Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1405: Give me a face

Seeing Jiang Cheng's look of disbelief, Old Xu couldn't help feeling a little helpless. You kid, it seems that you don't trust the region!" Old Xu said. "You don't dare to talk nonsense about this. I am a five-good young man who loves the district. You can't talk nonsense. "Jiang Cheng said, my love for the district is true, but that doesn't mean I trust the mansion very much! Jiang Cheng said in his heart.

Humph, what do you think you really want to be an old man, can't I see it? I'm not to the point of dim eyes! Don't worry, this is definitely a good thing. I want to give you an identity. "Xu Lao said.

"An identity? Don't I have an identity now?". Jiang Cheng asked strangely, although his forged identity was seen, but this identity is indeed valid, and it doesn't make sense to need Mr. Xu to give himself another one.

Your kid looks very clever, why are you stupid at this time!" Old Xu gave Jiang Cheng an angry look. Jiang Cheng stuck his tongue out and did not answer, waiting for Old Xu to continue.

The identity I'm talking about is a special one! Has the security team's special operations department heard of it?" Old Xu asked with a mysterious face.

"Special Operations Department of the Security Team!!! Never heard of it." Jiang Cheng said with an ignorant expression. But in fact, how could he not know! He was a member of this organization before this era! Unexpectedly, this organization existed so early, no wonder, as the most mysterious organization in the region, the existence time should be and The establishment time of the region is similar.

Originally, after listening to Jiang Cheng’s first half of his astonishment, Xu Lao thought that Jiang Cheng had heard of this organization, and he was still a little proud of it. After hearing this, Jingran must know how awesome it is! But whoever thinks it is. But I haven't heard it in a round!

I haven't heard of you repeating what you are doing! I'm sick! The city government around Xu Lao is a little helpless by Jiang Cheng.

The Special Operations Department of the Security Team is a special operations department subordinate to the federal government. This department has a lot of special boxing and is very powerful. It is a violent organization in the true sense. Today, I am going to give you the identity of a special operations department of the security team. "After Mr. Xu finished speaking, he was ready to look at Jiang Cheng's expression of excitement, and then madly thanked himself. But who would think that the kid Jiang Cheng listened to Mr. Xu and shook his head slowly.

Thank you Xu Lao for your kindness. My ambition is that the Internet industry has no plans in this regard. "Jiang Cheng said, shaking his head.

What does it mean to have no plans in this respect, I am not asking you to be honest! You should understand the benefits of this status! "Old Xu is a little unbelievable. This status is something that many people can't dream of, but this kid Don't even send it to your door.

"Old Xu, of course I know how good this status is, but at the same time, I also know that there is no free lunch in the world. You must pay as much as you want. I don't want to be instructed to do this and that every day. "Jiang Cheng said lightly. But doesn’t Jiang Cheng really want this identity? Of course not! Jiang Cheng at least belongs to the Special Operations Department. Of course he knows how great the benefits of this identity are! But you must know that this identity also means endless tasks. This is very troublesome, so I have to go to the ground first

At this time, Mr. Xu was a little bit angry. Didn't he all say that the programmer had a tendon? The programmer in front of him was as good as a monkey! He couldn't understand the meaning of Jiang Cheng's words, it made it clear I just want to take money and don’t do anything! But this identity has to be given to him. On the one hand, this identity is a layer of protection for him. On the other hand, it also binds him to the region and allows him to be in the region. Being able to think about the region in the face of interests, it can be said that the region is also exhausted. But Jiang Cheng caught this and threatened him, wouldn't this annoy him!

I said Xiao Jiang, you think about it again, this identity doesn't mean that you have it!" Old Xu said.

"No need to think about it, I think very clearly, I'm lazy and don't want to do so many things." Jiang Cheng said with something in his words.

Old Xu gritted his teeth, and nodded hard for a while. OK! I promise you! I won’t easily assign tasks to you. This is okay, but you have to promise me that when the area really needs you, you must stand up!"" Old Xu made up his mind and said, It's not that Jiang Cheng is a rare person, how could he give him face like this!

Hahaha, thank you Xu Lao!" Jiang Cheng stood up and arched his hands.

"It's alright, don't give me this set. If you go back today, take care of the special killing, and strive to push it outside the zone tomorrow. Of course, if you can make a lot of money when you push it outside the zone For a sum, the region doesn't have any opinion." Old Xu said with an evil face. After all, foreigners don't make money for nothing.

And he was so patient with Jiang Cheng because of what Jiang Cheng did. The home version of Fujitsu Computer Manager is completely free. You should know that the Hua family currently owns a small amount of computers, and after being caught up in the Gannian bug incident, not many people dare to buy a computer. It is already the age of the computer Internet. If the residents of Huajia cannot keep up with the times and cannot enter the computer age, then this will be another time for Huajia to lag behind the world.

