Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1401: technical director

Jiang Cheng was bewildered by Wen Xiaobai's reaction. According to his thoughts, Wen Xiaobai shouldn't be stimulated by himself, and then jumped into a thunder, looking at him angrily, how could it be like this. Suddenly, Jiang Cheng patted his head, "Ah, why did I forget this! In this era, a thousand yuan is a high salary! It is considered the top level in Fuji Xun." Jiang Cheng is in his heart. Secretly gave herself an ear scraper, stealing the chicken will not lose the rice, originally wanted to stimulate her, but she did not expect to let this woman take advantage of it.

But the words have already been spoken, Jiang Cheng has no plans to go back anymore. In his eyes, doing it is not a lot of money. With this little money, he can hire a Wujiang master to take care of his home nursing home. It's worthwhile.

Okay, it's getting late too. I'm going back to the company to sleep. You go back to clean up tonight, and come to the company tomorrow to report.

Hey hey, what do I do when you leave and write something!" Wen Xiaobai is anxious. Didn't it mean that it will discharge two kilometers away? Do you want grandma to be electrocuted?

Don't worry, I won't call you tonight, but if you are not within 500 meters of me by 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, then I can't say that. "Jiang Cheng said without looking back.

Now that Jiang Cheng said so, Wen Xiaobai could only choose to believe him, looked around, identified a lower person, and went back to the hotel where he was staying.

What neither of them knew was that shortly after they left, in the grass beside the place where they stayed, an old man with a slightly rickety figure walked out. The old man was dressed plainly and looked very ordinary without any surprises. .

These two little babies are really interesting, no wonder they will attract attention from above. "The old man nodded, walked into the night, and gradually disappeared into the night.

As the old man left, the place was the same as usual, falling into calm as if no one had been here before, still the usual way. After Jiang Cheng returned to the company, he did not go to bed immediately. He was thinking about a problem, the company's safety issue.

If it wasn’t for that he happened to be sleeping at the company tonight, I’m afraid that Wen Xiaobai would have succeeded. Although Jiang Cheng is confident that others cannot crack the software he wrote, some other company information, development strategy and other important secrets If it is leaked, the consequences will be very serious.

There is definitely no way to guarantee the safety of a company called Wen Xiaobai, and ordinary security will definitely not work. Those people are fine looking at the gate. If you meet a real expert, you can only be cannon fodder. Ask Wen Xiao tomorrow. Let's see if I can introduce a few people. "Jiang Cheng thought.

In fact, Jiang Cheng uses the security system he owns, but due to the current productivity, even if Jiang Cheng's system is developed, the hardware conditions cannot keep up. As far as Tencent's current strength is concerned, it is useless. of.

Alas, there are so many things. I have to buy a house tomorrow. "Jiang Cheng thought about this, so he stopped thinking about it."

Just as Jiang Cheng was gradually falling asleep, in a hotel not far from him, the old man who just appeared at the place where Jiang Cheng and Wen Xiaobai were separated, was in a room in this hotel at this time. Calling someone.

Old Xu, I just discovered another powerful place for that kid surnamed Jiang. "The old man said lightly to the phone.

Oh. "There are other aspects of this kid that you can judge as strong? It seems that this kid is really not easy. What kind of aspect is it?" asked the person on the other side called Lao Xu, except for today's meeting. The old Xu who followed Jiang Cheng and Jiang Cheng's contact could still make progress.

In fact, he had already developed curiosity about Jiang Cheng in his heart. No, when the meeting was over, he hurriedly called his old friend in J and asked him to pay attention to Jiang Cheng, which is to follow Jiang Cheng this evening. The old man has a number.

This old man is not simple, his surname is Tang, his name is Tang Yuan, and he is the contemporary head of Tang Sect!

Tang Sect has been very concerned with the mansion department for the past generations. This generation is no exception. Tang Yuan has a very close relationship with the senior officials of the Hua family, especially the relationship with Lao Xu. It is also because of this. Tang Sect turned his eyes off when he took over these worldly tasks.

In the open space before, Tang Yuan could tell at a glance that Wen Xiaobai was from the Tang Clan, but he didn’t know him, but judging from the light work of Wen Xiaobai, Tang also probably came out of Wen Xiaobai’s teacher. Okay) Who is the father. Tang Yuan still admired Wen Xiaobai very much, and Wen Xiaobai's light skills were first-class in the martial art, and he could give guidance when he had the opportunity.

