Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1402: A business card

Hello, sister Wen. "Zhang Mengmeng showed her iconic innocent smile. No one would be unimpressed when seeing Zhang Mengmeng's cute smile, and Wen Xiaobai was no exception. The first sight of Zhang Mengmeng fell in love with this innocent smile. The little girl. When I heard that she turned out to be the technical director of Fuji Xun, she was a little surprised. I didn't expect Zhang Mengmeng to be so young but with such impressive strength.

Sister Wen is so good-looking! Be careful of this strange uncle. "Zhang Mengmeng said. Hearing Zhang Mengmeng's words, Wen Xiaobai is more like finding a confidant, yes! Jiang Cheng is a strange uncle!

Soon, the two women gradually got acquainted with the road, and they were chirping along the way, completely leaving Jiang Cheng aside.

Jiang Cheng was no stranger to the girls' friendship that came faster than his aunt, so he took the two girls into a taxi and went straight to the sales office closest to the company.

This is the sales office of a newly opened real estate. The house is very close to the center of the mansion, and if it goes smoothly, Fuji Xun will move to the center of the mansion. So Jiang Cheng in this area is still very satisfied.

Entering the sales office, the sales office is not large, with only one floor, and there are not many people buying houses. After all, it is a new building. There are not many people who can buy at present, and at this time there is no future payment for buying houses. Most People still live in rented houses.

It was not easy for someone to come to the door, and he seemed to be carrying a bodyguard. Soon, a salesperson enthusiastically greeted him.

"Hello, sir, welcome to the sales office of Tianma Villa. Is there anything I can offer you?" A warm greeting and a warm smile will easily make people feel good about them. If Jiang Cheng is not used to seeing them The mansion might be blinded by the enthusiasm.

"We're here to buy a house with a budget of 500,000 yuan." Jiang Cheng directly reported his budget. He wanted to buy a car simply and rudely.

I heard this in the ears of the sales lady, it's not easy!

Five hundred thousand!

What is the concept of half a million at this time! A luxury villa is only this price! This is a big customer!

Wait a moment, sir. I'll call our sales manager. "After the sales lady finished speaking, she hurriedly turned her head and called for someone.

Hey, Uncle Jiang Cheng is pretending to be so disgusting and funny!” Zhang Mengmeng said with a face, although he knew Jiang Cheng had no ideas in this regard, she just wanted to stab him.

..."Jiang Cheng didn't know what to say. Fortunately, the sales manager came over soon.

The visitor was a middle-aged Xiuding man with a big belly and a standard greasy middle-aged man. He trot all the way, and the fat all over his body shook with his movement, which was spectacular.

Hello, sir. I’m our sales manager here. What kind of room do you need? The sales manager asked carefully, this is a big customer and must be served. This month’s performance depends on this master. Supported.

There are not many requirements, the house should be relaxed, the lighting should be good, and the facilities should be complete. Yes, there is a location. "Jiang Cheng said, to be honest, Jiang Cheng's requirements are all the most basic requirements, and these requirements are really nothing compared to those who always ask for this and that.

Understand, understand, you come with me. "As the sales manager said, he brought Jiang Cheng and others to a booth.

This booth is different from other booths. The house models on other booths are all unit buildings, put together one by one. And this booth only has a single-family villa.

This is our villa in Tianma Villa, and this is the only one of this size. "The sales manager said.

This house is located on the Pearl Coast of Q House, backed by mountains, facing the vast sea, and dominating the most beautiful coastline of Hua’s family. Although it is some distance away from the center of the government, the transportation is convenient. It takes only ten minutes to drive to the center of the house.

The house occupies more than four acres, including 700 square meters of construction area. The main body is a two-story building with three indoor meeting spaces.

The overall architectural style is a Chinese mansion style, which is in line with Jiang Cheng's aesthetic.

The surroundings of the house are very good, and the architectural style of the house is in line with Jiang Cheng’s aesthetics. Jiang Cheng turned to ask Zhang Mengmeng’s opinion. Seeing the look on Zhang Mengmeng’s face that he liked, Jiang Cheng stopped hesitating.

"Okay, I want it, how much is it." Jiang Cheng said very directly. This is the most expensive set in our real estate, and it is also a brand image withdrawal, so the price is somewhat..." the sales manager said hesitantly.

Okay, you just say how much it costs. "Jiang Cheng interrupted him.

Refreshing, I like to do business with people like Mr. Jiang, haha. 1500000. "Although the sales manager told Jiang Cheng with a smile, he still had some ambitions in his heart. This price is already a sky-high price in the Hua family's house, and Jiang Cheng also said that the budget is only 500,000 yuan. Yuan, but he also introduced Jiang Cheng with the mentality of giving it a try.

