Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1399: Inferior

Climbing to the third floor, Jiang Cheng took out the key and opened it. Jiang Cheng felt anxious, so he walked directly to the bathroom and approached the bathroom. Jiang Cheng faintly heard the sound of water, but he did not listen carefully.

Is the faucet turned off? "Jiang Cheng thought, after all, Zhang Mengling said he was going to eat, he shouldn't come back so soon, it must be that the faucet is turned off, alas, this Zhang Mengmeng is really a waste. Jiang Thinking of this, Cheng pushed open the bathroom door without hesitation, but was shocked the moment he opened the bathroom door.

What caught his eyes was not the empty bathroom with water flowing from the faucet in his imagination, but a white body! It was so big this was Jiang Cheng's first reaction.

"Ah! Hooligan!!!" A scream that broke through the sky rang, Jiang Cheng finally reacted, and quickly took the bathroom door and walked out.

"I didn't see anything!" "Jiang Cheng didn't forget to add a sentence. You smelly rascal!!" Zhang Mengmeng's roar still came from inside. At this time, Jiang Cheng's face flushed and his heart beat wildly. This is the first time he has seen a woman's body so close! Although he has been alive for several times, he is still a real virgin. In such a scene, if the body of 790 as a supernatural person is of good quality, I am afraid that the nosebleed would have been sprayed wildly, but regardless of this, Jiang Cheng would still be unable to calm his mood.

And Zhang Mengmeng was even more embarrassed and angry. I am a yellow flower girl who was shown her body by a wretched uncle. If this is spread out, how would I behave! And I am also, how can I not lock the door in the bath, but who knows that he will come back so early!

Zhang Mengmeng has been thinking wildly in the bathroom, but it’s not a way to stay in it and not go out. Finally, after half an hour, Zhang Mengmeng finally calmed down and walked out of the bathroom. Jiang Cheng was not in the living room at this time. Zhang Mengmeng's heart was slightly relaxed.

Back in the room to change clothes, Zhang Mengmeng still can't forget the scene just now, Jiang Cheng's headlessness barging in has been lingering in her heart.

"Forget it, just treat it as being watched by a puppy." Zhang Mengmeng shook his head and thought angrily. Although I think so in my mind, the feeling in my heart can't deceive people.

As for our Jiang Cheng, he is now back to the company in a desperate manner. He is going to spend the night in the company tonight. He knows that tonight is probably not suitable to meet Zhang Mengmeng again, otherwise he will be back tomorrow. Whether it can come to the company in its entirety is not certain.

At this time, Huajia Yanbang was in Zicheng.

Seven elderly people are having a meeting in a conference room. Each of these seven elders carried the aura of a superior, and in every move, they revealed the aura of a superior. These seven people are the top seven of the Hua family today, and they get together. At the meeting, the discussion must be a major event related to regional development!

What do you think of Langpu's request? "The old man sitting in the first place asked. He is the current head of the Hua family, head of Ji.

"I know this," one of the remaining six elders said. This old man was the one who ordered him to go to the media to report on Fuji Xun's company that day.

That day, he asked his subordinates to investigate Fuji Xun Company carefully. According to the information returned, he quickly noticed one person, Jiang Cheng.

This young man named Jiang Cheng appeared out of thin air. When he visited the place where his household registration was registered, he could not find any information about this person, but his identity was indeed on the website of the security department. Moreover, according to the investigation, before he appeared at Fujisun Company, Fujisun Company had always been an unknown third-rate small company. After knowing that he walked into Fujisun Company that day, everything began to change. According to various signs, this Jiang Cheng It's not simple. This is the judgment of this old man, who also talked to Jiang Cheng in the line of sight, and Zhang Zimeng.

"Oh? Old Xu, do you know about this?"

Old Xu nodded and said, "I have investigated this Fujixun company before. There is nothing surprising about it, but there are two young people that make me very happy." Said Old Xu Ranran.

Two young people? Is it a young man who made a killing?" asked the head of Ji.

