Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1391: crisis!

Passengers, please fasten your seat belts. The aircraft is passing through an airflow layer, and the fuselage will be impacted and unstable. For your safety, please fasten your seat belts. "The captain's voice came from the radio.

It turned out to be the airflow layer, which scared me to death! The captain is really a crow's mouth. "Zhang Mengmeng rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction.

How do I feel that it is not as simple as the airflow layer..." Jiang Cheng said.

Hurry up and shut you up!" said quietly.

Maybe Jiang Cheng is really born with a crow mouth physique, his words have been fulfilled again.

At this time, the plane was passing through the dark clouds. The dark clouds that were originally calm were suddenly covered by thunder and lightning when Jiang Cheng's voice just fell. Then, a bolt of lightning struck one wing of the plane, causing the fuselage to tilt. All the passengers on the plane dumped to one side, and the sound of the luggage falling and melting continued to ring.

Captain, will we die? You are such a crow mouth!" "I don't think so. "Jiang Cheng said, don't know why, he always thinks this lightning is a bit strange.

Boom! "A huge lightning opened a huge hole in the horizon, and the entire plane lit up. All the passengers closed their eyes. It was too bright. It almost brightened their eyes and blinded them! This light came fast! It went quickly, and soon, the cabin returned to normal, but no one noticed. At this time, there were five people missing on the plane.

The park was in Huajia District in 2000. This is an open city near the sea in the county. Q House, Q House has been a trading port since ancient times. The economy is developed, foreign trade is very frequent, and the population flow is huge. Because it is the Linhai City Mansion in the south, the environment of Q Mansion is very good. It is different from the beautiful north, where the trees are shaded and the birds and flowers are fragrant, just like a city park.

And in an unattended corner of the Q house, five people suddenly appeared. There are three men and two women. There is nothing surprising about the man, except that one man is very big, and the two women are very bright, and they are very bold in wearing such short jeans. This can be done in this year. It is very open!

Fortunately, there are no people in Zhou District, otherwise this will definitely cause a lot of riots!

The five people gradually woke up. At this time, the five people were very at a loss. Where is this, where I am, and why am I here. The five people looked at each other, all with a dumbfounded look.

At this time, Jiang Cheng slapped his head. Didn't he wear a bracelet? This can be automatically connected to the Internet. Jiang Cheng operated the bracelet to take a look!

I rely on!" With a scream, everyone's hearts almost screamed out!

Captain Crow's Mouth! What's wrong!" Zhang Mengmeng said with great dissatisfaction that he thought all this should be blamed on Jiang Cheng's Crow's Mouth! Jiang Cheng didn't care about the name, because at this time he was also a little uncomfortable. Crossed!!!

"It is two thousand years in the park now! We have passed through!" Jiang Cheng said. Crossed. . Oh. . I crossed, I thought what happened to us. Crossed!!" Dashan didn't react at first, and when he did, he was already stunned!

Why did we cross it! "Everyone is a supernatural being, so the ability to bear it in my heart is quite strong, and at this time I can barely accept this fact.

Could it be that lightning?" Jiang Cheng said. On the plane, Jiang Cheng closed his eyes when the lightning came on, and then Jiang Cheng felt the sky spin for a while, the feeling is the same as when he was in the ink cave. It feels the same. When he opened his eyes, he was here.

I felt dizzy for a while, and that was it. "Said Tranquility.

"Me too. Me too"

It seems that we have really passed through. Mengmeng will try to connect with the original place. "Jiang Cheng said to Zhang Mengmeng.

Zhang Mengmeng operated on his wristband for a while. After a while, he shook his head and said: "No, the network here is too backward! There is no way to compare with ours, which was two hundred years ago." Zhang Mengmeng said.

"Then what do we do now, can't go back?" Tranquility asked Shuang. I guess this is the case. Let's find a place to stay first and then think of a way. "Jiang Cheng said. Although he is used to crossing, it doesn't matter, but Qing'er is still there and I don't know how she is now.

But when it comes to finding a place to stay, Jiang Cheng and the others have trouble again. They all come from the future era. They don't have the currency of this era. Secondly, they don't have the ID card of this era. They can't live in hotels, and they don't have money to find small hotels. What should I do now?

Everyone is a capable person from the special operations department of the security team, and never expected that Jingran would have a penny to stump the hero. This is really uncomfortable.

When everyone was at a loss, Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up. If you don’t have an ID card, you should apply for one.

Re-apply, captain, are you stupid? We are the existence of Mobe in this era! Where are you going to re-apply!" Dashan asked, even he thought of this easily.

Hehe, identity is something, can we just add it to the well-department network?" Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

It's really troublesome, why did we come here so well? . "Silent is very unhappy, traveling to the past, there is nothing interesting for her.

After a while on the bracelet, Jiang Cheng entered the identity information of himself and others into the internal network of the Department of Immigration.

Okay, let's go to the police station to reissue the ID card. But what if we don't have money in our pockets now. "I'm hungry! I want to eat!" Zhang Mengmeng, the foodie, came up again.

Hmph, those of us who have crossed over from the future era will not be able to make money? There is nothing else in this era, but there are so many opportunities to make money! I just checked, in the Huajia in 2000, there is an outbreak called Gannian insect ( This is the dry year bug of this parallel world, something that has nothing to do with reality." Jiang Cheng showed a faint smile on his face.

Thousand-year bugs? Big monsters? Fighting monsters to make money?" Hearing this name, Zhang Mengmeng suddenly thought of that kind of coelenterate.

Jiang Cheng showed a look of disgust on his face, "Are you still engaged in technology, you don't know about this? The computer year 2000 problem is also called the "millennium bug", "computer worm problem" or "millennium crisis". "". Abbreviated as "Y2K". It means that in some intelligent systems that use computer programs (including computer systems, automatic control chips, etc.), because the year is only represented by two decimal digits, when the system is carried out (or involves) the date of the century When processing calculations (such as calculations or comparisons between multiple dates, etc.), erroneous results will appear, which will cause various system functions to be chaotic or even collapsed.

Therefore, fundamentally speaking, Gannian bug is a kind of bug (computer program fault) on the program processing date. However, the understanding of computers in this era is not deep enough, and the computer input is very scarce, so this problem is regarded as a problem with ink. It was not repaired until the next year due to system updates.

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