Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1382: Bring to justice!

The big man got impatient, reached out his hand and grabbed the woman, trying to take her away forcibly.

The woman was startled by the big man's movements, a little panicked, and began to struggle hard. Because of the too much movement, the woman in her arms was awakened by her movements and saw her mother being pulled with a disgusting big man. She was so scared that she cried.

At this time, Jingjing took a step forward and was about to do it. Jiang Cheng stopped him with his eyes. Jiang Cheng made a gesture to Jingjing, meaning, let me go. When Tranquility saw this, he continued to watch.

Jiang Cheng took a step forward, reached out his hand and grabbed the shoulder of the big man, secretly using a trace of thunder energy, this energy followed Jiang Cheng's hand into the body of the big man, and the big man couldn't move. Jiang Cheng immediately slammed over his shoulders. With a "bang", the big man had fallen to the ground. The whole process didn't take half a minute. People in the surrounding area cheered.

Jiang Cheng stepped on the big man's Hungarian mouth: "Did you eat the bear heart and leopard courage! You dare to grab it in broad daylight! Who gave you the punch! Ah?" Jiang Cheng's voice contains no trace of it. emotion.

"It's the boxing advantage I gave! What can you do!" At this time, a very unruly voice came out of the Maybach, and then a young man who appeared to be about the same age as Jiang Cheng got out of the car. . The young man's skin was sickly white, his nose was not high, and his eyes were very uncomfortable and full of shadows.

Jiang Cheng looked at the young man, his eyes moved slightly: "Who gave you the punch then?"

The young man walked in front of Jiang Cheng and glanced at him up and down, and a "hum" came from his nose, realizing the young man's disdain. In Guizhai, I am good at boxing, do I still need someone to give it to me!" the young man said frantically.

"Well, today I want to see how much punch you can make!" After that, Jiang Cheng reported it. However, as time passed, twenty minutes later, none of the team members had seen it.

The young man laughed loudly, "It seems that you can't do it! Let me come to you!" As he said, the young man also dialed up a phone call.

Hello, this is Tian Wei! Someone beat my driver on the street! Yes, it is here on Zhongxing Street. "

Tian Wei!" There was an exclamation from the crowd in Zhou District. Someone had already left here, for fear of getting into trouble. The rest were also quietly talking about something.

It seems that this person is going to be unlucky, and he actually got into Tian Wei. Yes, this Tian Wei is something ordinary people like us can afford!"

Hearing the discussion from the crowd in Zhou District, Tian Wei's face was filled with a smug smile, and Jiang Cheng was also very happy! Being sad that he couldn't find a breakthrough, this idiot came to the door by himself.

In less than ten minutes, a well truck flashed a well light, drove over quickly with the sound, and stopped outside the crowd. Immediately afterwards, a few team members got out of the car and walked towards Jiang Cheng and the others, shouting as they walked: "There is nothing to look at, let's do your own thing! They broke up! Then a few people walked up. Came here quickly.

Judging from the eyes of these people looking at Tian Wei, it was obvious that they knew Tian Wei. Sure enough, several people walked up to Tian Wei and said, "Tian Shao, if you encounter any trouble, we will definitely ask you to solve it.

Tian Wei pointed to the big guy who was still lying on the ground, and said with a gloomy expression: Originally, I saw two people begging here in the winter, so I asked my driver to go to them. I didn’t expect this guy to compete. However, the driver who was hit was hit so badly. This is too unreasonable. You must report the situation to my uncle!"

Hearing Tian Wei's reversal of black and white, the people around were furious, but they were all plain-headed ordinary people, who could only dare to be angry but not to speak.

"Tian Shao, don't worry, we will definitely bring the murderer to justice!" a team member said and took out the handcuffs.

Who beat someone!

Tian Wei pointed to Jiang Cheng, who was standing aside, and said, "It's the kid with wicked eyes.

Jiang Cheng was upset when he heard that, I'm so handsome and handsome. You said I'm so handsome? You kid waited!

The woman next to Jiang Cheng saw that even the team members had been recruited, and was very flustered. She pulled Jiang Cheng's sleeve and said, "Brother, you should leave here first.

Jiang Cheng snorted, "It's okay, I want to see what he can do with me in broad daylight!

The player who took out the handcuffs heard Jiang Cheng's words and sneered. Then I will let you know what I can do! Jiang Cheng took the initiative to stretch out his hand: "Okay, you can do it.

Seeing that Jiang Cheng was so acquainted, the team member was also happy to save trouble, and was about to hand over Jiang Cheng. Suddenly, a team member behind him changed his face and hurriedly pulled him.

He turned his head and asked: "What are you doing? I will say something after I finish the torture! The other team members dare to let him torture Jiang Cheng! He just saw Jiang Cheng's face, and he immediately recognized it. The new boss! In the morning, he went to the Zhai Mansion to do errands. He saw the Zhai Mansion director accompanying Jiang Cheng to familiarize himself with the environment. He also specifically asked about it.

He whispered a few words in the ear of the handcuffed player, the player's complexion changed, and the cold sweat immediately shed, "Jiang... Boss Jiang, I. I don't know it's you..."

Jiang Cheng didn't listen to him any more, "I don't know if I can just grab it! Are you all like this! Do you wear your clothes on the dog!"

The handcuffed team member wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Yes, yes, what Mr. Jiang criticized is that we will investigate the incident immediately.

"Investigate your head! Just grab this Tian Wei and this big man and send them to the hospital, but you are not allowed to let me go. If anyone runs away, I can only ask you!

This team member felt a bitter, who would dare to catch the nephew of the chief Tianzhai! But the man in front of him is the boss, and he can't help but listen.

Didn't you hear what I said!" Jiang Cheng exclaimed when they saw the two of them have been slow to start.

No way, the two had to walk up to Tian Wei, "Sorry, Tian Shao, we can't help it either."

Tian Wei didn't struggle either, just gave Jiang Cheng a fierce look, and waited and see! "After speaking, he was taken to the well truck.

Jiang Cheng ignored him and said to the woman holding the child: Sister, take the child home quickly, don't let the child be hungry.

The woman almost stared at the sidelines. At this moment, she heard Jiang Cheng talking to herself, and quickly bowed to Jiang Cheng, "Thank you, thank you!"

Until Jiang Cheng drove away in a well truck, many of the people present did not recover. The plot is too much like a novel! If you say this, how many people will believe it!

In the team, Yang Luo and two team members escorted Che Tianwei out and walked into the office building. Jiang Cheng walked directly into the office. As soon as he pushed the door open, he found four players sitting around playing cards. Jiang Cheng directly slapped the table and slapped the cards on the table. Get out.

The four of them were shocked. Seeing that a young man dared to pat their table, they yelled and cursed righteously. The two team members also walked in, and they almost lost their souls when they saw this scene. !

Boss Jiang, you are here!" a team member shouted, reminding the four team members in this way.

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