Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1403: talks

In this way, before half a day, the house and cars were all resolved.

The three of them did not go directly to the newly bought house, but found a hotel. It’s already a meal. Although it didn’t take a lot of effort to buy a house and a car, it was a morning. Several people were a little hungry, so I found a hotel and prepared to order a few dishes.

The three of them didn’t ask for a private room, so they found a seat in the lobby, waved to a waiter, and was about to place an order. At this moment, another waiter trot down all the way from upstairs and stopped at Jiang Cheng’s table. . Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you. A VIP upstairs invites you to eat together. They said that they have something to find Mr. Jiang Chengjiang.

Jiang Cheng was very surprised. Apart from Zhang Mengmeng and Wen Xiaobai in this city, he only knew people from Tencent, but if they were them, they would definitely call him directly, so it must not be them. Who can there be?

Forget it, I don’t want that much, don’t you know if you go up and take a look. "Okay, I see, we will go up now." Jiang Cheng responded and stood up, Zhang Mengmeng and Wen Xiaobai also stood up when they saw it. The waiter was originally worried that these people would be very difficult to invite, but she didn't expect Jing Ran to speak so well, which made her breathe a sigh of relief. Although she didn't know the identity of the person in the box upstairs in Bi Jing, she seemed to have an extraordinary background. Her boss was cautious when she saw them, and she didn't dare to show up.

Seeing Jiang Cheng standing up, the waiter hurried forward to lead the way. Several people followed the waiter to the second floor, and after a few turns, they came to a box.

The waiter knocked on the door and directly pushed the door open, indicating that Jiang Cheng and the others could go in, and she took the door after Jiang Cheng and others entered. She also has vision and knows what occasion to show up. What shouldn't appear.

Several people from Jiang Cheng entered the private room, and Wen Xiaobai was the first to call out. Sect Master! "Speaking, Wen Xiaobai walked to one of the old men in two or three steps, and bowed respectfully to say hello. The person who can be called the Sect Master by Wen Xiaobai, there is no doubt that this is Tang The sect master Tang Yuan is here. Jiang Cheng quickly reacted, is this to find his own revenge? The person who arrested him, would he be so embarrassed that he killed himself and Zhang Mengmeng, but Jiang Chengzheng Shi was not very clear about the strength of the Tang Sect master, but he felt that this old man was not simple from his first sense. Tang Yuan looked at Wen Xiaobai in front of him and nodded approvingly. You are called Wen Xiaobai, right? "Xiao Zi's apprentice?" Tang Yuan and Yan Yue asked. The Tang suit called the martial artist that day to inquire about Wen Xiaobai, and figured out her identity.

Yes, the sect master, I didn’t expect the sect master to know me! "Wen Xiaobai was a little excited, but the excitement calmed down before long, because she thought of her current situation, which was really embarrassing to Tang Sect.

Ask the master to punish, the disciple is guilty. "Wen Xiaobai said to Tang Cheng. 戦? What's your crime? Tang Dai was a little strange. This Wen Xiaobai looked more and more original, but why suddenly he pleaded guilty to himself.

The disciple was incompetent and was threatened to become someone else's personal bodyguard. "Wen Xiaobai said truthfully.

When Jiang Cheng listened to it, he secretly said that it was not good. This kid is accusing himself! If there is a fight later, what should Zhang Mengmeng do? Jiang Cheng is already thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

It can be seen that after listening to Zhang Mengmeng's words, Tang didn't show anger, but laughed, which made the three people very strange.

Haha, just about this, I know about this, so you can follow him with peace of mind in the future, I feel relieved that you are by his side. "Tang said with a dangerous smile.

What? "Wen Xiaobai's mind is a little overwhelming.

Let's talk about your matter later. Today we are mainly looking for Xiaoyou Jiang Chengjiang. "Tang Yuan said, looking at Jiang Cheng.

I don't know if Tang Sect Master is looking for me. . Is there anything? Jiang Cheng is very strange. There shouldn’t be any intersection between himself and this Tang Sect master. The only intersection should be Wen Xiaobai. Is it because of me, Wen Xiaobai? But he didn’t even say Wen Xiao just now. Will Bai's matter be said later? Jiang Cheng has thought a lot in this short period of time.

Don’t worry, little friend Hahajiang, we are not hostile, and it’s not mainly me looking for you this time, but he looking for you. "Tang Yuan said, looking at the old man sitting in the main seat.

This old man looks a bit older than Tang Luwei. He seems to be about sixty years old. He is dressed and looks very ordinary, so a few people came in and did not notice him, and he also sat there without saying a word. Tang Yuan mentioned him, I am afraid Jiang Cheng would not notice this person.