As for Jiang Cheng, Tang Yuan's heart was more amazing. This is a light gong he can't recognize at all! It can be said that he has seen a lot of light gong moves in the whole world, and the world is light gong, naturally Tang Sect is the most, but Jiang Cheng's light gong Tang Yuan sees it. I don't know, there are no skills at all. It is light work, but in fact it looks more like teleport! Tang's martial arts accomplishments for so many years can't see Jiang Cheng at all. Therefore, in his heart, he can say that he is still very curious about Jiang Cheng.

Martial arts. I can only see one thing tonight, his light work is not under mine at all. "Tang Yuan said faintly. Wujiang middleman, the strength is respected, Tang Yuan is frank and frank, and he speaks out openly when he is inferior in skill, without feeling the slightest shame.

What? Are you kidding me!? "Old Xu on the other end of the phone called out. The news is shocking!

According to the information currently held by Old Xu, Jiang Cheng is a computer expert, which has already made the region attach great importance to it, but now it is discovered that he is still a Wujiang master! How can this not be shocking! It seems, The previously specified contact plan needs to be reformulated.

I'm serious. I saw it with my own eyes today, and I haven't seen him do it yet. I don't know if his strength is as strong as his light work. "Tang Yuan said lightly, he suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to fight Jiang Cheng, for many years, Tang Yuan hadn't wanted to fight with anyone for many years. And today, Jiang Cheng aroused his will to fight.

I know, I will go to Q's house tomorrow. Before I arrive, I will trouble you to keep an eye on him. "Old Xu decided to meet him in Q's house in person tomorrow.

it is good. "Tang Yuan agreed.

Hanging up, Old Xu fell into deep thought. What kind of person is Jiang Cheng? Is the existence of such a person a good thing or a bad thing for the region?

At night, 617 fell silent again.

The next day, the sun rising in the east once again illuminated this eastern land. It is already spring, the sun is not as weak as winter, nor as cruel as summer. The warm sun makes all early risers feel comfortable. Such weather is a kind of welfare for those who love to exercise. Early in the morning, in the park, in the community, people jogging in twos and threes in the morning, the people who exercise have walked out of their homes and started a day of morning exercise.

The daily plan is in the morning.

Early in the morning, in addition to Lao Ma and Lao Zhang, Lao Xiao and Lao Shen have already come to the company, and the company's employees have also come to the company in twos and threes.

Yo Lao Jiang, didn't you go home to sleep last night? You quarreled?" Lao Xiao asked, in the eyes of everyone in the Fuji Xun company, Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng's killing is unnecessary to explain.

Alas, don’t mention it, it’s uncomfortable. After the new company’s place is settled, this sofa must be the best!" Jiang Cheng said with emotion. The sofa currently used by Fuji Xun Corporation is really too unpopular, small and hard.

Whoever comes this night, Jiang Cheng's physical fitness will inevitably have some backaches. If this is changed to someone else, it will really be impossible to sleep.

Hahaha, what I want, the sofa is a man’s second bed! Lao Xiao and Lao Shen both have expressions that I understand, Jiang Cheng doesn’t explain much, sometimes it’s better to say nothing than to say anything. Well done. Lao Ma and Lao Zhang, why didn't they see them? "Jiang Cheng took a look at the company, and everyone was almost there, except for Lao Zhang and Lao Ma.

To eat, the two of them enquired about a public auction of a building in the center of the mansion yesterday. They went to find out the situation. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with the company today, so they went together. "Old Shen said.

Well, since there is nothing to do with the company today, I won't stay in the company anymore. I will buy a house and a car today. "Jiang Cheng said.

Hey, hey, I just had to divide some money to live such a corrupt life of the bourgeoisie, not bad, haha. "Old Xiao joked.

Haha, no matter where, if you don’t buy a house, you always rent a house. It’s not as if you have to have your own home. "Jiang Cheng said. Old Xiao and Old Shen both nodded in agreement.

In the Hua family, buying a house is definitely the top priority in the minds of ordinary people. In the minds of ordinary people in the Hua family, the house is the foundation of a family. Having a house of your own can be regarded as having a place to stay, a place to shelter from the wind and rain. You don’t have a car when you get married, but you don’t have a house. I’m sorry, but don’t marry. This is the love of the Hua family. "An De Guangsha is built for thousands of people, and the world is full of joy." A hundred years ago, the poet expressed such emotion, which shows how much the house occupies in the hearts of the Hua family.

