Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1398: The luckiest thing

Soon, the news that the Huajia developed a special killer for Gannian insects spread to various regions, and there was a big wave in all regions!

What! It turned out to be developed in an area like Huajia District? The fake must be fake.

"Yes, only the people in the West District are qualified to kill the millennium bug. How can those who are computer blind!

agree. top!

At this time, the mainstream voice on the Internet outside the zone.

These are all voices from the Internet forums outside the district. The popularity of computers outside the district is several times higher than that of Hua’s. Therefore, the discussion on the Internet seems to be very powerful. There are also many visionary people who can see that even if people in their own area look down on the company's special killing, there is still a huge demand for this special killing before the development of the special killing in their own area.

However, Fuji Xun Computer Security Manager did not release an overseas version, which means that, except for the Huajia District, all other regions are still suffering from Y2K Ink. This is why so many netizens on the Internet are so excited. They have no share!

What if most people outside the district have what they want but can't get it? Put pressure on the mansion. This is the problem caused by regional conditions. The fairness and freedom advocated by capitalist society is the fundamental guarantee for pressure on mansions at this time. If you can’t give us what we want, it’s simple, just change to another mansion until we get what we want.

So now the mansion in the West End is a headache.

The West District is now the area with the most personal computers in the world, so 2009 is also the area that suffers the most from the dry year bug. When netizens found out that there was a special killing of the millennium bug, their first reaction was excitement. When they learned that it was a special killing in Huajia District, their first reaction was to belittle. When they tried to download and use, I found out that I was not qualified to use it.

Even if it is downloaded from the ketone wall, the files will be automatically destroyed due to the self-protection measures of the computer housekeeper. Therefore, no individual in the West District can successfully use the special killing written by Jiang Cheng. Therefore, the netizens in the West District are very angry. The mansion is very anxious.

The Western District boss Langpu was very depressed in the White House at this time. If you don’t get a piece of software from consortiums like you, they say they want to impeach me, and if you don’t get it, you can buy it yourself. What can I do! But the support of these consortiums is inseparable from my own superiors and the implementation of Zhengling in the future. So Lang Yu was also very anxious at this time.

After much deliberation, there is only one way. Lang Pu sighed and dialed the head of the Hua family.

Huajia District, Q House, Fuji Xun Company.

Lao Jiang, the software has been launched for three days. The downloads of the home version have exceeded one million, and the enterprise version has exceeded three million. It can be said that most of the Eastern District is using our software! "Lao Ma looked excited! Di and Jiang Cheng were talking, and at the same time, there was a hint of admiration in Jiang Cheng's eyes.

All of this was brought by Jiang Cheng! How dare he imagine that he would have such a day! Now Fujitsu has gained a reputation in the industry, and it has the momentum to become a first-class network technology company, but it is hindered by Fujitsu’s Scale, it’s still difficult to truly become a first-class company

The company’s profits these days are not bad, right?” Jiang Cheng asked. It’s more than good! It’s a fortune! Think about it for a computer thousand yuan, at least two million computers have been installed, how much is that! It’s done!” Ma Yi’s smirk, he never thought he could make so much money one day.

"Then the company should expand the scale? With our current scale, if we want to go further, we need more investment." Jiang Cheng said.

"Yeah, to be honest, I don't know what to do with bad things now, or let's discuss and discuss together." Lao Ma said. It's not that he didn't think about expanding the scale. But for a while he didn't know what to do.

In the afternoon, the meeting room. Five people, Lao Zhang, Lao Ma, Lao Xiao, Lao Shen, Laojiang gathered in the conference room. Zhang Mengmeng can't come because she found a super delicious restaurant, but it doesn't matter whether she comes or not, just tell the main content of the meeting at time.

"Okay, everyone is here. Let's get ready to start today's meeting. There is only one topic today, about the future development path of Fuji Xun. Anyone who has an idea can put it forward. "Lao Ma will do it first. An opening remark.

