Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1396: Cooperation opportunity

Here at Luoyi Network Technology Company, everyone in the technical department instantly fell into despair. This is too strong, it's really too strong, it's not on the grade at all, it's a kill!

The person in charge is already reporting the situation to his superiors at this time, after all, such a big thing cannot be kept secret.

Surfing here is more simple and rude. Jiang Cheng doesn't have the mentality of Zhang Mengmeng to molest others. In two minutes, he directly took the backstage of surfing as his own bad, without even letting the surfers notice.

When the two of them finished their work, they came to see the situation of Lao Ma and their work, and when they found that Lao Ma and others had been driven out so easily, they started laughing wildly.

In the face of the ridicule of these two people, the three of them were also unable to refute. After all, the facts lay here, and how can they be explained.

The ridicule belongs to the ridicule, the business is still to be done.

Chang Mengmeng directly used an extremely violent method to smash the firewall of the Chacha website within two minutes and **** the administrator's fist limit. The maintainer of the Chacha company was already sluggish when Zhang Mengmeng started the attack. What happened at this time, what happened just now, who am I and where am I. When he wakes up from this fierce attack, the website's punch limit has changed hands. He quickly reported to his superiors.

In this way, within half an hour, Fuji Xun had mastered the background of the three major portal websites.

At this time, the three major websites are already crazy. Who are these people, so awesome, this is not good, my own company depends on this website for food!

So they put forward negotiations with Jiang Cheng, Zhang Mengmeng and others through the backstage. Of course, Zhang Mengmeng and others would not respond to him, but simply shut down the website.

The big websites were inked at the same time, and this matter quickly spread on the Internet. After all, these are the three largest websites of the Hua family, with tens of millions of traffic every day. Now as soon as they were inked, someone immediately became curious.

As a result, many inexplicable data streams appeared on the backends of the three major websites at this time, trying to enter the backends, but all were blocked.

At this time, an unknown chat room.

"Red, do you know about this?" a person nicknamed Liushen asked in the chat room. Soon, the red shirt responded.

I just found out. I've been around for a while, and I can't get in. This ink guest is much stronger than the three major companies.

All, the firewalls of these three major companies are garbage. "The Liu Shen said lightly.

If there are senior netizens in this chat room at this time, they will find that the two people who are chatting are the two most famous red guests in the Hua family!

Hongke is different from Mocha in that it absolutely safeguards the interests of its own region. It will not use network technology to invade computers in its own region, but is a Momo who maintains justice and wins glory for his region. At present, Huajia Hongke has an organization that belongs to them, Huajia Hongke Alliance.

The Huajia Red Guest Alliance is a red guest alliance that was only established this year. In 1999, there was a big battle between the Mokers in Huajia and the West District. Since then, the group of Hongke has appeared, and more and more people have joined the ranks of Hongke.

Liushen and Hongyi are members of the Red Guest Alliance.

"Hongyi, you said, what did this man want to do when he kidnapped the three major portals at the same time? Does he want to attack our Huajia Internet community?" Liushen, as a red guest, naturally raised the matter to an interregional level very easily .

At the moment, I can't say it well, I will ask the leader to see if she has any opinions. "After that, the red shirt went offline.

Huajia District at this time, Yanbang Mansion.

In a villa in a high-end residential complex, a woman is quickly tapping the keyboard in front of the computer. This woman looks about twenty-five years old, she is very beautiful, with a standard face, waist-length hair and five exquisite people. In terms of appearance, she is definitely not inferior to Zhang Mengmeng and tranquil.

At this time, the face of this woman was not very good. Not long ago, she received news about the breach of the three major websites. It seemed to her that it was not difficult, but she was very curious about the purpose of this person, so she thought Trying to fight with that person? I managed to limit the punches, but she didn't expect that with her strength, she could only break the first firewall of the intruder, and the last two blocks could not be broken anyway. This made her Self-confidence has received a great blow

At this moment, she received news from members of her alliance. That's right, this beautiful young woman is the leader of the Huajia Red Guest Alliance. Her ID is Cha.

