Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1395: game over

The three of them gave Zhang Mengmeng a pleasing smile. It must be pleased! This cute programming technique can be said to be only seen in their lives, even the professors in the school can't match it! How do they know that this is nothing in Zhang Mengmeng's eyes, she uses it all The easiest.

Eat it? I want it! I want it delicious!" Zhang Mengmeng is of course excited when he hears that there is something to eat. As a foodie, you can't give up any opportunity to eat!

"Sister Mengmeng, don't worry, I will bring it back for you soon!" Seeing that his photo shoot with Niu was successful, Lao Xiao, of course, went to buy food for Zhang Mengmeng non-stop!

The three middle-aged uncles actually called elder sisters around a little girl. If this is seen by other employees of the company, there is no prestige to speak of. But the three of them are really willing, in their eyes. , Strength is respected.

The entrance of the Exhibition Hotel.

Dashan, why don't you wait for the boss and them to come back?" Counting Sheep asked the mountain in front of him. At this time, Dashan was carrying a bag that he didn't know where it came from. There was nothing else, and he was preparing to stop a taxi on the side of the road.

No, it’s nothing more than those few words when the boss comes back, and we still have a bracelet to contact. I will contact the boss later, don’t worry. "Dashan said.

Da Shan is ready to join the team. The feeling of staying in a hotel with nothing to do is really bad, the mountain is unbearable, so even if there is nothing, I just walked away.

In this way, the mountain is gone.

Jiang Cheng knew the news and didn't say anything. After all, this was what Dashan himself wanted to do. And there will definitely be a chance to meet in the future, but Da Shan must have been out of the limelight by then Jiang Cheng is full of confidence in him.

And Tranquility is also ready to leave.

What, you guys are leaving too? "When they said goodbye to Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng, Jiang Cheng was a little surprised. "Didn't you say you want to stay and open a bar?

Cut, forget it, it's not my style to rely on you to open a bar! My old lady wants to go to the room by herself!" said tranquilly with a face.

Boss, we've thought about it. We can't die anywhere with our abilities, so we decided to go to Yanbang. Didn't Yan Bang's later generations have a heaven and earth? That is our goal. "Said the sheep.

Tsk tut, good good, yes, remember to call me if you need any help. "Jiang Cheng said that for the convenience of communication in this era, they all bought mobile phones and numbers.

Sister Jingning, I can't bear you! "Zhang Mengmeng on the side looks a little bit about to cry, his face is not included.

I also don't want you to be cute, it's okay, you come to Yanbang to find us when you have time, and I will come back to see you when I have time. "Tranquility touched Mengmeng's head, and his eyes were full of resentment.

Time is almost up, we set off. "Count the sheep to check the time, it's time to go.

It is not a bad thing for everyone to spread out and work in different directions, and they are the five closest people in this world. Nothing can affect the friendship between them, time, Distance, what can it be.

In the farewell between Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng, the two gradually moved away, knowing that their backs slowly disappeared into the distance.

Alas, Mengmeng, I'm the only one left to depend on you! "Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Mengmeng next to him, and now there are only two of the five people left, but fortunately, it is considered to have a companion.

Uncle, don't give me ideas, I'm still young!" Zhang Mengmeng gave Jiang Cheng a blank eye.

"Why are you young..." Jiang Cheng couldn't help but think of the spring light in the morning a few days ago. Now thinking about it, he still feels a little bit of animal blood boiling.

At this time, Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng's phones rang at the same time. Lao Jiang, the old company Yi Zhao, have something to discuss.

Sister Mengmeng, do you have time to come to Yizhao Company? We need to discuss important things.

The voices of Lao Ma and Lao Xiao rang from their mobile phones. The two looked at each other.

Half an hour later, the two appeared together in the Fuji Xun company conference room. "What's the matter, Lao Ma, it's only a few days after the meeting, why is the meeting again. What happened?" Jiang Cheng asked Xiang Lao Ma, what accident happened?

