Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1408: Contain

Sect master, things are like this. Today, I went to the street to buy electrical appliances with Mr. Jiang Cheng and Ms. Zhang Mengmeng. We went to a shopping mall. As soon as we arrived in the mall, a receptionist came over to receive us. The receptionist looked good and looked quite young. I guess it shouldn’t be long after graduation. The working hours are not long, so the work experience is insufficient, and the receptionist I think this job is still not suitable for men to do... "Wen Xiaobai babbled, listening to Wen Xiaobai's nonsense on the phone, Tang's face was dark.

"Tell me the point!!" Tang Yuan whispered. If he weren't by Mr. Xu, he would definitely give Wen Xiaobai a taste of his lion roar skill!

"Oh oh oh, sorry, the master. It was when we were buying electrical appliances, Jiang Cheng offended a Xiuding man, that man looks really ugly, Jiang Cheng is much more beautiful than him, but Even though the man looks so ugly, the woman next to him looks pretty good. The point is to let go. I guess if no one is there, they won't have to do anything in the VIP room.

"Tang Yuan doesn't know what to say anymore. Fortunately, this time Wen Xiaobai reacted by himself.

Oh oh oh oh, let’s talk about the important point. Look at my mouth. Simply put, Jiang Cheng offended the Xiuding man, but Jiang Cheng did not do anything illegal. After that, the Xiuding man called the gangsters in society. Give Jiang Cheng a lesson, and then we were hit, and then the team members came. The team members seemed to be very familiar with those gangsters, so Jiang Cheng was arrested indiscriminately. That's it. "Wen Xiaobai was afraid that he was wrong again, so he quickly explained the matter in a very quick tone.

OK, I get it. "After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone quickly. He was really scared of Wen Xiaobai. He hadn't seen that he could speak this way before.

Mr. Xu, the matter is clear, it is not Jiang Cheng's problem, but the player who caught him. "Tang Yuan said.

Good, good, good. "Old Xu was expressionless, but Tang still easily felt the anger in Old Xu's heart.

This kind of thing will make anyone angry. The heads of the county have just convened for a meeting and conveyed the meaning of the region. It hasn’t been a few hours before Kang Dang caught people in the team. It’s a naked eyelashing. It’s not just Xu. The old man was in danger, and all the faces in the area were hit together.

Then, Mr. Xu, I now have someone tell the Yamen to let people go?” Tang Yuan asked cautiously. Although he is the head of the Tang Sect, he is far from being compared with Mr. Xu in terms of status and status. He was so cautious in front of him, but Xu Lao usually regarded him as a brother, so he would do things for Xu Lao.

Release people? Of course people must release, but not now, Xiao Li, nodded, let's go to Q House. "Lao Xu told the driver. The driver received the order and turned around without saying anything.

"Lao Xu, do you think?" Tang Yuan seemed to realize something.

King Jian is so cheating, the little ghosts are hard to deal with, I will beat and beat these little ghosts today to let them know who they are doing and what to do. "At this time, Old Xu is full of a strong unpleasant aura.

Tang Yuan didn't say anything anymore. After all, Mr. Xu had decided, so he was responsible for following Mr. Xu to protect his safety.

I said people, I answered what you asked, what else do you want. "Jiang Cheng showed a rogue attitude at this time. Anyway, the two of them are already tearing their skins at this time, so why bother to cooperate with such a small person?

Let me tell you, you'd better correct your attitude, don't think that you have nothing to do with us. Your deliberate imitation of humans has solid evidence, and you can't deny it! "Wang Tiancheng put his eyes on him, thinking that this is all right. Suppress Jiang Cheng.

He really looked down upon Jiang Cheng too much. As a member of the special operations department of the security team, he didn't know how many times he had seen such a scene before he came to this era. Now such a small yamen member dare to yell to himself, look. The matter of building your own network of influence still has to be on the agenda.

Oh, so, then you go and sue me, ha ha. "Jiang Cheng's indifferent look completely angered Wang Tiancheng. It has been a long time since so many years, no one has dared to treat himself with this attitude, because he has some green relationship behind him, even on weekdays he will give himself three points, but Today, he was ridiculed by someone with no background in this way. How could this make him swallow this breath. Wang Tiancheng, who originally wanted to vent his anger for Brother Hua, was left with his own grievances against Jiang Cheng at this time.

"You go out first." Wang Tiancheng said to the recorder beside him, "Bring the door.

As a member of the same door, this player naturally understands Wang Tiancheng’s style of acting. Of course, he understands what Wang Tiancheng wants to do next, but he is just a small player, and he is concerned about what will happen next. There was no other way but to cast a pity at Jiang Cheng, and walked out and closed the door. Wang Tiancheng reached out and turned off the power of the camera. The color of the power supply on the camera suddenly turned red. Everything is ready. It's time to take a lesson to teach this ignorant boy. "Hehe." Wang Tiancheng looked at Jiang Cheng with a gloomy smile, and he didn't know where he took out a wooden stick with living water, he seemed to be prepared.

Approaching Jiang Cheng step by step. But what he didn't notice was that the camera that he had just turned off turned into a green indicator light.

"You, what are you going to do!" Jiang Cheng retracted the right hand that had just operated on the bracelet, a sinister smile passed by on his face, and immediately afterwards, the expression on his face was immediately replaced by panic.

You...what are you going to do!" Jiang Cheng asked with a look of horror. Hey, what are you doing, just do you!" Wang Tiancheng said, the stick was already raised, and as he raised it, the camera was again closed.


A loud noise came from the interrogation room, and when the recorder heard the sound, he couldn't help but imagine what Jiang Cheng was like at this time. But in fact...

Wang Tiancheng fell to the ground at this time, coughing vigorously. At this time, his eyes looked at Jiang Cheng in horror.!!" Wang Tiancheng pointed to Jiang Cheng and said, just now, just when he was about to smash him with a stick, Jiang Cheng kicked him into the air. It really flew! How could ordinary people? With this strength! Wang Tiancheng thought of the re-imitation Hua Ge and more than a dozen big guys, and suddenly reacted. How could ordinary people be unharmed under Hua Ge's containment, and why did he react at this time? Too!

Humph, didn’t you want to hit me? Come on? "Jiang Cheng has taken off the chain in his hand at some point and walked in front of Wang Tiancheng. "I told you that this chain is easy to put on. It's not easy. I mean, take it off your hand. "Jiang Cheng said, putting the chain in his hand on Wang Tiancheng's hand.

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