Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1400: destroy

Jiang Cheng's voice of "one" just fell, and then, there seemed to be a thunderous sound in his body. Then, Jiang Cheng's whole body was like a bolt of lightning, chasing in the direction where the female thief could escape, leaving only the road. The afterimage is on his way forward.

The female thief had already escaped five hundred meters away when Jiang Cheng had counted three times. I have to say that this light work can indeed be regarded as a first-class level, but compared to Jiang Cheng's fifth level. To be able to say, that is really inaccessible.

Jiang Cheng’s ability was upgraded to two levels after he crossed again. He is now a Level 5 thunder system. It can be said that he can walk sideways in this world, but the area is Jiang Cheng doesn't know if there is any hidden power, so it is better to be a low-key person.

The female thief turned her head while she was escaping, and was relieved to see that she was not catching up behind her.

Humph, demo, I'm lighter than my grandmother, and I can't help myself with a big axe in front of Luban's door. "The female thief said proudly.

At this moment, a voice from around her almost didn't scare her to death.

I said, you are too slow, is this your fastest speed? "Jiang Cheng didn't know when his intention appeared not far from her.

you you. . Is it a human being? How could you be so fast! Impossible! "The female thief looked incredulous. How could it be possible that someone could actually be so fast! How about that, are you convinced?" Jiang Sincerely asked, this time he didn't put his hand on her shoulder to control her anymore, because he knew that her confidence to escape had been destroyed.

Sure enough, the female thief said with a frustrated expression: "I confessed to losing. If you want to ask anything, just ask. I am willing to bet.

Haha, it really deserves to be a person in the world, refreshing. Okay, the first question, dare you ask the girl's name?" Jiang Cheng felt that the two of them had met each other once, so they couldn't help but know the name.

Humph, Deng's apprentice. "Who knows the female thief stared.

Hey, you said at the time that you wanted to tell me everything I wanted to know, and I just asked the name how I became a disciple!" Jiang Cheng was very upset, he was such an upright gentleman, he hasn't grown up yet. I have applauded for love, and today I accidentally looked at Zhang Mengmeng’s body, and that’s all. Why should I name myself as an apprentice? If it’s true, it’s fine. I’m a little virgin. I was wronged.

"Huh, it's okay to tell you, this girl can't change her name or sit or her surname Wen Xiaobai." Wen Xiaobai said very delicately.

Xiaobai, really a Xiaobai. "Jiang Cheng muttered." Then, I ask you, what is the school you mentioned earlier? "Jiang Cheng asked the second question in his mind.

Wen Xiaobai hesitated for a while, but still gritted his teeth and said: "The martial arts are the division of our martial arts forces. Now we people in the world will not easily expose our identity, because our strength is much higher than the secular people, so Subject to regional control. At present, the arena is divided into three schools and six schools, and I am one of the three schools to experience. This is my first mission, but I didn't expect Jingran to fall into your hands. "Wen Xiaobai said angrily.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a division, which three schools and six schools are they?" Jiang Cheng asked.

The three schools refer to the Tang School, the Bagua School, and the Shenquan School. The six schools refer to the Shaojiang School, the Wudang School, the Yumei School, the Huashan School, the Kunlun School, and the Kongtong School. "Wen Xiaobai explained.

So what's the difference between these schools? "Jiang Cheng looked like he broke the casserole and asked to the end. Although Wen Xiaobai didn't want to answer, but they had no choice but to speak first, so they had to say patiently:

Tang Sect is a hidden weapon family known as Wujiang. It is famous in the arena for its utensils and ink medicine. People who use hidden weapons recognize that light work is a compulsory subject. Therefore, the light work of Tang Sect is also dominating the world, walking the river and lakes for hundreds of years.

The people of Tang Sect are good at designing, inventing and using various hidden weapons, and are good at making ink. The ancestor of the Tang Dynasty has the "Mojing" handed down to the world, and the legacy "rules all inks in order to relieve the people.

The Bagua Gate is marked by Iron Bagua.

Wherever the Bagua Gate goes, other schools must be courteous.

The people in Bagua Gate believe in Taoism, and they often appear in the image of a Taoist priest.

Although the people in this sect believe in Taoism, the bandits must report, and they are extremely small. If they provoke them, the end must be very miserable.