Haha, don't worry Lao Jiang, we will discuss the issue of our product launch today! "Lao Ma looked at Jiang Cheng's worried look and felt very funny.

Several other people also laughed. The whole meeting room is a relaxed atmosphere.

It’s only a few days ago? This efficiency is too fast. Jiang Cheng wanted to do it. It would take more than half a month. I didn’t expect to be able to make it in these few days. This can’t help Jiang Cheng’s heart. The evaluations of several people rose to a bad level.

These days, Lao Ma and others are exhausted. They work overtime all day and night to write software. Only in these short days will they debug these two extremely influential software in these short days. , Of course, this also

Thanks to the streamlined code provided by Zhang Mengmeng, they can be so efficient. This is why they took a bite to Zhang Mengmeng.

Then let's talk about how to promote the software?" said the old horse. Software promotion is also a big problem, regardless of this aspect, they don't worry much, because they have a unique killer in the world!

To make the whole world notice that this special kill is difficult and difficult, simple and simple, as long as the first step is to go out, everything will be fine. But the difficulty lies in this first step.

At present, I don’t know how many special killings that claim to be able to solve Gannian bugs, but those are software that deceives traffic, and Fuji Xun is currently an unknown company, so if there is no good publicity plan, It is also difficult to promote in a short time.

Actually, I have an idea. "It's rare for Old Shen to express his views, and everyone looked at him.

I think that as long as there are advertisements for our software on major portals. "Lao Shen said this, and immediately received the slicked eyes of Lao Zhang and Lao Xiao.

Are you nonsense? You pay for the advertising!" Old Xiao Bai said with a glance at him. Seeing everyone's reaction, Old Shen touched his head, smirked twice and stopped talking.

In fact, I think the method that Old Shen said is feasible. "Jiang Cheng looked at everyone and said.

It's very simple. We kidnapped their backends quietly, and then we came forward to solve them, so that we can make conditions for them to promote our software. And we want to make a special network for this software. In the future, each of our software will have its own network, and all major portals can only hang links to our software network, and all users must register Only our instant messaging software account can be downloaded, and the download is also bundled with 217 downloads. Anti-virus and instant messaging software must be downloaded together.

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, everyone was dumbfounded.

God, Lao Jiang, you are too cheap, you can think of such a cheap method, admire it, it is really a model of my generation!" Lao Xiao said with a sigh.

Hey, where and where. By the way, give this instant messaging software a name. No name is too bad. "Jiang Cheng said.

Haha, we have already figured out the name, so it's CC, cancongunication! How about it? "Lao Ma wanted to introduce Jiang Cheng.

Very good, very good. "Even though Jiang Cheng knew they would use this name for a long time, he still showed a look of admiration.

Then let the kidnapping backstage matter to sister Mengmeng? "Old Xiao's expression was pleasing, and Jiang Cheng was very jealous while watching.

Okay, it's on my body!" Zhang Mengmeng didn't care about it. In her opinion, this kind of thing is the same as a child's play.

The meeting is over here, but Jiang Cheng still has a very important thing to mention.

What? Solving the housing problem? "Lao Zhang was surprised when he heard Jiang Cheng's request. He never expected Jiang Cheng to have this need.

Although he knew where Jiang Cheng did not live before, he thought that Jiang Cheng was out of town but came here to do things temporarily. Moreover, with Jiang Cheng’s strength, Jiang Cheng didn’t seem to be someone who couldn’t even solve the housing problem. People.

Yes, I am the second largest shareholder now, right? The second largest shareholder will not solve the housing problem? Take a step back, even if you don’t look at the face, you have to give Mengmeng a face. I live in the hotel as a whole. The expenses and feelings are not worth it. "Jiang Cheng said, and also used Zhang Mengmeng as an excuse, as expected.

Sister Mengmeng’s face must be given to me. Of course, it’s okay to solve the housing problem for Sister Mengmeng. As for you... We have insufficient funds.

