Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1394: Be low-key!

But at present, Fuji Xun is still a small company with more than ten people. It is useless to be too excited. The matter is still to be discussed.

I think we can cooperate with major anti-virus software and provide special anti-virus tools for a fee. Or directly sell special kills to the areas where companies are located. Lao Xiao put forward a suggestion, which is also a very good plan.

Lao Ma nodded in agreement, and another person, Lao Shen, also expressed no opinion. However, neither Jiang Cheng nor the rest of them expressed their opinions. Needless to say, Zhang Mengmeng is absolutely ignorant of these things.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, but looked at the other person. After Jiang Cheng came in, the man had not said a word except to say hello to Jiang Cheng. Except for Lao Ma who smiled happily for a while when he announced the good news, he was expressionless at other times.

He looks very young, and he also wears glasses, and he looks wise. He is one of the founders of Fuji Xun and the current general manager of Tencent, Zhang.

Lao Zhang had a dream of science and technology when he was young, but for various reasons, he chose liberal arts in high school, and since then he has no green light with computers. But he is still full of interest in this aspect, so he mingled with Lao Ma Lao Xiao and others all day in college. After graduation, I also participated in the founding of the company together, and have always acted as a team leader in the company.

At this time, Lao Zhang was lowering his head and thinking about something quietly, feeling Zhou An'an calm down, raising his head and looking at it, just in time with Jiang Cheng's eyes. Jiang Cheng only felt that this person's eyes gave people a very clever feeling.

Old Zhang saw that no one was speaking, and Jiang Cheng didn't mean to speak, so he spoke.

"I think we should release this special kill for free." After Lao Zhang finished speaking, except Jiang Cheng, the others looked at Lao Zhang with mentally retarded eyes, even Zhang Mengmeng.

Old Xiao couldn't hold back the first one. "I said Lao Zhang, are you kidding? Free delivery? Would you like to send more small software? Haha!

Lao Ma and Lao Shen didn't understand either.

Lao Zhang, you should be able to see the value of this special kill. Is it too bad to give it away for free? It's okay to sell it for less than 100 million!

One hundred million in this era is not one hundred million in the era of inflation. In this era, one million is a very rich man, one hundred million! That is simply a super rich! Such a large amount of money is free. Send it, is it a lack of heart or a lack of heart!

Only Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "I agree with Lao Zhang's suggestion, and I also think free delivery is the best method at present.

Mr. Jiang, why even you are starting to talk nonsense! "The old horse doesn't understand, Jiang Cheng doesn't seem to be joking.

Only Lao Zhang took a surprised look at Jiang Cheng's, and couldn't help but think of Jiang Cheng even higher in his heart.

That one. . Let me explain. "Lao Zhang glanced at the people. When they heard what Lao Zhang said, they all calmed down and prepared to listen to Lao Zhang's thoughts. In fact, they all trust Lao Zhang very much, because since the company was founded, everything except technology has been done. Lao Zhang handled everything from the management of the company to the negotiation with other companies. It can be said that half of the credit for this company's survival is Lao Zhang alone. of.

It's just that the suggestion made by Lao Zhang is far from what they expected, so they will react like that. Now that Lao Zhang wants to explain, of course he will listen very carefully.

The reason why I said to be free is actually a serious consideration. "Lao Zhang said lightly. "According to our current situation, although it is not a well-known company, it is hard to starve. Of course, I know the benefits that this special killing can bring. That is definitely a number that we can hardly refuse. But, do you remember our original dream?"

When Lao Zhang said this, he looked at the three of them. Of course remember! We are going to be the world's top network technology company"!" Old Xiao called out first. Jiang Cheng on the side couldn't help feeling a little bit. Who could have imagined that it was the unrealistic dream of these few young people who were not very eye-catching at the school, and it would really become a reality one day!

The camera zooms back to Lao Zhang.