Tea is a legendary existence on the Huajia network. He came to the fore in the 1999 battle between the Hua family and the Western District. After that, he planned several invasions of the Western District and achieved good results. Since then, the name of tea has spread on the Huajia network. Come.

Cha, you should have fought with that person, right? How about it? Cha received the news from the red suit. She felt even more angry when she saw the news.

"Teach me any hand, I can't even break that person's firewall, and I don't have the qualifications to fight." Cha lamented.

What, even you can't break his firewall? Do you think he came from the West End? . "Red said his worries.

I don't think it will. Through these few matches, I think there should be no such kind of talent in the West Zone. If there were any, they would have appeared long ago.

"Then you mean, it's from our area?" Hong Yi was surprised. It can only be said that it is very likely. According to the feedback of the data stream, it seems that others are in the southern area, but it is not very sure. "Cha said, after all, it is the current handle of Huajia Network, and it probably grabbed Zhang Mengmeng's tail.

"Then what do you say he wants to do, blackmail?" Hongyi asked. I can't figure this out, so let's just wait and see what happens. "Tea said lightly. At this moment, Jiang Cheng, Zhang Mengmeng and others in Fuji Xun's company still don't know how much they have caused a big wave in Huajia’s celebrity guest world. At this time, they are discussing what to do in front of the computer. The three major companies. After all, they have to perform a full set of acting. If they are kidnapped, they will do nothing, and then someone will come forward and say that they can solve it. Isn't that asking for doubt. So they have to think of a reason, and they are the three major companies. Unaffordable conditions.

Finally, in Zhang Mengmeng's contemptuous eyes, a few wretched men offered their conditions to the three major companies.

It is okay to return the management box, and the website must be listed on the 20 island area *****.

The people on the three major websites were still excited when they saw that this person was finally willing to make a request, but when they saw the conditions he had put forward, they almost finished cursing Jiang Cheng's 18th generation.

Without any suspense, the three major websites certainly rejected this condition. Although the website is now closed, their losses are huge, but if they accept this condition, even if Jiang Cheng returns Control Boxing, it will take a long time for their website to be blocked by the region.

If the negotiation fails, what should I do? I can only stand in a stalemate and look for a network expert here

Seeing that the time was almost time, Jiang Cheng said to Lao Ma and the others: ""It's almost time. You'll call them in half an hour.

After half an hour, Lao Zhang went out. He first contacted Luoyi Company. No reason, happy.

Hello, this is Fuji Xun Company. "Lao Zhang said, he came up with a self-introduction first, which was full of politeness. Although it seemed to him to be full of ridicule, he couldn't hear him.

Ah, sorry, our company is a little bit surprised now, please call back later. "After speaking, the other end hung up.

Hearing the busy tone coming from the mobile phone, Lao Zhang was stunned for a while, but this also shows what the chaos of Luoyi Company has become at this time.

Lao Zhang dialed the phone again.

Sorry, we now have..." The other end of the phone is about to hang up again after saying this sentence. Where can Lao Zhang give the other person another chance to hang up.

"I have a solution to your company's problems." Lao Zhang interrupted him without waiting for her to finish.

Oh...Ah! What did you say? "A surprised voice came from the other end. I said, our company can help you solve your current problems, and Zhang said it again.

Wait a moment, I will transfer our chairman for you. "The man said. After a while, there was another strong male voice on the other end. That was Wang Jian, the current chairman of Luoyi.

Since Wang Jian started his business, he has not lived so much. Inexplicably, the website he worked so hard to create lost his management fist, and finally contacted the person who kidnapped his website. That person unexpectedly made such an unreasonable request, obviously without sincerity in negotiation. Now the company has become a mess, especially the technical department, almost helpless.

At this time, the internal telephone on the desktop rang.

Mr. Wang, there is a person who claims to be able to solve the current problems of our company. "The doorman's voice came on the phone.

When Wang Jian heard the doorman's words, his eyes lit up. Now Wang Jian has no solution at all. Now I hear someone recommending themselves that they can solve the problem, of course I can't let it go. Anyway, the dead horse is a living horse doctor. "Where is the other person now?