It's okay, I can live with Uncle Jiang. "Zhang Mengmeng said flatly, as if living with Jiang Cheng in her opinion is a normal thing.

What? Live together? Wouldn't it be too good? Lonely. . "Old Xiao looked surprised.

What is all the fuss about, what happened to living with Uncle Jiang? We used to be Jia together. "Zhang Mengmeng said that he lived with Jiang Cheng both when he first arrived in Yanbang and when he went to Wufu.

What? You have always lived together!? "Old Xiao's expression of good cabbage being arched by a pig, although he could see that the two people are not in a common relationship, he didn't expect that they were all living together.

Jiang Cheng could tell at a glance that those people wanted to be crooked, but he didn't break it either. After all, it does no harm to me.

In the past two days, I will show you nearby housing estates. If there is something suitable, you can rent it at the door. In this way, the company will pay for the two-year lease. If everything is normal for two years, you will definitely buy a house. "Lao Ma thought for a while and said.

"Okay, so be it, I have nothing to do these days, I will kidnap and kidnap these backstages with you, hehe. Jiang Cheng smiled evilly.

Thus, a very cheap meeting ended, and a very cheap action started.

There were five people involved in this action, Lao Ma Lao Xiao Lao Shen Jiangcheng Zhang Mengmeng, the five people have a clear division of labor, the target is the three major portal sites in the area, Netease, Chacha, and Surfing.

These three major websites are the first batch of websites established in the Eastern District. Their user base includes almost all netizens. The three major websites have successfully become the three giants in the Eastern District with their own special content, occupying the Internet world of the Eastern District in this era. Most of the traffic, so Makoto Jiang and others will look at these three websites.

Due to the problem of strength, the three of Lao Ma Lao Xiao Lao Shen teamed up to attack, while Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng were one by one. For these two people, this was really an easy task.

The network maintainer of, as usual, is looking bored at the computer screen this day. His job is to be responsible for the security of the website and to prevent the moguls from sneaking into the backstage of the website. As usual, there is still some eye-opening ability. He casually dismissed any attempts to attack

When he was bored, a signal ran into him. This signal did not hide his meaning, so he brute-forced the server backend password. This made the maintainer a little funny. Where is this novice? They are not able to conceal the skills at all, and they will crack their first firewall. According to their cracking method, it will take several days to unlock. Therefore, the maintainer no longer paid attention to them and allowed them to crack it. At this moment, a firewall he developed himself issued a well report.

The maintenance staff was shocked. They watched carefully and found that Jingran had a data stream that bypassed his own detection. After analyzing the data, they couldn’t help but feel happy. It turns out that these two forces belong together. Give me a slam dunk. Fortunately, my firewall has just been upgraded. The maintainer thought in his heart and started operating it on the computer casually.

Here at Fuji Xun's company, the three of them wailed. Just now, their invasion officially failed. Alas, it deserves to be a big website. The technology is really unmatched by the current oneself and others. Now the failure here is bad, it depends on Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng.

Zhang Mengmeng here, she is responsible for invading Luoyi, which is a bitter for Luoyi.

Now the technical department of Netease Networks has done a mess, and the head of the technical department is having a headache at this time. Five minutes ago, I didn’t know where a very powerful data came and began to blatantly attack their backstage. At first they didn’t take it seriously, but when that data stream broke their two firewalls continuously within half a minute, They panicked! They had never seen an intruder of this kind! The person in charge made a decisive decision, and everyone in the technical department immediately put aside the matter at hand and worked together to block this data flow, but this does not seem to be a long-term solution, and that The data stream seemed to be deliberately teasing them, but occasionally even played catching, sending and hiding! This caused the entire technical department to be turned around.

What they didn't know was that the person who invaded them at this time was someone who looked like a little girl, and even she was eating this lollipop with relish without paying attention to them at all. in.

A few minutes later, the lollipop was finished.

Okay, the game is over. "Not long after Zhang Mengmeng's voice fell, the management limit of Netease officially changed hands.

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