I'm not sure, but it's not far from ten, and according to my guess, they did the kidnapping of the three major portals a few days ago. "Old Xu said.

The thief shouts to catch the thief? Interesting, but the strength of these two people is very difficult. "The head of Ji said. Of course he knew that the three major websites were kidnapped a few days ago. After all, these are the three major portals of the Hua family. To a certain extent, they also represent the face of the eastern district. So when he was kidnapped that day, heads of Li was also the first For a time, let the technical department of his subordinates carry out the detection, but I did not expect that the top technical team in the region could not solve it. Later, I heard that it was solved by an unknown company. It was at that time that the head of Ji heard the name Fuji Xun. .

Yes, I sent someone to tentatively attack their company's server, but they almost failed to decipher our firewall by their defense software.

One of their software is so powerful?" The head of the season was a little unbelievable.

Their company released a software called Fuji Xun Computer Security Manager. Judging from the feedback from the current house, it is indeed a very powerful software, at least, more powerful than our team's. "Old Xu said truthfully.

It’s no wonder that Langpu will be forced so badly. It seems that this company is still a bit real, but Langpu’s conditions are very attractive, reducing the tariff by 1%. This is for our region. But a lot of money. "Ji said.

I think this company can create greater wealth. "At this time, the old man whose name had not spoken said. Old Xu looked at him and he was the boss of the **, Zhao Yang.

Yo, Zhao, he has such a high evaluation of them, which is not like you. "Old Xu said in surprise.

Well, Old Xu, since you know them a little bit, then you try to get in touch with them, and see if you can find any extra surprises. You can ask him directly about the Langpu requirements, after all, he It is the owner of the software. "Ji said.

Jiang Cheng still doesn't know that he has attracted the attention of the highest level in the region, and he is still preparing to survive this difficult night in Tencent.

I blame myself for having low hands. I have to push the door to enter the bathroom. It wouldn't be the case if I asked before going in. It's alright now that I can't go back home, I can only make do with the night on the company sofa. At this time, Zhang Mengyin really looked at the text message from Zhong Jiangcheng on the phone that he would not go home to sleep at night, and he still kept yelling, "Hooligan, abnormal. If you don't come back, you won't come back. Who cares!

Zhang Mengmeng threw the phone aside, lay down on the bed and was ready to go to bed. On the other side, Jiang Cheng also took off his clothes and was ready to go to bed. Suddenly, he seemed to hear a strange movement. At this time, Jiang Cheng is on the sofa in the company lounge, and next to him is the office of Ma's office and the office of the technical department. It can be said that the company's important information is stored in one or two places.

But Jiang Cheng heard that the strange movement was the sound of turning things and operating computers.

Someone! Jiang Cheng reacted at once. Could it be that they were wrong? They said that they would not stay in the company after going home to sleep. Now the company should be the only one by themselves. There are others.

"There is a thief!" Jiang Cheng thought of it all at once. Unexpectedly, someone can't help it so soon? I just don't know where it is. Jiang Cheng thought in his heart.

Jiang Cheng has known for a long time that with the continuous development of the company, more and more people will make the idea of ​​Fuji Xun, but he did not expect that some people could not help but want to make a move in a few days.

Jiang Cheng lightly touched the door of Lao Ma's office, pressed his ear to the door, and listened carefully to the contents. Since Jiang Cheng became a supernatural person, the perceptions of all five people have been magnified countless times, so even through the wall, Jiang Cheng could hear that person's actions clearly.

Jiang Cheng only heard the sound of flipping through paper documents and operating the computer keyboard, but he could not hear the person's breathing at all! He is a master!

In this era, Jiang Cheng is not sure whether there is a supernatural person, but Jiang Cheng is absolutely certain that there are definitely many who become masters by virtue of martial arts moves. And now next to him is one.

Judging from what Jiang Cheng heard, the person in the room is definitely not an ordinary character. It seems that it will be difficult to give up tonight.