The people in the gate of Shenquan are known for their extreme punching power. Their ancestors, known as the three punches, and no ordinary martial artist can stop him.

The six schools are similar to those in Zhang Yong's novels. You must know them, so I won't talk about them. "Wen Xiaobai said that after this long list came down, she couldn't help but feel a little dry, but Jiang Cheng didn't seem to mean to pity the king.

Then you belong to the Tang sect?" After listening to Wen Xiaobai’s explanation, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but gain a deeper understanding of the division of the Hua family’s martial arts sects. Unexpectedly, in this seemingly peaceful modern society, there still exists With such a quagmire, it sounds indeed that if it is not controlled, it will have a great impact on the lives of ordinary people in Yintong, so it makes sense for the region to do it.

Yes, so I tell you, if you dare to kill me, Tang Sect will not let you go. "Wen Xiaobai said very hard.

Haha, why don’t you let the law go? Hey, aren’t you Tang Sect good at using ink? Why didn’t you use it? "Jiang Cheng is very suspicious. People who are good at using ink are willing to be caught by the enemy. It's weird to not use ink.

Hmph, our sect has ancestral training, not to use ink to ordinary people. I thought you were just an ordinary person. I didn't expect you to be so strong. When you want to use it, there will be no chance. "Wen Xiaobai said, having been suppressed the whole process, where is the opportunity?

OK, then the next question is my biggest concern, you must answer me well. "Jiang Cheng said very seriously.

Ask, ask, I have said so much anyway, there is nothing left to say. "Wen Xiaobai seemed indifferent to danger.

That's fine, I ask you, who instructed you to steal from my company and instructed you to steal something? You people from Tang Sect still steal things for others? "Jiang Cheng asked the question he most wanted to know. Bi Jing made it clear that it was sent by a potential competitor of his company, but if you don't figure out who it is, and the enemy is in the dark, you will be very passive. This is not Jiang Cheng's style.

It's not that I don't want to tell you, but that I really don't know. "Wen Xiaobai said. "The tasks in our sect are organized and released by the members of the sect to pick them up, so I don't know who is posting this task. I also handed over the task to the martial arts.

Seeing that Wen Xiaobai didn't seem to be telling lies, Jiang Cheng was immediately depressed. It seemed that there was no way to know who the enemy was in a short time.

Is there any more question, if not, let me go? Wen Xiaobai wanted to go as he said, who knew that the big hand was on his shoulder again.

Say you can go? Come and steal my things and want to go?" Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Then what do you want! I have already answered so many questions for you!" Wen Xiaobai was a little angry, how could this man be endless, but he couldn't run and beat himself.

Hey, nothing is going on, give you a gift. "Jiang Cheng said, he did not know where he took out a bracelet-like thing and put it on Wen Xiaobai's hand. The bracelet was completely white and looked very beautiful.

A set of Wen Xiaobai's hands began to shrink automatically, knowing that they fit Wen Xiaobai's hands perfectly.

This...what is this!" Wen Xiaobai's instinct told her that this was not a good thing. She wanted to take it off, but she couldn't shake it anyway.

In normal times, you can use this as an ornament, but when you don’t listen to me, hehe. "Jiang Xiaoyan laughed twice and manipulated the bracelet a few times.

Ahhhhh!!" Wen Xiaobai suddenly trembled a few times, and then fell to the ground.

When you are disobedient, there will be a high-power electric current sent through the bracelet, you can feel this kind of taste, this is just the lightest, want to try a higher gear? "Jiang Cheng Xie Xie laughed Tao.

No! No! "Wen Xiaobai was shocked. At this moment, the shocked place instantly felt like being burned, and then he was numb. The muscles nearby immediately began to pump, and the pain spread all over his body from the shocked place. I felt numb and weak when I was tumbling, and felt like the numbness of the elbow tendons being poked. This feeling was very uncomfortable, and Wen Xiaobai didn't want to come again.

After sitting on the ground for a long time, Wen Xiaobai's strength slowly recovered.

Why are you bringing this to me! "Wen Xiaobai only feels that his life has been plunged into dark darkness. Will he be controlled by this **** for the rest of his life?

