Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1393: Tribulation

Believe it, believe it! Mr. Jiang, you are really amazing!" The old horse has not recovered from the shock yet.

Then let's talk about cooperation. "Jiang Cheng said. Hearing what Jiang Cheng said, Lao Ma finally recovered. Lao Ma loves coding, but he is not stupid. He knows exactly what it means to solve this problem.

Due to the ravages of dry-year insects, I don’t know how many computers fail to operate normally, how many districts’ residence departments and social enterprises fail to operate normally, once it is announced that my company can solve this problem, then my company’s spring is definitely here!

How does Mr. Jiang hope to cooperate?" Lao Ma was very excited at this time.

Very simple, I can provide you with this program, I only need 20% of your company's shares. "Jiang Cheng stretched out two fingers, representing 20%.

"Twenty percent!" Ma’s enthusiasm has cooled a bit. Twenty percent of the shares are not much money in terms of the value of the current company, but if you have this program, The future value of my company is definitely not the same as it is now. So Ma hesitated in his heart.

Seeing Lao Ma hesitate, Jiang Cheng went on to say, "Mr. Ma should know what this program can bring. If Mr. Ma really has no intention of cooperation, then I have to find another company.

Although Jiang Cheng said that, he was sure in his heart that Lao Ma would not let this opportunity pass.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a while, Lao Ma nodded with difficulty. Okay, I agree to your terms. When will the contract be signed? It can be done now.

OK, I'm going to let the doorman prepare the contract now. After half an hour, all the procedures were completed.

Mr. Jiang, you are now the second largest shareholder of our company. Should there be any technology that should contribute to the company?" Lao Ma said to Jiang Cheng.

"Haha, let's talk about it later, and then I will recommend someone to you to ensure that the company's technical prowess will be improved. But before that, I have one very important thing," Jiang Cheng said to the old horse.

"The important thing? What is it?" Old Ma was startled, and he had missed something important.

What, lend me some money. . I have no money to eat. "Ruo is Jiang Cheng's cheeky, and he is also a little embarrassed at this time.

Lao Ma almost squirted out old blood. He almost doubted if he had been fooled. He actually gave 20% of his company's shares to someone who borrowed money from him to eat. If someone told him before today If I would do it myself, I would definitely think that person was a fool.

Haha, Mr. Jiang said and laughed. Let’s have dinner. In the evening, I will invite him to the Exhibition Hotel. We will see you or leave!” Old Ma said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, then I'm not welcome. By the way, I still have a few friends to go together at that time." Jiang Cheng laughed.

When something happened, Jiang Cheng found the four impatient people who were waiting, and left the Fuji Xun company first. They still have important things to do to reissue their ID cards.

It's hard to move without an ID card. In this Huajia District, you need an ID card wherever you go.

In the afternoon, everyone went to different yamen to do ID card reissues. If they went together, they would definitely arouse the suspicion of yamen and minjing.

After everyone's ID cards were reissued, the time was almost up. Jiang Cheng took everyone to the Exhibition Hotel.

The Exhibition Hotel is not a very top-notch hotel, but it is still pretty good. After all, the old Ma at this time is not very rich.

Everyone sat down and waited after ordering.

"Lao Ma, let me introduce you to them. These are my friends, Tranquility, Zhang Mengmeng, Dashan, Counting Sheep." Jiang Cheng introduced four people to Lao Ma, and Lao Ma greeted them one by one. .

Mr. Jiang, did you introduce someone to me during the day? "Lao Ma asked Cheng Jiang, he was still interested in things related to the development of his company.

Ah, this is this one, Zhang Mengmeng. "Jiang Cheng pointed to Zhang Mengmeng. Jiang Cheng had already agreed with Zhang Mengmeng during the day and asked her to be the technical director of Fuji Xun Company. Anyway, when she just came to this place where she was not familiar with her life, Zhang Mengmeng had nothing to do. agreed.

Lao Ma looked at Zhang Mengmeng, who looked less than twenty years old, and couldn't help but doubt her strength. Zhang Mengmeng didn't care, because Bi Jing was used to the contempt she suffered because of her age.

Don't underestimate Mengmeng, she is amazing. It's not an exaggeration to say that she alone can top the technicians of your ten companies. Jiang Cheng said. Zhang Mengmeng didn't feel particularly embarrassed after hearing it, because Jiang Cheng was really telling the truth.