I have I have. "Old Xiao, who is unwilling to be lonely, is the first to speak. "Make a lot of money!" After finishing speaking, Old Xiao looked at everyone triumphantly, as if he had already set a path for future development.

Everyone rolled his eyes back, and he consciously shut up and said nothing.

"Lao Zhang, please talk about it. I think you and Lao Jiang are the only ones who are better at this aspect." Lao Ma said.

Okay, let me talk a little bit. "Lao Zhang nodded. First of all, our company is currently in a period of rapid development. However, the company's scale is definitely our biggest current model, so I think our first step must be to expand the scale. And this expansion I think we should start from these aspects. The first is the scale of the product. We have to launch a few more attractive products. I think we can make plans around this.

That is the improvement of the company's hardware conditions. First of all, change to a larger office space, and then start to absorb talents. The development of every company is inseparable from people. Secondly, as an Internet company, our server must be a fundamental guarantee. Now that the conditions for capital are abundant, I suggest a major upgrade to the server. "Lao Zhang finished speaking and drank his mouth water. "That's almost it. I need to think about other things.

After listening, Lao Ma and others nodded, and the advice given by Lao Zhang was absolutely pertinent and feasible.

Lao Zhang gave a general idea, so let me add some details. "Jiang Cheng said, he felt it was time for Fuji Xun to get on the right track and start making money.

"Lao Zhang said that the first step to expand the scale, the scale of the product, I have some suggestions." Lao Jiang said here, seeing everyone looking at himself very seriously, waiting for the content below, he continued with satisfaction. To: "Regarding the scale of the product, I think we need to build an ecosystem that belongs to our Fuji Xun ecosystem.

Ecology? "Lao Zhang and others looked at Jiang Cheng with a look of confusion. Ecology in this era still belongs to a relatively new vocabulary. "Yes, it is ecology. Simply put, ecology refers to the living conditions of all living things and the interlocking relationship between them and between it and the environment. Do you all know the ecosystem? Ecosystem, the ecosystem is a whole system. This system includes not only the organic complex, but also the entire physical factor complex that forms the environment... This system is the basic unit of nature on the earth's surface, and they come in various sizes and types. This is a biological explanation, and the ecology I want to talk about is derived from here. "Jiang Cheng said.

"The ecology I'm talking about is the ecology of the network industry!" Jiang Cheng said. Network industry ecosystem?" Jiang Cheng’s two terms had already been half-understood by them before, and now a term that they had never heard of appeared again, which is even more confusing.

Specifically, the network industry ecosystem means that the network industry we are currently engaged in has formed or will be formed in a certain range, with a leading industry as the core, with strong government field competitiveness and industrial sustainable development characteristics. The network system, that is to say, we have to build an ecological circle that belongs to us around one of our software such as CC. In this circle, we can provide users with a station-style online life service!"

Provide users with a one-stop online life service? "Lao Zhang is the first to understand." What you mean is that users are firmly bound to our Fuji Xun software in all aspects, so that Fuji Xun software In all aspects, has become an indispensable part of users?

"Yes! That's what I mean!" Jiang Cheng gave Lao Zhang approvingly. This Lao Zhang is definitely a person. It is no wonder that Fuji Xun will have such great achievements in the future.

So what should we do first?

First clarify the goal of our first step. "Jiang Cheng looked at everyone and said word by word: "To provide users with a one-stop online life service.

This is the third time I have mentioned this sentence, even a fool understands the important sacrifice of this sentence, not to mention that there is no fool here. Everyone repeated this sentence one after another, and they all seemed to have realized it.

"The first step is to start with meeting the needs of users for information transmission and knowledge acquisition. With CC as the center, launch a CC mailbox, Tencent, and CC search. I believe these four services can already be absorbed. A large part of the users, and more importantly, we have the advantage of CC software." Jiang Cheng said confidently.