But to the surprise of this sales manager, Jiang Cheng agreed without hesitation.

Okay, I bought it. "Jiang Cheng nodded and said. This made the sales manager really overjoyed, big brother! And Zhang Mengmeng behind Jiang Cheng didn't think there was anything, but Wen Xiaobai, his eyes were straight, 1.5 million! It's not one hundred and fifty yuan! It's too tyrant to buy it!

Okay, let's go through the formalities now? The sales manager is so excited that I don't know what to say. I don't have to worry about this this month!

After half an hour, all the procedures were completed. After all, it is a super VIP, so everything is efficiency in efficiency.

In this way, Tianma Villa Villa was officially owned by Jiang Cheng. After buying the house, it’s time to buy a car, but Jiang Cheng’s money has been spent, so as soon as Jiang Cheng sold the lobby door of the building, he called Lao Ma and asked him for another million. Borrowed and returned to Lao Ma when the dividend was distributed at the end of the year. Lao Ma also transferred the money to Jiang Cheng without saying a word. Now this little money is not very much in their eyes.

Several people took a taxi again. In the taxi, they discussed what brand of car would be better. In this era, regional cars were terrible, so Jiang Cheng didn't even think about it. In the end, he struggled between German and Japanese cars.

Take a look around. "Jiang Cheng said so.

It didn't take long for the three of them to arrive at a car dealership that contained both Japanese and German cars. Jiang Cheng in the county ran away.

As soon as the three of them entered the lobby, sales greeted him. Bi Jing saw that he was like a big boss. How could anyone dare not entertain him with the most enthusiastic attitude.

After asking Shima Jiang’s needs, comfort came first, and that salesperson recommended the Japanese Toyota Camry to Jiang Cheng.

Jimei Rui is a model of GAC Toyota. This Camry has always been Toyota’s main model. Even in the era when Jiang Cheng and others came, this model is still a best-selling model. From any angle, it is a perfect product. Hada Miri, developed with the concept of "creating a new global standard for mid-to-high-end cars", has overturned people's inherent image of mid-to-high-end cars. The distinguished appearance, comfortable interior space, perfect driving experience, the highest safety and environmental protection standards in the same class of cars, and the ubiquitous high-tech configuration, Camry has given the perfect answer to this question from these aspects.

This is the latest Camry product this year, the Camry 2000. "The salesman pointed to a Camry next to him and said. "This car is a very good choice from a commercial or domestic perspective. The main focus of this car is driving stability, driving comfort and riding comfort. Sex.

"The Camry uses the most advanced body and chassis technology in the world. For the body, the high-strength lightweight body design is used, which reduces the car’s noise and performs better in terms of aerodynamics. The ride is more stable and the control feels better. In terms of power, the Camry is equipped with an AZ2.0L or 2.4L four-cylinder in-line 16-valve dual overhead cam Ti engine, which has plenty of power to satisfy driving

Needs of the person. "The salesman explained in detail.

Um, this car is not bad, or just this one?" Jiang Cheng turned around and asked the two ladies. After obtaining their approval, Jiang Cheng nodded to the sales.

"Then this one, Mo Bai and red each." Jiang Cheng said lightly. The salesman couldn't react at once.

Are you saying that there will be one in ink, red and white???" The salesman asked again carefully, for fear that he would be unhappy.

Why? Out of stock? "Jiang Cheng thought that he wouldn't be so unlucky and he would have to go to another store.

There are some, there are goods and goods. Wait a moment, I'll go to our manager. "After the salesman finished speaking, he hurriedly turned around and went to the manager. He couldn't be the owner of such a big order.

The manager ran over

Sir, do you want to buy three Camry 2000s? "The manager also asked carefully.

"Yes, just open the order, we just drove away." Jiang Cheng said a little impatiently.

Okay, wait a minute. "The manager also noticed that this is a master who doesn't treat money as money, and he doesn't make a mistake. He went straight to the formalities.

It didn't take long for the manager to return.

Hello, sir, a total of nine hundred and thirty thousand yuan, in order to show the sincerity of our shop, we have spared you a fraction, you still need nine hundred thousand yuan. "The manager said, this kind of big customer definitely has business returning, so it's good to show some sincerity appropriately. Jiang Cheng nodded, took out the bank card and handed it to the manager, the manager quickly took it and turned around. Go through the formalities.

After half an hour, the bank card, three sets of car keys and a pair of materials were handed over to Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng handed it to Wen Xiaobai without even looking. Sir, I have all the license plates on you. Now you can go directly on the road. This is my business card. If you need it in the future, you can just contact me directly. "The sales manager said, and handed Jiang Cheng a business card. Jiang Cheng nodded, put the card away, and drove away in a car at the manager's farewell.

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