Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1397: gloat

But the person in charge of monitoring was stunned by the firewall automatically generated by this software. Is this really a **** firewall? This is an anti-nuclear wall!

As a senior programmer, he could see the strength of the firewall at a glance, and the power of the whole company was absolutely unable to shake this firewall! He immediately reported the discovery to his superiors.

On Zhang Mengmeng's side, he was concerned about all the data streams in the backstage of his kidnapping. When he found that there was a data stream from the security butler, he immediately moved some hands and feet, making it seem that others were driven out by the data stream. Look like. mouth

The group of people who have been chatting with this backstage are all excited! A great **** has taken action!

In their opinion, there must be a great **** who took action to clean up this lawless guy. But what puzzled them was that this great **** didn't seem to have the intention of hiding his traces. Those people who stared at the movement here easily located the location of this data stream!

County J, Q House, Teng Xun Technology Co., Ltd.

What company at this time? How come I have never heard of it. Is it just a broiler of the Great God? But according to the situation of these data, this is the place where the data is sent out! Does this little-known company really have such a strong strength?

These boring people then went to visit Fuji Xun's Rennet, and soon they found Fuji Xun Computer Butler, because this introduction is really arrogant "500".

Fuji Xun Computer Manager is exclusively produced by Fuji Xun. The home version can block 98% of the attacks on the house. This is still Fuji Xun’s belief that if you say 100%, others will think you are bragging. Don't trust your own software. In fact, it depends on the software optimized by Zhang Mengmeng and Jiang Cheng. To say that one hundred percent is really one hundred percent. It is impossible for anyone to break the firewall written by Zhang Mengling and Jiang Cheng.

These people almost laughed as soon as they saw this introduction. A little-known small company dared to praise such Haikou. Even the current brother of the soft-killing world, Kaba Jisi, dare not say that he can effectively deal with the house. Ninety-eight percent of the sick ink, even 90%, won’t work!

A small company is also blowing out this kind of cowhide, and coupled with the problem that the company has just solved, the company has just solved the problem of Netease, so most people have tried to test the company's ideas.

As a result, in just three minutes, a lot of data flowed to Fuji Xun's server. These idle network technologies

Skilled people, unanimously attacked Fuji Xun. At Fujisun's company, Jiang Cheng and others were chatting and laughing in front of the computer, seeing that these seemingly turbulent attacks were blocked by the computer manager from the firewall.

Just kidding, the science and technology that has been separated by two hundred years can still be broken by you, so what else is necessary for our little brother Jiang Cheng in this era!

Seeing that they couldn't even open the firewall of other companies, some people gave up when the technology was a little bit worse, and those with better technology began to think of various ways to break Fuji Xun's firewall.

Okay, just some clowns, don't pay attention to them, they will retreat when they retreat early. And after such a disturbance, our reputation can be regarded as going out. "Jiang Cheng said with a smile, and the others nodded in agreement.

There are two more companies. You have to contact each other separately, and quickly resolve these issues so that we can discuss the next step. "Jiang Cheng said to Lao Zhang and Lao Ma. After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, they nodded and contacted separately.

Soon, the two companies also accepted Fuji Xun's conditions and installed and used Fuji Xun Computer Manager to successfully return to their website management.

And because I heard about Fuji Xun’s senior screen names at this time, more and more

In Yanbang’s villa, Cha was looking at the introduction of Fuji Xun’s Rennet on the computer screen, “Teng Xun, interesting.

Today, Cha also tried to attack Fuji Xun's server, but he was surprised to find that this time, she could not even pass the first wall, and a deep sense of frustration came from the bottom of her heart.

But she deserves to be the first person in the Hua family's red guest. In the clues, she has discovered things that no one has discovered.

The coding idea of ​​Fujitsu's firewall is surprisingly similar to the second firewall of the person who kidnapped the three major websites today! It seems to be from the same person! Combined with today's

With the famous computer butler software and the three major websites that were suddenly kidnapped, Cha immediately understood what was going on!

This is a self-directed and self-acted action!

From the kidnapping to the offer of door help and then to the introduction of everyone to attack Fuji Xun, this was planned by others! The only purpose is to make Fuji Xun officially enter everyone’s field of vision, and quickly became famous in the network technology industry. head!

However, Cha did not intend to expose it. In her eyes, these things have nothing to do with her. She only cares about who has such a strong ability to kidnap three major websites at the same time and make a computer butler so powerful. Software 0

This night is her sleepless night.

The next day, a name on Huajia’s network quickly appeared in the world of all netizens, Tencent Technology Co., Ltd.

On the websites of the three giants of the Hua family, related advertisements of the Fuji Xun Computer Security Manager of Fuji Xun Company appeared in succession, with links to the human network and function introductions attached. There is even a letter of thanks from Wang Jian personally written to Fuji Xun on the homepage of Luo Yi Network. He sincerely thanked Fuji Xun for his timely help and publicized the powerful functions of Fuji Xun Computer Manager. This behavior made Jiang Cheng very emotional that Wang Jian was a man.

This Wang Jian's gratitude is indeed from the heart. Although it is not as exaggerated as the letter showed, he has clearly realized the strength of Fuji Xun through the events of yesterday.

With this piece of software, Wang Jian concluded that Fuji Xun will occupy half of the Internet industry in the future. If such a strong company can make good friends, it will definitely be a strong ally in the future. I have to say that Wang Jian's vision does have its own uniqueness.

Compared with Luoyi, although the other two companies did not attach a thank-you letter or the like, the chairman of the board personally called Fujisun to thank him and asked about the computer security butler.

Fujitsu responded, "The trial version provided yesterday is only one day. If you want to use this software later, you need to pay for it. The official version has not been released yet, and it will be notified online when it is released.