Is it really that strong? "Lao Ma is still a little unbelievable. "You will know in the future, Bi Jing is my company, I will not cheat myself. "Jiang Cheng said.

After hearing this, Ma felt that Jiang Cheng's words also made sense. Just then, the dishes came up.

Everyone eats, everyone eats, it’s not enough to order again! "The old horse greeted everyone to start eating. Everyone is not polite. After a day, they have long wanted to eat, so they all let go of eating, which is totally unbelievable. Image.

In the dumbfounded eyes of the old horse, everyone ended the meal. Lao Ma looked at the thousands of clean dishes on the table and really didn't know what to say.

Um... everybody, do you want to order more? "Lao Ma still feels a little regretful at this time. I knew it was so good, so I would just go straight to the roadside chain! It's cheap and big! Where is it like this? Months are all in vain, but fortunately, starting tomorrow, my company will be completely different.

No need to eat too much at night. "Jiang Cheng said in full, everyone nodded in agreement.

The ink line on the end of the old horse at this time, you really don't eat much, just the appetite of normal people for a few days.

I have opened a room for you, so you can rest here tonight. Mr. Jiang will come to our company tomorrow morning and let us discuss the specific plan? "After the old Ma distributed the five room cards to everyone, he turned to ask To Jiang Cheng.

"Okay, tomorrow I will go with Mengmeng.

Okay, then you guys have a good rest, I'll go now "The old horse finished speaking and left the private room.

Seeing that the old horse had left, Jiang Cheng could say something. What are your plans next? Me and Mengmeng should stay at Fuji Xun Company. It is estimated that we can buy a house soon. Do you have any plans to go there? "Jiang Chengjian told everyone. It's not a way to go on like this. After all, life is still to be lived. Now that it is here, it is good to feel the life of two hundred years ago.

I want to join the team!" Dashan said first. "I think the life outside is quite boring, so it's better to go to the team of this era to see. With my ability, the promotion will definitely be fast.

Jiang Cheng nodded. Da Shan was right. With Da Shan's strength, in this era of more personal strength, he is definitely the most suitable for him.

"But one thing is that the matter of the power must be kept secret. I guess there are very few or no power users in this era. If it is discovered by others, it may cause huge trouble.”

Everyone had to nod their heads, and they knew the seriousness of the matter. What about you? Jiang Cheng looked at tranquility and counting sheep.

I just discussed with Counting Sheep, we want to open a bar. "Said Tranquility. With its tranquil charm, there is no need to worry about the traffic of the bar. But opening a bar requires a lot of money, which is a problem.

Jiang Cheng thought of this question all of a sudden, "I think it's okay to come to the bar, but it should not be able to open it at the moment. The management of the venue and the relationship between the venue and various aspects, then wait for me to come back tomorrow Let's look at the specific situation later.

Tranquility nodded, agreeing with Jiang Cheng's words.

OK, then we all go back and rest. I must be tired today, starting tomorrow, get ready to welcome our new life!

The next day, it was already eight o'clock in the morning, and the long-awaited sun had also raised its head in the morning mist, and the gentle sunlight fell through the dense leaves into a little bit of light. As the sun shines, it gradually brightens. In this quiet morning, it gives people a sense of vitality.

The bright sunshine, carrying the vigor of the city mansion's morning, came in from the window of the hotel, spreading in the air like a jasper glow. On this quiet and cold day, there was a burst of warm spring. Jiang Cheng's breath seemed to feel the call of the beautiful sunshine outside the window, or the biological clock in his body was at work. Jiang Cheng gradually broke free from his subconscious world, opened his eyes, and quietly felt the moment after waking up in the morning. The bed is wonderful.

Jiang Cheng checked the time. It was past eight o'clock, so he got up and took a brief wash before knocking on Zhang Mengmeng's room door.

Mengmeng! Get up, the sun is basking! "Jiang Cheng kept knocking on Zhang Mengmeng's door, but fortunately, no one else lived nearby, otherwise Jiang Cheng would definitely be beaten by the people next door.

Mad! What was the noise in the morning! "Finally, Zhang Mengmeng opened the door, and suddenly Jiang Cheng's eyes were straight.

