and they understand in their hearts that the night organization is all over, so everyone now just wants to escape for their lives. The night organization will be officially removed from the world starting today.

In the bar, Jiang Cheng and others have returned to Jack's bar. The bar is still so dim or full of the pungent smell of oil lamps.

But at this time, the six Jiang Cheng and Jack were drinking and chatting loudly and bragging about the joyous scene.

After three rounds of wine, Jiang Cheng and others had almost eaten.

"Jack, we are about to leave, the task is up, we have to go back as soon as possible." Jiang Cheng said to Jack.

Jack said, his eyes darkened. He has stayed here for many years, and has not been in contact with the outside world for a long time. The arrival of Jiang Cheng and others brought him a lot of joy. At this time, he heard that Jiang Cheng and the others were leaving.

"Jiang, we don't know when you are going to meet again, I really can't bear you!" Jack said to kill.

Haha, I'm afraid you are reluctant to bear these two big beauties, but if you are really reluctant, you can walk with us! Come to me, take care of everything, take care of the beauties!" Jiang Cheng felt Jack said.

"This..." Jack was a little moved. He had long wanted to return to the capital to live. Although there was no noise from the outside in this kind of place, there was indeed a lot less joy.

What is this! Let me tell you, Jiang Cheng has many delicious foods, you go and let Jiang Cheng buy you enough! "Zhang Mengmeng, a foodie, just eats with open mouth.

Okay, then I'll go with you!" Jack made a decision. Now that the decision is made, there will be no more mistakes. Jack immediately got up and went back to pack his things.

Two hours later, several people were already in a car and drove in the desert.

There is no need to be sneaky on the itinerary back home. A few people bought air tickets to Hua's house in a fair manner.

Two days later, the plane landed at Hua’s Yanbang Airport. Shen Qinguang was already waiting at the airport. During this period of time, Shen Qinguang has managed the branch of Existence Technology Co., Ltd. in Yanbang in order! The scale is getting bigger and bigger. Existence Technology Co., Ltd. now has a faint feeling of dominating the scientific and technological circles in the eastern district, but because it is still too Young, with less accumulation, so in some respects it is still inferior to some big-name companies.

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