After this incident, the importance of these three major websites on website security is definitely not comparable to that of the past.

You know, yesterday, the three major companies lost at least eight digits, and they can't afford to do this several times.

Today, Fuji Xun is already too busy. Lao Ma temporarily recruited two more people and the original front desk as an operator, specifically to answer the questions and needs of some companies who called to ask Fujitsu's Tencent Computer Manager Enterprise Edition.

And Lao Ma, they are working overtime to maintain and upgrade the enterprise version because they only wanted to promote the home version before, but they didn't expect the enterprise version to become popular first.

In fact, this is also normal. Bi Jing is in 2000. As of mid-2000, Huajia's computer ownership ranks 8th in the world, with 164.1 million computers in the West District, ranking first, accounting for 28.32% of the world's total computer ownership. , An average of 2 people in the Western District have 1 computer; Huajia has 15.9 million computers, and an average of 88 computers per 10,000 people.

And most of these are computers used by enterprises. How many computers can be used by individuals? Jiang Cheng and others have not enough experience in this area after all, and Jiang Cheng has become accustomed to one or even many computers in later generations. Era, so I suddenly ignored this.

And this time the maintenance will have an important update, adding the special killing of Gannian insects. Once this version is released, what kind of frenzy it will cause Jiang Cheng and others are very clear in the minds of "Two One Three". At that time, the amount of traffic will be enough to burst a server, and Fuji Xun's server is due to Zhang The problem is that it is still relatively bad at present, so Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng have to quickly maintain the server, as long as it is guaranteed that tens of millions of people can visit the room at the same time.

At this time, some companies that use computers more and worry about their computer security are very impatient at this time. After all, the price they pay for computer security issues every year is not a small amount.

Three days later, this is a day remembered in world history. Because the millennium bug that plagued the world for several months was solved. The solution to this problem is a small company in Huajia District, Fuji Xun.

It was on this day that Fuji Xun’s Rennet released a new generation of Fuji Xun Computer Security Manager’s home version of the enterprise version. The main content of the update this time is one. A special killing program for the millennium bug has been added. As long as the user runs the Fuji Xun Computer Security Manager, the butler will delete the sick ink on the computer by itself and establish a perfect firewall. The home version of Fujisun Computer Security Manager is completely free! The charge for the enterprise version is five hundred dollars a year for a computer.

At this time, five hundred Huajia coins is no longer a small amount, and the salary of many senior programmers is six or seven hundred a month! But because Fujitsu Computer Manager Enterprise Edition has already been famous before the official release, it is the first Today, the turnover of this software reached a staggering 100 million yuan! This is only the first day!

Where do those companies care about the money? In their opinion, as long as their company's data is safe, that is the most important thing. After all, after entering the computer age, computers have become the main office supplies and the most important tool for storing data. , But the security of computers is really worrying. Now they can see the strength of Fuji Xun, and Wang Jian’s thank you letter is there!

There are not many people downloading the home version at present, but every person who downloads it has some knowledge about computers.

So, it didn’t take long for someone to discover that this security butler could understand the Y2K bug!

This soon set off a storm within the Huajia District.

Cape Forum.

A post entitled "The Nemesis of Dry Nian Worm finally appeared! The era of computer security is coming" appeared in the forum. This post described in detail about the three website companies of Fuji Xun Company, which launched a free home version of the computer security housekeeper, and embedded the special killing of the dry year bug in the housekeeper! Give appreciation and praise to everyone of the Fuji Xun company.

Soon, this post was reposted and discussed on the forum. We finally have our own ink-killing software in Huajia District! Dear! God, I really can’t believe that the dry year bug that the world can’t help is actually solved by the company in our region, and win glory for the district!

I haven't heard of Fujitsu Corporation before! But this computer security butler is really easy to use!

"Same upstairs! Top!"

There was a lot of praise in the forum. In just one day, the number of readers has reached millions! Almost all Huajia netizens have read this post, and Fuji Xun has officially become famous on the Huajia network.

In a mysterious organization at this time, an old man in a team uniform was sitting on a chair. In front of him, a middle-aged man in a team uniform was reporting to him.

"Probably that's it." The middle-aged man finished speaking and closed the folder in his hand.

Fuji Xun company? Interesting. Go check this company, I want detailed information. "The old man listened to the report, his eyes flowed brightly, and he said lightly." By the way, let me report on the special killing of worms. After all, this is also a troublesome matter. Let everyone know and then The solution is better.

Yes, boss. ""The man said a salute and walked out. Here at Fujisun Company, Ma is waiting excitedly to Jiang Cheng in the conference room

The four people reported on the results of this day. After this day alone, the total profit of Fuji Xun has reached more than one billion! The current Fuji Xun company is at least first-class in the region, but this is only one day. , Because things always take time to ferment.

At 7 o'clock that evening, the Xinjian network in Huajia District reported that Fuji Xun Company had launched the news about the millennium bug killing, and promoted the Fuji Xun company's website. Soon, the whole district knew.

Overwhelming press releases began to come out, and there were constant calls to the mobile phones of Lao Ma Lao Zhang Lao Xiao and several people. One night, their mobile phones never stopped and kept ringing. Fujitsu has not yet grown, so they are not easy to put on airs, so every call must be taken seriously.

Seeing the appearance of a few of them, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but sighed: "Fortunately, no one knows the existence of the two of us, otherwise we will be the same as them." Jiang Cheng is still a little grateful.

Zhang Mengmeng was eating and drinking with a drumstick in one hand and a bottle of Coke in the other.

Yeah yeah. "She nodded frustratedly. At this time, she only had the big chicken leg in front of her. No matter what Jiang Cheng said.

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