Jiang Cheng’s computer butler has improved this problem to a large extent and made a great contribution to the popularization of Hua’s computers. His contribution to the Hua’s family is recognized by the region, so some conditions for Jiang Cheng Old people also accept it.

Hahaha, definitely, I will definitely make a lot of money from these old men! Hahaha! "Jiang Cheng also smiled wretchedly.

Originally, he was going to use the special killing to blackmail those areas outside the district, but since the Hua family's high-level people came forward, he would sell his favors and earn less, in exchange for the favors of the region, which is worth more than anything. , In the long run, this time, both Jiang Cheng and Fuji Xun will make a lot of money.

When the flowers waiting for the people outside were almost thanking, Old Xu and Jiang Cheng finally walked out of the box. Seeing the insidious smiles on their faces, the few people outside the door were all dumbfounded.

Jiang Cheng and Xu Lao didn't say anything, Jiang Cheng and others said goodbye to Xu Lao and left the hotel.

As soon as the person left the hotel, Jiang Cheng's phone number came. Jiang Cheng saw that it was Lao Ma's phone number.

Hello, old horse, what's wrong. "Jiang Cheng answered the phone and asked, according to normal circumstances, there should be no problems with Lao Ma.

Lao Jiang, you are not authentic. If it matters, let me run away this morning with Lao Zhang in vain!" "My mother said, it sounds like he is blaming Jiang Cheng, but the excitement in his tone is indeed It can't be hidden. Jiang Cheng easily heard the excitement in Lao Ma's tone.

How do you know it's me?" "Jiang Cheng is a little strange, the people of Xu Lao came forward to take care of it, and they would know that it was their own reasons that made them easily get this building.

"Hahaha, that person told us that this building has been photographed by Mr. Jiang of Fuji Xun, so let us pay for it. Who else would Mr. Jiang of Fuji Xun be besides you? ! Not bad, you boy, the relationship is very hard! "Lao Ma's mood at this time is really very good, because Fuji Xun's top priority has been solved.

Hahaha, there is another good news, do you want to listen?" Jiang Cheng asked, and you were so excited that this solved the problem of the building. If you know that I will almost solve the server problem by the way, your mother. Don’t even sing to me to conquer. "Ah! Just like you conquered! Hahaha, Jiang Cheng was yelling in his heart.

What's the news? "Sure enough, the old horse couldn't wait to ask. Ah, the evening's dinner hasn't settled yet. I heard that the bromine lobsters in the Exhibition Hotel seem to be pretty good." Jiang Cheng answered the question.

The old Ma on the opposite side immediately understood Jiang Cheng's meaning, and immediately slandered the stingy Jiang Cheng. You still owe Lao Tzu a million! But who made Jiang Chenggang solve a major problem by himself!

"Okay! Let me please. It happens that our company has a dinner in the evening, and the whole company will go. It is a little bit of hard work during this time. "Lao Ma is a shrewd businessman. Become a reward for others, while buying people's hearts, you also make a fortune. Although the money is not bad, the feeling of taking advantage is always happy.

OK, then see you tonight, I'm going to my new home, do you want to come together? "Jiang Cheng said. Things are almost busy, and it's time to go to the new house he bought. By the way, to see what's missing in the house and buy it all, it's a worry for the county.

Alright, Lao Zhang and I are fine now. The company will be relocated tomorrow, so we will have a vacation today. By the way, is your new house big? "Old Ma seems to have thought of something.

"It seems to be quite big." Jiang Cheng didn't know why, but still replied. That's great, I just thought about it, where to eat at home is interesting, we will go to your home to eat homemade hot pot tonight! By the way, celebrate your new home, hahaha. "Lao Ma smiled and hung up before Jiang Cheng could speak.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but feel a little depressed. I haven't seen Lao buckle like this before. No wonder that the richer the more buckle, it's really not nonsense. However, hot pot is also very good. It is also good for the management of the company in the future.

Now that it's decided, let's start preparing. Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng drove back to his newly bought villa with the two women.

This villa is much more attractive than the model seen in the sales office. The house seems to be only three stories high, but it occupies a very wide area and is very magnificent. Next to the house, a small crooked river flows through, and a back door of the house faces the bay with unobstructed sea views.

The sea breeze came slowly, blowing on the faces of the three people, a kind of comfort, from the bottom of their hearts.

The value of this one and a half million flowers!" Jiang Cheng couldn't help but sigh. Indeed, if he bought a commercial house for 1.5 million dollars in later generations, how could he buy a house of this quality! This is a big profit, Jiang Cheng thought in his heart.

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