Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1406: Find a place

But Zhang Mengmeng and Wen Xiaobai couldn't wait to rush into the house for a while, and the two women kept screaming from the house.

Wow, the decoration here is great! Wow, the sofa is so soft! The bathroom is so big! I like the swimming pool!

Jiang Cheng looked at the two women helplessly, both in their twenties, how could they look like a little girl, it was really 0...

But I have to say that the decoration of this house is really great! The overall decoration style of the house is mainly white story, the design is simple and does not lose personality. The style is mainly white, and the application of white and steel structure, square and round fusion, make the whole house more layered, without giving people a dull feeling.

There are some exaggerated abstract paintings on the wall of the lobby on the first floor, showing the characteristics of art.

The overall tone is soft, coordinated, and the accessories are generous and stable, making Jiang Cheng very satisfied with the house.

And some basic living furniture in the house is available, sofa, dining table, and some household appliances are not yet available, so the task in the afternoon is very clear.

Jiang Cheng called Lao Ma and asked him to find a home-care service company for himself, and sent a few people over to clean the house. Bi Jing hadn't lived there before, and there was still some dust.

But Jiang Cheng, Zhang Mengmeng and Wen Xiaobai set out to buy household appliances. This time the three drove only one car. Bi Jing didn't need to drive three cars.

People came to the largest electrical appliance mall in Q House, Jiamei Electrical Appliances Mall. Entering the mall, there are a dazzling array of electrical appliances, which are overwhelming. Jiang Cheng only has performance requirements for electrical appliances, so Zhang Mengmeng and Wen Xiaobai will check the appearance.

The three of them chose for a long time, but they still haven't picked the favorite electrical appliance, but they are not to blame.

Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng are all because of the times they came from. Looking at the current electrical appliances is almost no different from looking at spicy chicken, while Wen Xiaobai has never used high-end electrical appliances. I really don’t know where to start the comparison. it is good.

The three of them really had to choose, beckoned, and called a receptionist. Hello, sir, madam, is there anything you need help? It is a big shopping mall, and some basic service attitudes are still required.

"We are going to buy some electrical appliances. I really don't know how to pick them. Then, you recommend the most expensive ones to us." Jiang Cheng said, at this time, he is full of local tyrants.

"Okay sir, what kind of electrical do you need?" the salesman asked, he didn't care too much. Bi Jing would occasionally come to a few local tyrants to indicate the expensive ones.

"It's not much, just the refrigerator, color TV, air conditioner, washing machine, water heater, computer, eye.... Let's do this first, I can't remember what I need for the time being." Jiang Cheng thought about it and said, this should be enough for now.

At this time, the receptionist's mouth was almost opened into an o-shape.

"Are you... are you sure that these are the most expensive?" The receptionist asked once again, confirming that he has seen a local tyrant. This is the first time he has seen such a tyrant!

The most expensive and the best. "Jiang Cheng said of course with a face. Wait a minute, I'll go and sort it out for you." The hostess said, bringing Jiang Cheng and others to a reception room and asked someone to serve Jiang Cheng and others tea. I also went to sort out the information on the electrical appliances that Jiang Cheng needed.

At this time, there are another man and a woman in the reception room. The man has a big belly, bald, and a greasy face. The standard oily middle-aged man, while the woman is a **** tight-fitting black leather jacket and leather pants, which makes the figure more attractive. Coming out, the mansion with heavy make-up on his face and a flattering look coquettishly at the man.

Hani, people just fell in love with that big color TV. You can buy them for them. They really want them... "The woman withdrew while drawing circles on the middle-aged man.

Want?" The middle-aged man had a smile on his face.

Just when the three of Jiang Cheng couldn't stand it, the receptionist finally returned.

"Sir, here are some information about the electrical appliances you need, please go over it." After that, he handed Jiang Cheng a list, and Jiang Cheng took the list and looked at it.

This is, the man who had a wonderful event that night asked the receptionist to say a few words, but he didn't say a few words, and it seemed that there was a quarrel.

"Sir, there is nothing we can do about it, but the last one was indeed booked by someone else." The receptionist said instead.

"I don't care, we watched this TV first! Why are you selling it to others! I tell you, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer today, you don't want to do this job anymore!" The young man said sharply.

Jiang Cheng quickly understood. It turned out that the last set of the color TV set by the middle-aged man in the show was going to please women and was bought away. The middle-aged man felt very shameless in front of the woman, so he became angry and gave it to the receptionist. put pressure on. It seems that this middle-aged person is also a middle-aged person with some background.

Jiang Cheng looked at the list in his hand, and it seemed that the last color TV was in his hand. Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng stood up and walked forward.

Zhang Mengmeng and Wen Xiaobai knew at a glance that Jiang Cheng had any bad thoughts, and they sat there, showing a good show.