As if he saw Wen Xiaobai’s thoughts, Jiang Cheng smiled slightly: “Don’t worry, I won’t let you do excessive things. I think your strength is pretty good. It just happened that my company was just in the time when I was employing people. Come to my company and be a security guard for me." Jiang Cheng said.

"Security? You let one of my dignified Tangmen Wujiang masters act as security for you? Do you know how many people begged us to protect them or even re-appeared to ask us to ignore them? Did you even let me be the security?" Wen Xiaobai I really didn't know what to say in my heart. I didn't expect that I would be bullied by a dog. Master, where are you, come and save me!

What's wrong with being a security guard? Do you look down on a security guard? What a great occupation to keep one side safe, why do you look down on a security guard? Your mental consciousness is very dangerous. If this is the case, you have to exercise yourself and go to work tomorrow. "Jiang Cheng said.

Wen Xiaobai's heart became angry, but now his life is in the hands of others, what else can he say.

By the way, where are you? The thing you are holding can't be too far away from me. It can generate electricity by itself when it is more than two kilometers away from me. "Jiang Cheng smiled badly.

you. . Why don't you let me be your next to you! "Wen Xiaobai has never seen such a shameless person when he grows up, and he has forcibly tied a young and beautiful girl like himself to him.

That's why I asked you where you live. I also think about you. I am afraid that you accidentally walked too far to blame me for not notifying you.

Humph, I don't have a place to live, I have stayed in hotels recently. "Wen Xiaobai has almost given up fighting, and Jiang Cheng will do whatever he wants.

It couldn't be better. "Jiang Cheng thought of something, and showed a lascivious smile. Wen Xiaobai was surprised when he saw Jiang Cheng's lascivious smile. Sure enough, Jiang Cheng continued: "If this is the case, then you live with me.

Before Jiang Cheng's voice fell, Wen Xiaobai became excited.

You stinky rascal! I tell you, even if I can't beat you and run you, I won't let your lewd ideas succeed! Believe it or not, I'll just die 807 to show you! "Wen Xiaobai is very excited and let her be She recognized the security, but she didn't expect Jiang Cheng to want to humiliate her further, which made her not excited.

Hey, don't stir, just listen to me. "Jiang Cheng was a little helpless to see Wen Xiaobai so excited. Girls nowadays are so dangerous no matter how they think. Does he really look like someone who is full of things like that! As everyone knows, he is working with Wen Xiaobai. This is the person in my eyes.

Wen Xiaobai looked at Jiang Cheng with a look at what you could say. Jiang Cheng was very helpless, but he still said, "I live with a very important woman now. Don't get me wrong. I live, it just happens that I am planning to buy a house recently, I think you can still have a company if you live in the past, I think the age should be about the same, you can still protect her." Jiang Cheng said.

In fact, he had this idea when he proposed to let Wen Xiaobai be a security guard. Bi Kuan and Zhang Meng's safety Jiang Cheng was also very worried, and he was always inconvenient when a man, and he heard Wen Xiaobai Jiang Cheng was even more satisfied when he said there was no place to live, wouldn’t it be

It just so happens that tomorrow I will buy a big house, and three people will live together. How convenient.

Hearing what Jiang Cheng said, Wen Xiaobai was also a little moved. If there is still a woman, it is not impossible to think about it. After all, I live in a hotel every day and I can't afford my wallet. Otherwise, why should I come out to pick up some thief Tasks, I knew that most of the people in this kind of task martial arts disdain to do it.

that. . Do I have a salary every month?" Wen Xiaobai asked, no matter when, the means of production are always important. Even if you become a captive of others, you must become a rich captive!

How about covering board and lodging for a month? "Jiang Cheng didn't even think about it. He directly offered the lowest salary he felt in his heart, deliberately trying to stimulate Wen Xiaobai, a woman who wanted to steal from him.

But to his surprise, Wen Xiaobai was instantly excited when he heard Jiang Cheng's salary amount.

Do!? So much? It also includes board and lodging! Good, good, I must be a security guard! "Wen Xiaobai was very excited at this time. Where can I find such a good job? Do those white-collar workers in the company do a month? It's not necessarily true that when you go to be a security guard, you will have a thousand dollars, including food and accommodation, such a good thing, a fool will not do it! In an instant, Jiang Cheng's image in her heart is not so nasty.

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