Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1383: repay

Boss? What boss? The four team members didn't understand, but they stopped seeing the frightened face of that player.

My name is Jiang Cheng, the new boss of the science and technology team!" Jiang Cheng said when everyone was quiet.

Yes, this time he is not only the boss of the science and technology team, but also the director. It is better for Bi Jing to master this kind of organization himself.

The four of them were so scared that they almost didn't kneel down for Jiang Cheng.

Boss Jiang...

Jiang Cheng did not respond to him, but directly asked: "Is there no call forward to you?!


"Then why I waited for a long time and no team member came to the scene! Instead, this guy asked you to arrive at the scene in five minutes with a single call!" Jiang Cheng asked Tian Wei.

The four team members were shocked to see Jiang Cheng actually holding Tian Wei. The famous team member was very dissatisfied with Jiang Cheng, "I said, Boss Jiang, we can't get out of the well in this cold weather, and you don't know it! This is the nephew of Tianzhai Chief.

Jiang Cheng saw that a team member was not putting him in his eyes, and he knew in his heart that he hadn't established himself in this place.

At this moment, Tian Wei looked at Jiang Chengyin and said, "Huh, boss Jiang is right. If you don't let me go, I can guarantee that you will not be the boss for long!" Tian Wei is very evil. Threatened severely.

Jiang Cheng did not speak, but directly hit Tian Wei's lower abdomen with a punch. This punch directly caused Tian Wei to spit out a mouthful of sour water. The players on the side saw the whole person and were almost dumbfounded.

Jiang Cheng's punch not only wanted Tian Wei to be honest, but he was also standing up, otherwise every cat and dog would dare to call the boss in front of him in the future!

"Tian Wei, right? I tell you, as long as I am on any given day, you don't want to get out of it!

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he commanded these members to take Tian Wei into custody. The members were not very happy at first, but due to Jiang Cheng's identity, they had to do so.

Jiang Cheng walked out of the village, beckoned to hit a car, and drove to his residence. When the car was halfway down the road, Jiang Cheng suddenly saw two figures, one large and one small, on the side of the road.


Jiang Cheng got out of the car, and the two seemed to hear the movement and looked back at Jiang Cheng.

Why haven't you come home yet?" Jiang Cheng asked, it was already late at this time, and it was very dangerous for these two people to be here.

"Boss Jiang...I..." the woman hesitated and spoke for a long time.

Speak straight if you have something!" Jiang Cheng said. I. We don't have a home...

Without a home, where do you live?" Jiang Cheng asked.

A small hotel, ten yuan a night.

"How can you take your children to live in such a place! You don't care about yourself, but also care about your children!" Jiang Cheng was a little angry.

Uncle, I don’t allow you to scold mom!" the little girl shouted. "Mom bought me books for all my money!"

The woman looked at her child with red eyes.

Jiang Cheng took a sigh of relief, squatted down and looked at the little girl, "Then you guys live with your uncle, OK?

The little girl heard the words and looked at her mother. Jiang Cheng didn't ask for the woman's opinion, and directly picked up the little girl and walked to the taxi.

The woman hurriedly followed in the car.

When he arrived at Jiang Cheng's house, Jiang Cheng said to the woman: "You clean up, that room is yours, you can clean up and go take a bath, I will go down and buy you a set of clothes now."

The woman stood there holding her child and dared not move.

Jiang Cheng felt helpless. Suddenly he had an idea, "I don’t know anyone here. Normally I am not the kind of person who can clean the house. I am looking for a nanny. Or you can clean the house for me. I will cover board and lodging, and I will give you a dry dollar every month, and the child’s schooling problem is also covered by me, how about it?

The woman was stunned when she heard that, she couldn't believe what Jiang Cheng said was true. It wasn't until her child felt a little uncomfortable and pulled her sleeves that she realized.

This... are you serious? Boss Jiang. "The woman asked incredulously.

"What good is it for me to lie to you! Hurry up and pack up." Jiang Cheng walked out after speaking, and he went to buy clothes for the mother and daughter.

When Jiang Cheng came back, the woman had already started doing housework, and the living room had been cleaned up. As far as she is concerned, this job is not available in her dreams, so she must take it seriously and not be sloppy.

Jiang Cheng really didn't have any temper in his heart.

"I said it's all so late. Let's start making it tomorrow. Hurry up and let the children come and eat something. There is nothing left to buy, so I just bought some casually." Jiang Cheng said as he put the things in his hands on the table. The little girl looked at the biscuits and instant noodles in the bag and swallowed unconsciously, but instead of reaching for it, she looked at her mother. The woman quickly dealt with the work on her hand, then walked over and sat next to her daughter, she did not dare to take it.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Jiang Cheng also pulled a chair and sat next to them, took out a bag or two of biscuits, opened them and placed them in front of them. Hurry up, right, eldest sister, how do you call it? The woman said, "My name is Han Qiujing.

At this time, the little girl was stuffing a cookie in her mouth, and said vaguely, uncle, my name is Han Keer.

Seeing that the little girl is so cute, Jiang Cheng reached out and touched her hair: "You can eat by yourself. Go and rest early after eating.

Jiang Cheng returned to his room after speaking. Seeing Jiang Cheng finally left, Han Qiujing finally picked up a cookie and put it in his mouth.

Mom, these cookies are so delicious!" said Kerr.

Han Qiujing's eyes were red instantly, and he picked up a sausage and ate slowly. It didn't take long for Han Ke'er to eat and burp, "Mom, I'm full, I want to sleep."

Han Qiujing hurriedly stuffed the food in his mouth, hugged Han Keer into the room, and put Han Keer on the bed. Han Qiujing looked at Han Kerr, who was gradually familiar with lying on the bed, and did not hold back for a while, tears flowed down. She knew in her heart that Jiang Cheng's kindness would not be repaid anyway.

The next morning, Jiang Cheng got up and walked out of the room. He saw the delicious breakfast on the dinner table. His appetite instantly came. Although it was not a delicacy, Jiang Cheng wanted to eat it.

"So early!"

Han Qiujing served Jiang Cheng a bowl of porridge, handed a pair of chopsticks, and then looked at Jiang Cheng nervously, for fear that the food would not suit Jiang Cheng's taste.

Jiang Cheng picked up a piece of green vegetables and put it in his mouth: "Well, it tastes good, you guys hurry up and eat it together."

No, Mr. Jiang, we will wait until you finish eating. "

Jiang Cheng was displeased when he heard it, how could such old society rules exist in his home.

Sister, we will all live together in the future, and we can be regarded as a family. You can let go of it, don't be so stuck, this is your home. "Speaking, but also deliberately made a face.

When Han Qiujing heard Jiang Cheng say this, he had to go and serve two bowls of rice, and sat down at the table with Han Keer.

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