As he did not have his own pajamas, Zhang Mengmeng wore the pajamas provided by the hotel, but the pajamas of the hotel really did not match the size of Zhang Mengmeng. Most of Zhang Mengmeng’s attractive parts were exposed.

This made Jiang Cheng, who was already very angry in the morning, a little unbearable.

Zhang Mengmeng didn't seem to feel Jiang Cheng's gaze yet, and stretched out lazily, revealing his graceful figure to the fullest. At this time, Jiang Cheng was no longer able to do it, and he only felt that an evil fire in his lower abdomen rushed up and quickly turned around.

I will wait for you below. "Jiang Cheng fled.

It's still unclear about the cuteness, so he glanced at Jiang Cheng's back inexplicably, turned around and washed.

An hour later, the two came to Fuji Xun Company.

Lao Ma has been waiting for the two of Jiang Cheng for a long time. Since last night, he has been a little impatient to release this program. This is a well-known weapon of Fuji Xun! The old man who devoted all his efforts to Fuji Xun the most Ma, naturally, I can't wait to see the day when Fuji Xun takes off. And Jiang Cheng is the key to his company's success.

Mr. Jiang, you are here. "Lao Ma greeted him, "Miss Zhang, hello Mr. Jiang, today we held a high-level meeting, and now we are waiting for you. ""Lao Ma said to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng followed Lao Ma into a room called a conference room. There are already three people waiting there. This is now all the senior executives of Fuji Xun, and Fuji Xun is still too small to develop overnight.

let me introduce. "When everyone is seated, Lao Ma said. "This is Mr. Jiang Chengjiang, the second largest shareholder of our company. This is Miss Zhang Mengmeng.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang." The three people greeted Jiang Cheng one after another. As for Chang Mengmeng, they chose to ignore them. In their opinion, Zhang Mengmeng should be a kind of doorman.

How can Jiang Cheng not know what they are thinking, this is not okay, if this eldest lady is angry, the loss is all money!

"This Miss Zhang Mengmeng will be the newly appointed technical director. In the future, all technical problems of our company's products will be checked by Miss Zhang Mengmeng." Jiang Cheng said, this sentence shocked several people except the old horse. This very young girl is coming to serve as the technical director? Isn't this a joke? Even if you are a second shareholder, you can't play like this!

Jiang Cheng knew in his heart that these people would definitely not believe in Zhang Mengmeng's abilities, but Jiang Cheng was too lazy to explain, because soon they would be able to see Zhang Mengmeng's strength.

Let's discuss the issue of killing the millennium bug first. You are here today for this. "Lao Ma looked at the other three people. Those three were originally curious about why they suddenly had a meeting with them today. Now I heard Lao Ma say that it is related to the dry year bug issue that is currently the most concerned. It seems that there is a special kill? They quickly looked at the old horse, and suddenly forgot about Zhang Ling's affairs.

What do you say, Lao Ma? The millennium bug special kills? The special kills? Which company is so awesome, and it should be developed now. That company is clear, and this special kill is enough for ordinary companies to count money. The count is soft!" the other person echoed

Cough. "Lao Ma coughed slightly, which prevented them from envying other companies. ""It's Fujitsu Company." Jiang Cheng inserted in a timely manner. Oh, Teng Xun Company, I have been optimistic about them! What? Teng Xun company? Which Fuji Xun company?" The vice president of the company, Mr. Xiao, stood up. The other two were also looking at them happily. Old horse.

"Lao Ma, tell me, is it our company?" Lao Xiao couldn't contain his inner impulse, and grabbed Lao Ma's shoulder with both hands and shook it vigorously.

"Come on, don't shake it! I'm going to fall apart! Of course it is our company! Which Fujitsu company is there besides us!" said the old horse with a grin.

Hahaha! We are going to get ahead! We are going to make a fortune!" Lao Xiao could not contain his inner ecstasy and shouted loudly.

"Come on, you want to call everyone on other floors! Shut up, we are here to discuss how to maximize the benefits of this special kill. "Lao Ma is very excited about Lao Xiao Understandably, the four of them have been classmates since college, and they started this company together after graduation because of like-minded people. Along the way, they have gone through so many hardships and ups and downs before they managed to manage the small and scaled Fuji Xun company. Nowadays, a big pie has fallen on the old horses, so that they can achieve their young ideals. Isn’t this exciting?

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