But when Jiang Cheng went to watch the old man, Jiang Cheng saw that the old man was looming with the aura of the superior. This old man is not easy! Jiang Cheng immediately made a judgment, Jiang Cheng was born here. Those who are unfamiliar, didn't dare to be big, bowed their hands to the old man, and said, "Boy Jiang Cheng doesn't know what the old gentleman is called? Is there anything to look for?

The old man is naturally Old Xu, one of the seven high-level Hua family. He specially rushed from Yanbang to Q Mansion in order to get in touch with Jiang Cheng and get to know Jiang Cheng.

For the first meeting today, Jiang Cheng felt very good for Old Xu.

Haha, don't be nervous, Xiaoyou Jiang, my name is Xu, and there is nothing important about looking for you, just to talk to you about killing insects. Old Xu said very kindly.

After hearing what Xu Lao said, Jiang Cheng thought about it for a while, and then guessed the origin of Xu Lao.

Are you from the mansion?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Not bad, I recognized the old man my origin at a glance. Yes, I came to talk to you about this on behalf of the mansion. "Xu Lao said.

Someone from the mansion will talk to himself about killing the millennium bug, which is completely within Jiang Cheng's expectation. But 823 did not expect that such an old man would come.

At this time, Tang Yuan who was sitting on the side spoke, "This is Old Xu, the current head of the Hua family's army, and one of the seven.

In a short sentence, the expression of Wen Xiaobai on the side changed, this. . Jing Ran is one of the top seven people in Huajia District today!? I naturally ate at the same table with such a person? Wen Xiaobai's heart beat more intensely in an instant.

Although Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng were not as big as Wen Xiaobai's reaction, their faces changed. Unexpectedly, the region actually paid attention to this level, and sent people of this level to contact him. This is too dear to him.

Jiang Cheng stood up and bent slightly to face Xu Lao, "Hello, Xu Lao, I was so sloppy before, please forgive me!

It's not that Jiang Cheng was scared by Xu Lao's identity, but Jiang Cheng felt that he could become one of the seven entrants in Huajia District. At least their contributions to this region and this nation deserve their respect. "Haha, I'm not forgiving, you are too far-fetched to say that." Old Xu smiled, "You just treat me as an ordinary person who comes to business negotiations, you don't need to be so polite. You The kid is a rare talent.

Where, Old Xu laughed. "Jiang Cheng said quickly.

"Just kidding? Did I make a joke? You didn't count it!" Suddenly, Old Xu's face was repeated, and he said violently.

This sudden change in expression surprised Jiang Cheng. This. . Xu Lao He said this. "Jiang Cheng thought to himself, this God is really changing his face faster than a woman. Just now a little friend Jiang who laughed and laughed, and now this storm is starting again.

Humph, you really don't know the good things you did? *Old Xu said with a serious face. "Invasion of the Id Agency’s intranet, forged identity information, and illegal intrusion of the three major websites. Didn’t these things happen to you? Jiang Cheng had to sigh with Xu Lao’s two words that the power of the region has been pervasive since this early. Sure enough, for the moment, compared with a region, his personal strength is really very different.

That's right, I did these things, I don't know what Xu Lao wants to do with me. "Jiang Cheng said indifferently, he was actually not very worried, because today this person came to him in person, indicating that the matter is not as serious as Old Xu said. If the district really wants to deal with him, then It was definitely not Mr. Xu who came, but the team members.

Mr. Xu also saw Jiang Cheng's thoughts. He knew that he was a wise man who knew that he was definitely not here to ask the teacher today. He said this before, just pretending to be.

Okay, haha, come on, Xiaoyou Jiang, let's eat first. We will discuss something after dinner. "After Mr. Xu finished speaking, he nodded to the Mozi man standing next to him, and the man went out knowingly. After a while, waiters started serving dishes one after another.

After eating and drinking, several people put down their chopsticks one after another. Even the foodie Zhang Mengmeng stopped. She was able to figure out the current situation. She knew in her heart that it was not time to eat.

"Okay, since we are all about eating, let's start talking about things." Mr. Xu said. When everyone heard Mr. Xu say this, they all looked at Mr. Xu.

Xiao Jiang, why are we here today? The main purpose is to kill the dry year insects in your hands. "Lao Xu said to Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng nodded, saying that he knew.

Logically speaking, you did this special killing, and you still have its full use of punches. Even the region cannot interfere, but this time the situation is different. "Old Xu said in a very kind tone. "Oh? Why is it different?" Jiang Cheng asked curiously. He also felt something was wrong. He sent a heavyweight like Old Xu from the area to contact him. It can be seen that the region attaches great importance to this matter.

The boss of the West District called the leader and asked us to provide them with special kills. We don't know why you haven't opened your software to outside the zone, but we hope you can consider this aspect. After all, this involves some interregional relations and some interests of our district. "Xu Lao said, in his tone, there is no arrogance of the regional elder at all, but with a hint of seeking help.

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