Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1392: Eye-opener!

Captain, you mean...? Let's go to the doorman to repair the computer? Dashan asked.

The meaning is the same, but one by one is really exhausting. We must use the easiest way to solve this problem.

"What do you mean?

"Do you know Fujisun Company?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Of course I know, a giant company in the technology industry, I remember it was acquired by the captain, right?" Tranquility replied, and she is also a little concerned about this aspect.

"Fujixun has just been established this year, and it is still a small company. This is our opportunity." Jiang Cheng showed a mysterious smile on his face.

Jiang Cheng took everyone to an office building based on the address of Fuji Xun's company found on the bracelet. Everyone looked at the dilapidated office building in front of them, and it was really hard to imagine that the overlord of the future generations of science and technology was in such a dilapidated office building in the early stage. Everyone doubted that if a car had driven off and hit the wall of this office building , I'm afraid this building can be hit.

According to the address, everyone went to the third floor. At present, Fujitsu's headquarters is on this third floor. I am afraid that there are not ten employees in total, and the third floor is probably not as big as some larger company meeting rooms.

Hello, who are you looking for? "A very young-looking woman at the front desk of the company is now there, she should look like she has just graduated.

We are looking for you Ma. "Jiang Cheng said.

The front desk looked at these weird five people in front of them, and always felt that they did not look like any good people, especially the man who spoke. If Jiang Cheng were to know the thoughts of the front desk in front of him, I am afraid he would be violent.

Do you have an appointment? The front desk still try to be polite. "In this age, I will make an appointment to see him? Is the shelf so big?" Jiang Cheng was a little unhappy, but he came to send money, and he needs to make an appointment.

"What is the age?" The front desk did not understand Jiang Cheng. It's nothing. . Could you please let me report, we have business to talk to President Ma.

"Talking about business, you said it earlier, go in, Mr. Ma is inside. The sudden change of attitude at the front desk caught Jiang Cheng and others off guard. When you talk about business, you are like this? How poor are you? Jiang Cheng, etc. People stopped struggling with the front desk and stepped in. The inside is not big, there are only three or four offices. Naturally, Mr. Ma, the CEO of Fuji Xun, is in the office of the chairman.

Jiang Cheng asked a few people to wait for him outside, and went forward and knocked on the enemy's door. Please come in! "There was a very young but slightly tired voice.

When Jiang Cheng heard this sound, he opened the door and walked in. The office is very small, with a desk, office chair, and a single sofa, almost filling the entire office. There are also various office wastes on the floor of the office. How does this look like the chairman's office? It's like a homeboy's den.

Really don’t say, Lao Ma is an out-and-out otaku. As an entrepreneurial IT man, Lao Ma’s eyes are full of lines of code and bugs. Where is there any hygiene or unsanitary? clean,

Neat and untidy (of the king's money). At this time, the old horse is very tired. This millennium bug is really weird. Lao Ma has exhausted all the methods he knows and there is no way to solve this problem. He has been with this millennium bug liver for almost a month, but he still has no idea to solve it. .

As if he heard someone coming in, Ma finally removed his eyes from the computer screen. Seeing Jiang Cheng, a stranger walking in, a puzzled look appeared on his face.

Jiang Cheng finally met the real old Ma. Lao Ma created a myth in the science and technology world, but Jiang Cheng has never had the opportunity to see Lao Ma with his own eyes. Today, he finally met a real person.

Lao Ma seems to be only about 30 years old. He is in the middle of his life and wears silk-framed glasses. He looks very weak. He doesn't want to be an it man, but a Chinese teacher.

Hello, Mr. Ma, I am Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng took the initiative to stretch out his hand to Lao Ma, and when he saw this, he stretched out his hand and shook his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I don't know if I came today..." Lao Ma's eyes were full of doubts. He must have never seen this person before. He might have come to ask for money!

Haha, I'll just say it, I'm here to discuss business with Mr. Ma. "Jiang Cheng looked at Lao Ma with a very confident eye, and immediately made Lao Ma feel that Jiang Cheng was not here to entertain him.

When talking about business, what kind of business is it, Mr. Jiang? "Lao Ma is a little curious. Jiang Cheng doesn’t look like an executive of any company. Is it insurance? Nor is it like, insurance should be Is it better than what he wears.

It may be due to the turbulence of time and space. At this time, Jiang Cheng's clothes looked crumpled, as if they hadn't been changed for a long time, so before the reception desk gave the girl a sense of wretchedness.

President Ma should be playing very happily with Gannianchong recently. "A slight smile appeared on Jiang Cheng's face.

Yes. "Lao Ma is not that weird. It's not an exaggeration to say that nine out of ten engineers are now trying to solve this problem. Once they succeed, they will definitely survive!

Should I say that I can solve this dry year bug?" Jiang Cheng still said in a very flat tone.

If you can solve it..." The old horse didn't react much after hearing Jiang Cheng's words, so he opened his mouth and said, but he finally reacted halfway through.

What!!" Lao Ma showed a look of astonishment on his face. "You said you can solve the millennium bug? Are you kidding me? "Lao Ma doesn't believe it. This is a problem that the region cannot solve. This person who seems to be about his age can really solve this problem?

Haha, I know this is a bit unbelievable, but I do, hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing, I don’t know if I can use Mr. Ma’s computer? "Jiang Cheng wants to use the facts to completely gain the trust of Ma

Yes, you can, just use this one. "Lao Ma pointed to the computer on his desk. Anyway, this computer has been damaged by the millennium bug. It doesn't have any important information. It doesn't hurt to use it for Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng sat in the position of Lao Ma, glanced at the interface, and roughly recalled the operation method of this old system. Then, his hands cracked open on the computer.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's typing speed, Lao Ma had already believed in Jiang Cheng's words by 50%. Is this human hand speed? This is too fast! I can type up to 10 lines of code per minute, and Jiang Cheng can type at least 30 or 40 lines per minute and watch all kinds of codes that he can't understand appear line by line. On the computer, Ma was already a little dazzled. With Jiang Cheng finally hitting the carriage return, the computer restarted, and after that, he entered the system normally!

This. . Is this fixed?" Watching his computer become normal, the old horse is still a little unbelievable. The problem that has bothered him and resisted the whole world for so long has been so lightly solved by Jiang Cheng? What is Jiang Cheng's background? what!

How about it, don't you believe me now?" Jiang Cheng asked the old horse who was operating his computer to check the computer.

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