Jiang Cheng listened outside the door for a while, feeling that it was time, and pushed the door open.

Don't move! Player! "Jiang Cheng yelled after opening the door regardless of the three-seven-one.

It seemed that this trick worked. The people inside didn’t know if they were frightened by Jiang Cheng who came in suddenly, or if Jiang Cheng’s team members frightened him. The action he was reading stopped for a while, and then he reacted, turned and prepared. Escape from the window.

Where would Jiang Cheng give him this opportunity? The thunder system in his body spurred his speed, and his speed rose in an instant. It was almost a breath of time before he blocked the person. The person was shocked, and he was about to change direction and flee. Suitable, but before he ran two steps, he felt that his shoulder was grasped by a strong palm, and it was pressed against his shoulder like a dry jack, making himself unable to move.

I have to say that this person's speed is actually very fast. If he doesn't use the ability, it is absolutely impossible to catch him, but it is a pity that he is a person with the ability.

The man struggled hard, trying to get rid of Jiang Cheng's control, but would Jiang Cheng give him this opportunity? The answer was obviously no.

Jiang Cheng forced his hand to turn the person around. The Jing who is reflected in the E curtain is a delicate face! This person is wearing a hat, and his hair is curled up and stuffed in the hat, but it is obvious that he can Look, this is a woman!

Say, who sent you here! "Jiang Cheng didn't forget about business because she was a female thief. This is a person who wants to steal money from her own hands. There is no reason to let it go.

Humph, today my grandmother fell into your hands because I was inferior to human skills. If you want to kill, don't do it with you. I won't say much about anything else. "The female thief twisted her face and got angry.

But at this time she was still very unconvinced. This was the first time I performed a mission, and I didn't expect to be planted here! Hmph, if it wasn't for too many circles, how could he catch me! The female thief was very unconvinced.

Jiang Cheng easily caught this dissatisfaction from the eyes of the female thief.

Yo, girl, why? Still not convinced?" Jiang Cheng smiled contemptuously. To the female thief, this smile was simply a mockery of Chikake and a lewd smile! No one can insult her! No lips!

"Huh, if it wasn't for the bad terrain, how could you catch me! You know, I'm in our school..." The female thief suddenly stopped talking. She seemed to realize that she had said something wrong, and quickly shut up.

Jiang Cheng's heart moved when she heard the word martial art. School? Is there still a school in this era? What school does this little girl follow? Jiang Cheng felt that he seemed to be more and more interested in this world.

If you're not convinced, then I'll give you a chance, how about we come to a match, but if you are so bad, the result will be the same again. "Jiang Cheng asked freshly.

How to compare? "The female thief really couldn't stand Jiang Cheng's excitement, so she couldn't wait to ask.

"Let's find an open place. I will let you go for three seconds. As long as you can escape from my hand, I will treat this as not happening.

If you are caught by me again, then tell me everything I want to know. "Jiang Cheng said.

The female thief thought for a while, and then happily agreed. He didn't believe that Jiang Cheng could catch her again in an open place. After all, her light work was highly appreciated by Master.

Seeing that the female thief agreed, Jiang Cheng grabbed the female thief by the shoulder and walked out of the company. There was no one on the way. The street was very empty and quiet. After all, it was already late at night.

The two of them walked for 20 minutes and they came to a place with a very open terrain. [3Q中文] looked at this place, the female thief was even more proud of it, hum, let’s see how you catch me !

"Just here, I will let you go and I will start chasing you after I count one, two and three. You have to run faster." Jiang Cheng said to the female thief in a very contemptuous tone.

The female thief nodded and agreed, and then she felt Jiang Cheng's powerful palm loose from her shoulder. She didn't think much about it. She pushed her right foot back and exerted force. She jumped up and fell a few feet away in a blink of an eye.

Light work! Jiang Cheng was shocked, it turned out to be the kind of light work written in martial arts novels! Jiang Cheng was surprised, but it is not the time to think, as long as you catch the female thief later, you will know everything you want to know.

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