Yes, we want to become the world's top network technology company. With this special kill, we can certainly make profits in a short period of time that we could not even think of before, but after this special kill? You must know that after this special kill is sold, we can only make money this time. It’s impossible for every disease to be as widespread as Fan Tian, ​​so what kind of money can we make by then? And with this money, we can become world-class! We will still be as ordinary as we are now, Guarding a small company to spend this life. Is this the life we ​​want!

After Lao Zhang said, he was a little excited, but after listening to Lao Zhang's words, Lao Ma and others were silent. Even the most active Lao Xiao did not know what to say at this time, because Lao Zhang said It's really reasonable.

After a long silence, Lao Ma raised his head: "Lao Zhang, you continue to say. Lao Ma, do you still remember the ink-killing software you built a few months ago?" The old man suddenly asked Lao Ma.

"Remember, but there are several places that have not been able to be breached, and they have been put on hold for a long time." said the old horse. That software was a masterpiece of his whim, but he had to give up because he encountered a technical wall that was difficult to break.

"That's the software, don't you think that if our company wants to have a place in the network technology industry, how can it be done without a main software! There are some things I wanted to say very early, just taking advantage of this opportunity today I will be together said.

After talking about this, Lao Zhang helped his glasses that had slipped off because of his excitement. Then he continued.

"Our company has always been taking some small orders to make some small software. This is really not promising, but our strength lies here, and I have nothing to do. Today I know that our company can develop A special killing against the sick ink that the whole world is helpless, that means it's time for a change.

"Uh, interrupt, that special kill was made by Mr. Jiang, not our company..." Lao Ma had to interrupt Lao Zhang's words, because this is the basis of all Lao Zhang's ideas, so I should compare it earlier. it is good. Haha, mine is not yours! I am also a shareholder of this company!" Jiang Cheng said with a smile. "Don't call me Mr. Jiang in the future, just call me Lao Jiang. Mr. Jiang was really awkward.

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Lao Zhang was relieved: "Since this is the case, I will ask you another question Lao Jiang." Lao Zhang looked at Jiang Cheng. Yes, you can ask.

Regarding anti-software technology, can you provide door assistance? "Old Zhang puts his hopes on Jiang Cheng.

Can't. "Jiang Cheng said straightforwardly. Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, the executives of the company present were very cold. Especially Lao Zhang, almost written disappointment on his face.

Don't worry, I haven't finished it yet. I can't help but mean others can't! ""After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, everyone was resurrected again.

Jin? Who is it?" Old Xiao asked impatiently.

"It's far away in front of you!" Jiang Cheng pointed to Zhang Mengmeng. "You forgot your technical director.

She? "I heard Jiang Cheng mention Zhang Mengmeng again. It was a joke for the first time, but the repeated mentioning of this very young woman made them have to pay attention.

In fact, she wrote the kill. "In order to get them to pay attention to Chang Mengmeng as soon as possible, Jiang Cheng lied a little. But this is not actually a lie, because Zhang Mengmeng has the ability to write this (Nomah) killer, there is no doubt about it. .

What? She wrote it? "Lao Ma and others are unbelievable.

That's right, I wrote it! "Of course Zhang Mengmeng understood Jiang Cheng's meaning, so she straightened up her little...big Xiongxu.

The expressions on the faces of Lao Ma and others at this time were no longer shocking to describe. It's really not good to look at.

Lao Zhang reluctantly suppressed his curiosity about Zhang Mengmeng, and continued to say that since there is a way to solve the problem of killing soft, it will be even easier

Then we will bind this special kill with our soft kill".?

"Are you talking about selling our anti-software?" asked the old horse.

No, it's not for sale. Killing is also free!" A faint smile appeared on Lao Zhang's face.

Anti-software is also free, so what money do we make? "Old Shen was a little puzzled.

"We don't make money now, we earn customers. Earn customers?"

Yes! Our goal now is to pull customers out of our software. As long as we have our own user base, will we still have no money in the future?

