Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1390: Turned upside down

A video was posted above, and the county’s opinions were attached.

This video is exactly the video of that group of gangsters and the Siege Department, but it is indeed the edited video. The Jiang Cheng playing in the video is all a hero, an example of courageous resistance in the face of the forces! The opinion of the county is Jiang Cheng Promote as a model of ink painting.

When this order comes, what kind of meeting will be held? Jiang Cheng has given a clear definition to the county, that is, the hero, the county has said so, can they still sing the opposite?

After Chen Bai learned of the news, he quickly called Chen Wenguang to ask him about the progress of the investigation. When he learned that Jiang Cheng had been taken away, and the head of Tian Zhai asked for a press conference, he was almost ashamed! Tian Gaoluo, it would really trouble Laozi! He had to call Director Zhang in a hurry, told him to interrupt the press conference, and called Ji Wei, and then began to rush back non-stop.

Ji Wei was also shocked after receiving the call from Zhai Chief. Jiang Cheng has no problem and does not need to be investigated and let him go quickly? This is the opinion of the county? Although Li Shuji has very doubts in his mind, the chief’s order must be followed first. He hurriedly came to the house to take Jiang Cheng. Please come out.

Boss Jiang, haha, Boss Jiang has suffered a lot!" Li Shuji saw Jiang Cheng coming out of the cabin and hurriedly greeted him.

Seeing Li Shuji's behavior, Jiang Cheng knew that it was probably the county's effort. It seemed that there should be nothing wrong with him.

Li Shuji laughed, how could something happen? I'm still very happy that you invited me to be a guest. Next time I have time, I will come to my department to sit down!" Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

Li Shuji was in his heart for a while, who wanted to sit in your wells office! I can't figure out what room you will lock me up! Although he thought so in his heart, the superficial work still needs to be done.

Haha, definitely! I'll send someone to see you off!" said Li Shuji. No need, I just took a taxi home and wrote more treats. I remember this love!" Jiang Cheng smiled and walked out. Zhai Jiwei.

But Li Shuji was a little worried. Normally speaking, as Zhai Jiwei, even if he had misunderstood Jiang Cheng, he didn’t need to be so polite. However, after hearing what Chen Bai said on the phone just now, Jiang Cheng’s affairs were settled by the county. It's different! A little boss of the Zhaijing Department, his affairs can get the county's attention!

This is an unusual signal! This Jiang Cheng's background is definitely not simple, at least it is also from the county, which is very intriguing. It is an unusual thing that a person with such an uncomplicated identity and background was sent to a place like Guizhai to be the boss. Combined with the bizarre death of the previous bosses, Li Shuji became more surprised as he thought about it, and hurried to Tian Gaoluo. Made a call.

Tian Gaoluo's heart was also shocked after receiving the call. He also seemed to smell a hint of different guidance, and quickly dialed that person again.

On Jiang Cheng's side, he received a document from Zhang Mengmeng when he first arrived at the door. When Jiang Cheng opened the door, he saw the delicious and delicious food on the table, which really opened up Jiang Cheng's appetite.

Mr. Jiang, you are back, you can already eat. "Han Qiujing doesn't know how much Jiang Cheng has gone through in the past few days. Even if she knows, she can't do much. Jiang Cheng has come back to eat on time these days.

Such a stable and peaceful life made Han Qiujing feel at ease, and she really hoped that she could live like this forever.

Thanks for your hard work, Qiujing. It's so fragrant, go and ask Kerr to come for dinner. "I don't know when Jiang Cheng didn't call Sister Han Qiujing bad, because he discovered that Han Qiujing was really not a few years older than him, and he was so beautiful, so he covered her age, so he was called Qiujing. , Han Qiujing has no opinion on this either.

After a good meal, Jiang Cheng returned to his room, and he still had to read the information Zhang Lingling sent him.

After a while, Jiang Cheng heard the sound of smashing things in his room, and he heard a shout: "This beast!

This voice shocked Han Qiujing in the living room. She had never heard Jiang Cheng's gaffeful voice before. She was worried about what happened to Jiang Cheng, and hurriedly knocked on Jiang Cheng's door.

"Mr. Jiang, are you okay, what's the matter?" Han Qiujing asked. "Ah, I'm fine, I just saw a scumbag." Jiang Cheng said. It is indeed a scum. Tian Gaoluo has been in Guizhai for all these years, and he has done nothing wrong and lost his conscience!

Tian Gaoluo didn't know how many things he had done, directly and indirectly, one by one, one by one, it was simply anger and grievance! If such a person does not bring him to justice, how can he still have the face to live in this world!

Jiang Cheng directly sent the information to Li Shengli. He knew that there should be nothing for himself next.

The next day, Guizhai Renchang had a big earthquake!

Jun Jiwei came directly and arrested a group of people headed by Changtian Gaoluo and others in a Guizhai village with the momentum of thunder. From the village, the county sent a special operation team to directly attack the forces in Guizhai. Fight! The entire Guizhai is in a mess. Most of the people in the village are panicking, and those who have been in contact with Gaoluo Hotan are worried that they will be called for.

The entire Guizhai Mansion was paralyzed, and at this time, Xu Feng, who had been suppressed before, stood up! Cooperating with the village chief Chen Baihe’s action team to ensure normal operation, and here is Jiang Cheng’s order and Under Wang Li's band, he wiped out the dens of various forces in just one day, and Guizhai was an earth-shaking change. On the third day, the human field also suffered an earthquake. With this line of Tian Gaoluo, he dug to the three high-level buildings in the mansion.

The initiator of all this, Jiang Cheng, was already on the plane back to Wufu. Sitting by the team members who came together this time.

Jiang Cheng and the others did not expect that the task this time would not be that difficult. On the contrary, it was unexpectedly simple. It was unexpected that the task was solved within a month.

Haha, we didn’t have to do anything for this mission. It felt like we were back from a trip!” Dashan said with a smile. “Yeah, what’s this? I haven’t played any role yet. The captain has solved it, what did we call us to do at the beginning, really!" Counting Sheep said uncomfortably.

Haha, just relax, but I don't know why, I always have a very bad premonition..." Jiang Cheng frowned at this time and didn't know what he was thinking.

Captain, don't scare me, we are in the sky right now! "As soon as the voice of counting sheep fell, the plane suddenly went violently, even if a few of them were supernaturalists, they couldn't help jumping forward.

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