Jiang Cheng walked over and patted the receptionist on the shoulder, "Hello, take me to pay. By the way, these color TVs can be delivered to your door." Jiang Cheng asked more specifically.

Color TV? "Sure enough, when she heard Jiang Cheng's words, the woman thought of something, and took a look at Jiang Cheng's list.

Okay you, didn’t you tell me that this color TV was sold to others? Didn’t you still have no payment? I don’t care, you can only sell this color TV to me, otherwise you will complain to you! "The woman looked at Jiang Cheng’s The first one on the list was the color TV that I saw, so I was not calm at once. How much energy I wasted to make this old man happy to serve. There was a chance to buy this color TV, but I didn’t even sell it to myself. To prepare to sell to others, how can this be tolerated.

Hani, look at them, this is not a bully. "The coquettish woman shook the man's arm, revealing an appearance of being aggrieved.

What is more important than the face in front of a woman!

It's just a color TV. Of course, if you buy it, you can buy it. If it makes a woman unhappy, it will be more than a loss. Thinking of this, the man spoke. I am willing to pay twice the price and sell this color TV to me. "The man said. No, sir, this color TV was ordered by this gentleman first... What else the receptionist wanted to say, Jiang Cheng patted him on the shoulder.

"It's okay, I want to compare my money with Xiaoye.? Yeah, I have money. Do you want to pay the price? I'll be with you! I'll pay three times!" Jiang Cheng said.

Four times! "The middle-aged man that day didn't even think about it, he immediately followed.

Eight times! "Jiang Cheng refused to give up.

Sixteen times!" The middle-aged man from Xiuding opened his mouth without even thinking about it, but he regretted it as soon as he said it. The price is too high. It’s not worth it. Isn’t it just a color TV? Wait The next time you raise the price, I won't want it. First, you will be disgusting and disgusting, you, a ignorant boy, think of the Xiuding middle-aged man.

But who would have thought, Jiang Cheng did not continue to raise the price, but said with a smile, "This boss really has a lot of money, I admire, admire, I am not strong enough, I have to cut love, where to pay, I will take the rest Buy it. "The last sentence, Jiang Cheng said to the receptionist.

With his ass, I know that this middle-aged man from the show was taken by Jiang Cheng. Zhang Mengmeng and Wen Xiaobai had already laughed and joined each other. The receptionist was also very refreshed in his heart, which is considered to be a sigh of relief for himself. , Who made these two people so aggressive before.

Your kid, do you dare to want me?" The middle-aged man also reacted at this time, looking at Jiang Cheng with an anger.

"How dare I play you, boss, I really don't have money." Jiang Cheng said with a bitter face on purpose, but this is really ironic in the eyes of the middle-aged man in Xiuding.

Your kid is very good, very good..." the Xiuding middle-aged man gritted his teeth and was interrupted by the receptionist before he finished speaking.

Since you are willing to pay such a high price, sir, you can pay with me here. "The receptionist said lightly. These words made the man even more embarrassed.

...Okay, you are good, you can wait for me!" "The man was already angry, he pulled the woman next to him and left. The woman wanted to say something, but she shut up when she saw the man's expression. A smart woman needs to know when to speak, to please men, and when to shut up and be a sheep.

Hahaha!" The presumptuous laughter of Zhang Yinmeng and Wen Xiaobai was echoed in the reception room.

Hearing the laughter coming from behind, the man couldn't bear it and took out the phone from his pocket.

Hey, big brother, it's me. I was bullied. I can't swallow this breath. I want to find the place back. "The man from Xiuding said to the other end of the phone.

OK, I get it, and the address is posted on my phone. "There was a gloomy man's voice on the other end of the phone, and he hung up after saying a few words briefly.

The man in Xiuding knew that his eldest brother was about to make a move, he was happy in his heart. "Hmph, just want me, I must make you pay the price.

What most people in County J didn't know was that in the meeting room of the Junwei Mansion at this time, the entire county's high-level officials gathered here, and felt that no one was absent. And sitting in the first place was an old man in his 60s who was exactly old Xu who had just left from Q's house.

After Xu Lao separated from Jiang Cheng at noon, he rushed to the county meeting house non-stop. Here, he gathered the senior officials of the whole bank with only one purpose.

The Fujitsu Company of Q House is currently the most valued company in the region. One of the shareholders of this company, Jiang Cheng, I don’t want to hear any news about him being aggrieved. This is a regional decision. I think you should understand. "Lao Xu sat in the first place, his majestic eyes swept over everyone present.

No one dared to look at him and nodded. Mr. Xu has spoken. Who else would dare to confront him, and Mr. Xu's meaning is also very clear. This is not the person whom Mr. Xu wants to cover, but the person who wants to cover the area! Who dares to cover the area? Move! That's the giant panda!

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