Lao Zhang nodded. "Indeed, CC software is definitely a big advantage. If you use CC, you must register a CC number. This CC number is also a mailbox number, and you can directly access or search through CC and then a website. I believe that no one I will refuse." Lao Zhang is worthy of being Lao Zhang.

At this time, Lao Zhang also admired Jiang Cheng in his heart. These thoughts coincided with his own! It's just that he hadn't thought of so many details yet, but Jiang Cheng had planned so clearly that he really had to accept it. If he knew that Jiang Cheng had only borrowed the ideas of his later generations, he would probably spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Lao Jiang deserves to be Lao Jiang, admire it, admire it." Lao Ma said sincerely. From the bottom of his heart, he felt that being able to meet Lao Jiang in this life is simply the luckiest thing in this life.

Okay, then let’s just follow what Lao Jiang said, but shouldn’t we change the office location before and re-plan the company’s interior, the scale has expanded, and there will definitely be problems in management. Let’s solve them together now. What do you think?" Lao Zhang asked.

I think we can divide the company into departments and then appoint several general managers to manage several departments. "Lao Ma said.

Jiang nodded, expressing the proposal of Hutong Lao Ma, and Lao Zhang also nodded, ""So how many departments should we divide into now?"

This is divided according to our products. "Jiang Cheng said." With the security steward as the lead, we can set up a technical security department. In the future, the company’s technical work will be handed over to this department. With the CC software as the lead, we will establish a social network department with social networking in the future. The development of the animals will be handed over to this department, and then in my plan, we will set up a game development department to enter the game industry. "Jiang Cheng said.

Everyone was a little bit enthusiastic about what Jiang Cheng said. The future of Fuji Xun is really exciting!

OK, then let's just follow what Lao Jiang said, Lao Zhang, Lao Jiang, I know the first thing to do is not cook too much. You should be the general manager

Zhang Jigui Social Network Department, Lao Jiang, you bring... Forget it, you will be a CEO, I will bring the rest of the department. Lao Xiao and Lao Shen, two otakus, are definitely not good, wait for something suitable in the future If you are right, Mengmeng will arrange for her a deputy general manager of the technical security department to serve as the chief engineer of our company. In the future, all the engineers will be in charge of her. "Lao Ma said.

He originally wanted to bring Jiang Cheng to the rest of the department, but when he saw Jiang Cheng shook his head frantically at him, he was not too difficult for others, so he simply led by himself, because Lao Xiao and Lao Shen were indeed not suitable, and They also have shares and don't have the idea of ​​managing the company, so they just need to worry about technology.

"Is there any comments or suggestions? If not, let's adjourn the meeting today." Ma said, and everyone shook their heads, so this meeting to promote the reform of Fuji Xun's company ended.

At the end of the meeting, the company didn’t need anything special for me, and I now have some small money in my pocket. After all, the company has made so much in the past two days, and it can’t be justified unless I divide it first. Ten thousand, continue to increase investment for the rest. Everyone has no opinion.

In broad daylight, Jiang Cheng has nowhere to go. After thinking about it, let's go home first. After waiting for a while on the side of the road, a taxi drove slowly. The attitude of the taxi driver (Li Zhao’s)

Very bad, this made Jiang Cheng couldn't help but have the idea of ​​buying a car. Jiang Cheng likes cars very much, especially cars with manual transmission. Although manual transmission cars in this era do not have so many technological blessings, they are really fun to drive. Unlike later generations, which are all automatic driving, there is no The pleasure of driving.

It seems that it is much more convenient for Bi Jing to find a time to buy a car in the city. Before long, the taxi drove to the community where Jiang Cheng lived. This is a two-bedroom and one-living house that Lao Ma rented to Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng. The environment of the community is pretty good, but the public service is a bit poor and the appearance is a bit old. However, due to the economic situation of Lao Ma at that time, it was bleeding to be able to rent such a house for them, so Jiang Cheng did not mind, but now that he has money, he can consider moving out.

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