It's ten minutes to eight o'clock. "Old Shen replied.

"Then wait a while, don't worry for a few minutes." Jiang Cheng said. What's the matter? Are you waiting for someone?" Old Xiao asked. Yeah, waiting for a beauty." Jiang Cheng said jokingly. Beauty! Lao Jiang, you must create opportunities for me! Brother, I am still single at this age! "Lao Xiao looked impatient. Uh, I don’t think this is suitable for you, it’s not the type you like. Next time, I will definitely introduce you to the most suitable one next time!" said Jiang Cheng. It is not that Jiang Cheng does not want to create opportunities for Lao Xiao, but Jiang Cheng feels that Wen Xiaobai and Lao Xiao are not people in the same world. The two of them are simply not suitable, Jiang Cheng doesn't want to let Old Xiao spend the rest of his life just find a woman.

"You said that, all right." Old Xiao trusted Jiang Cheng very much. Since Jiang Cheng said so, there must be his reason.

In a blink of an eye, it was eight o'clock.

Xiaobai also appeared in front of Jiang Cheng on time.

Today's Wen Xiaobai, dressed as a professional bodyguard, a set of black women's suits, wearing sunglasses, and a ponytail, gives a sense of heroism and heroism.

Wen Xiaobai entered the company, saw Jiang Cheng at a glance, and walked straight to him.

I'm here, let's talk, what do you want me to do. "With a sad tone, coupled with Wen Xiaobai looking at Jiang Cheng's sad expression, Lao Xiao immediately understood that these two people are ghosts!

It's no wonder that we are not suitable. It turns out to be Lao Jiang's people. Hey, people are more popular than others. This Lao Jiang is not as handsome as I am. Why are the women around him so beautiful.

How did Jiang Cheng know what Old Xiao was thinking at this time? If he knew it, he would spray a sip of salt soda on Old Xiao's face.

"Come on, let me introduce, this is Old Xiao, Old Shen, this is the manager of the security department of my newly hired company, Wen Xiaobai.

Girl Wen! Hello, hello!" Lao Xiao, Lao Shen greeted enthusiastically. But they were very strange in their hearts, how could this Lao Jiang find a girl to be the head of the security department, but after the wonderful work of Zhang Lingmeng, The two of them didn't dare to be too enthusiastic about the people Jiang Cheng introduced.

Okay, let’s get acquainted today. I’m going to find Zhang Mengmeng, and the three of us will buy a house and a car. "After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he left with Wen Xiaobai, leaving only two people in the company to admire the gap between people.

After leaving the company's door, Jiang Cheng first called Zhang Mengmeng. Jiang Cheng felt in his heart that after this one night, this should almost disappear.

This is because Jiang Cheng looked down on Zhang Mengmeng. In fact, Zhang Mengmeng was not very angry that day. She also knew that Jiang Cheng was not intentional, but she felt a little embarrassed in her heart. After all, as a girl, her body was taken by a man. After reading it, anyone would be embarrassed about this change.

However, after a night of buffering, Zhang Mengmeng’s awkwardness has also been reduced a lot, so after receiving Jiang Cheng’s words, she still came to the company as if she was going to have a big meal at noon because Jiang Cheng said that she would be invited to have a big meal at noon. He was excited.

Not long after, Zhang Mengmeng took a taxi to the door of the company. When I got out of the car, I saw Jiang Cheng and Wen Xiaobai waiting aside.

Zhang Mengmeng walked in front of these two people, looked curiously at this hard-dressed Wen Xiaobai, and then looked at Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng understood what she meant, so he introduced: "This is Zhang Mengmeng, the technical director of Fuji Xun, and the most important person in my world. This is Wen Xiaobai. The bodyguard I asked for you is also a newcomer. The manager of the security department of her company, she is a master of Wujiang." Jiang Cheng introduced the two women to each other.

I saw that Jiang Cheng was going to buy a house, but he brought a woman with Zhang Mengmeng, who was a little uncomfortable. When Jiang Cheng introduced him and said that she was the most important person in his world, the trace of mustache in his heart It also disappeared, even the remaining embarrassment disappeared without a trace.

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