I will forward his call to you. "The doorman heard Wang Jian's willingness to meet, and of course he was very proactive and transferred.

Hello, this is Wang Jian. "Wang Jian said hello first. Bi Jing's attitude is better not to be too high at this time.

Hello, Mr. Wang, I am the general manager of Fuji Xun Company, and I call me Lao Zhang. Lao Zhang also introduced himself briefly.

Okay, Lao Zhang, I heard that your company has a way to solve our company's problems? "Wang Jian went straight to the topic, and every minute of closing the Bi Jing website, he loses money.

To be precise, it’s the problems of your three major companies. I can solve the problems of Lao Zhang confidently.

Oh? To be honest, I'm skeptical of what you say. "Wang Jian said, after all, Lao Zhang's tone is too loud. You know, their three companies basically represent the top network strength in Huajia District, but now suddenly a third-rate little guy who doesn't know anything has popped up. The company said it could solve the plight of the three of them, which no one would believe.

"I can understand your thoughts, if I would not just believe in others like this, but now your company’s situation is very clear to you. I’m sure, besides our company, there is no other person in this world who dares to say that he I can help you." Lao Zhang still said in such an arrogant tone. He was not worried that Wang Jian would be disgusted because of this, because he had the confidence that Zhang Mengmeng and Jiang Cheng’s supernatural skills gave him the confidence. .

"How to prove it?" Wang Jian asked. Although he wanted Lao Zhang to prove himself, his tone had already softened a lot. After all, he was prepared to be a dead horse doctor at the beginning.

I don’t need to prove myself and you will agree that my door is busy. "Lao Zhang is full of confidence." Because to solve your problem, you only need to download the latest security butler from our company.

You mean that using one of your software can help us immediately regain the control box of our company's website? "If it were in normal times, he would think that the person on the other side of the phone was crazy. But in this kind of almost desperate At the moment, he still chose to believe.

"Send me your software," Wang Jian said.

Haha, Mr. Wang is not in a hurry. There must be contacts in doing business. Of course we have a small request. "Old Zhang laughed twice. Wang Jian was fooled by this thing today, right? A businessman still doesn't understand the truth that there is no rabbit-fee pies in the world?

Yes, let's say, how much does it cost? "Wang Jian can't wait to solve his company's problems quickly.

"Haha, what does Mr. Wang say? We have been admiring your company for a long time. Where can we do this kind of looting? We hope to have more cooperation opportunities with your company in the future. Of course, this time we hope that your company can On the homepage of the website, we have carried out a large-scale promotion of our software for a month.” Lao Zhang said.


no problem. "When Wang Jian heard it, what is this? It's better than *******!

OK, we will send our software to your company's department box now. I wish us a happy cooperation. "Lao Zhang hung up when he finished speaking. Sometimes, a gesture of goodbye is necessary.

Wang Jian did not hang up the phone with the person who cared about. He immediately called the person in charge of the technical department and informed him of the matter.

After receiving the notice, the person in charge immediately downloaded the software sent by Fuji Xun from the box.

This is the enterprise version of Fujitsu Computer Manager specially made for major companies. The startup of this software is entirely provided by Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng based on the plans made for them by the later Tencent Computer Butler.

At present, this is only version 1.0, so the function is only to kill ink and defense, but it is enough for now.

The person in charge opened the Fuji Xun Computer Manager, followed the instructions of the software and successfully connected the software to the company's team domain network. Subsequently, the defense system of the security steward was opened. The person in charge chose the domain name security system in the defense system.

Immediately, the domain name security system in the security butler defense system began to operate. A string of data is generated from the computer of the person in charge and starts to detect the team area network he is connected to.

Because the main website of Netease is based on its own company's team domain network, the security steward can easily detect and fix the security vulnerabilities that Zhang Mengmeng deliberately left from the team domain network. Fearing that this software will leave other Trojan horses on the company's website, Netease has specialized personnel to monitor every movement of the software.

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