Even though I said that, I still feel a little irritating in my heart. Would it really be useful to put such a large amount of money to do this without making money? Zi Zhang, who has hundreds of millions of dollars, is still very attractive, making Lao Xiao still obsessed with him.

Haha, as long as there are users, there will be no money! "At this time, Lao Zhang is full of confidence.

What do you think of Lao Jiang? "Lao Zhang wants to hear Jiang Cheng's opinion, which is a temptation to Jiang Cheng, to explore what kind of person Jiang Cheng belongs to.

I think what Lao Zhang said is right, and I fully support it. But there is one thing I don't think we need to look so small and take a long view.

It's still long-term, how far is this far?" Old Xiao said.

Of course! Old horse, I remember you should have developed an instant messaging software, right?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Ah, how do you know! This is just the initial version and I haven't used it yet! "Lao Ma is a little surprised. There are not many people who know this.

How to know is not important, what is important is do you know the meaning of that software! Jiang Cheng asked in a serious tone.

Meaning? I never thought about the meaning, I just think this software is very convenient to use.

It seems that you didn’t realize the prospects of this software! Let me tell you, instant messaging software must be the trend in the near future! No, it’s the mainstream! Now the pace of life is getting faster and faster, although emails can satisfy some Online communication is still a bit inconvenient, but instant messaging software is different. In a fast-paced life, do you think it can be more efficient to communicate with you one by one, or one email after another? Nothing? The doubt, of course, is the former. And instant messaging can also have another core function, that is social.


Yes, it’s social! You see, there are several ways to communicate between people at present, such as calling, sending emails, and face-to-face. If your software can provide between strangers and between different regions Social, can this software have no house!

Listening to Jiang Cheng's words, the old Ma's eyes were getting brighter, and the look of the old man on the side was getting more and more surprised, even surprise. Why didn't I think of it!

Lao Jiang, you are so talented! Originally, I was full of hope for our future. Now, I am full of confidence in our future. I believe that it will not be long before our Fuji Xun company will be able to start! "Lao Zhang said that at this time, he and he silently sentenced two people.

A meeting lasted almost three hours. Jiang Cheng and Lao Ma added some details, and then it was the technical aspects. The rest is up to Zhang Mengmeng. Jiang Cheng and Lao Zhang went to his office to continue discussing some things.

Chang Mengmeng sat in front of the computer, with three people, Ma, Lao Xiao, Lao Shen beside him. These three people are currently the three of the five programmers in the company, and most of the work is done by the three bosses. At this point, they are ready to see how Zhang Mengmeng solves the problems they could not solve before.

Zhang Mengmeng opened up the program code written by Lao Ma and the others, glanced roughly, and two words popped out: "Trash."

Lao Zhang and the others blushed immediately, even if you are a great god, don't hit people like this, OK! And it's not bad enough to be rubbish. I saw that Zhang Mengmeng deleted these codes almost completely, leaving only the framework. The previous ones were really **** and unreasonable things. This framework also didn't work, but it was too good to be too shocking, so I reluctantly used your framework. Right. "Zhang Mengmeng said lightly.

The three of them are really ink lines at one end. It's just that over time, as Zhang Mengmeng's lines of code appeared on the computer screen, the three of them no longer thought about what Zhang Mengmeng gave them.

Damn, I can still write that way!

My Cao! This is fine too! It's really much simpler than what we wrote before!"

My day, what kind of garbage was written before!

The three of them were almost stunned when they saw the code written by Zhang Mengmeng. This perfect logical language and streamlined program code seemed like it could be typed directly by one person! People want to keep a low profile!

Everyone now knows why they were called **** before, but it is not rubbish.

Okay, probably I have finished writing, and you can make up for the rest by yourself, and ask me if you don’t understand. "Zhang Mengmeng patted her little hand, and you're done.

Haha, hard work, cute sister!

Sister Mengmeng is tired, come and have a drink! Is Mengmeng Da candied fruit? I'll buy you some food.

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