Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1409: Revolt

Wang Tiancheng wanted to resist, but Jiang Cheng's kick just now caused him to lose all his strength. At this time, he was like a pile of slime, and he could only be at the mercy of Jiang Cheng.

"Come on! Come on!" Wang Tiancheng used the remaining strength on his throat.

Soon, the team members in the interrogation room heard Wang Tiancheng's voice, and they rushed in. When they opened the door of the interrogation room, they were all stunned.

Wang Tiancheng, who is usually inexhaustible and beautiful, is now paralyzed on the ground like a dead dog with a chain, and the suspect who he personally captured just now is sitting in the position where Wang Tiancheng should have been sitting with his legs up. on.

"What's the matter!" At this moment, a middle-aged man who looked very handsome walked in.

Boss, boss!

Everyone greeted the boss one after another, but no one could explain what happened.

You! Come down to me, who made you sit there!" the boss said, pointing to Jiang Cheng.

Are you talking to me? OK, then you can give me a seat. "Jiang Cheng stood up, looked at the boss and said. In his opinion, the deputy boss is such a thing, and the boss is definitely not much better.

Who are you?" the boss asked.

Just now the recorder heard the boss's question, and hurried forward to whisper a few words in the boss's ear.

Listening to the recorder's words, the boss's expression gradually slowed down.

Mr. Jiang, right? Now that the matter has not been found out, you can only stay in the interrogation room. After all, you are the first person. But rest assured, we will not wrong any good person. "The boss said to Jiang Cheng very politely.

Jiang Cheng was very strange in his heart. Does this person know who I am? Shouldn't he, he only agreed to Mr. Xu at noon today, and his own documents have not come down, but why is this boss so polite?

But since others are polite to themselves, he doesn't have the need to greet others with a big stick. Jiang Cheng also wanted to see what the boss was like, so he sat back on the interrogation chair with a grin.

Go to the monitoring records to see what happened. "The boss waved his hand, and immediately some team members ran to take care of the matter.

Jiang Cheng, tell me what happened just now. "The boss sat opposite Jiang Cheng and motioned to the recorder to record.

It was very simple. He wanted to torture me to extract a confession, but he didn't know why, suddenly he opened the chain and put it on himself and hit my foot by himself. "Jiang Cheng is serious nonsense.

The boss's face twitched involuntarily. Does Lao Tzu look so stupid? Did you believe this? But when you look at Jiang Cheng's face, whether you believe it or not, the boss knows that Jiang Cheng himself probably believes it. .

"Jiang Cheng, I hope you can cooperate with our investigation. Only in this way will it be possible to return your innocence." The boss did not get angry like Wang Tiancheng. This was beyond Jiang Cheng's expectation. He thought this boss And that Wang Tiancheng is a raccoon dog.

At this time, the door of the interrogation room was knocked.

The team member walked in, leaned down and said a few words to the boss, and the boss's expression immediately changed.

What? Hurry up, stay here and ask, I’ll go out to meet them!” The boss hurriedly got up and walked outside the interrogation room, leaving the two team members and Jiang Cheng in the interrogation room. Seeing this, it seems that Someone is here, so the boss is too busy to go out to meet him.

In the hall of the Yamen, a group of people stood there next to each other, there were about seven or eight people. The look is serious, there are two standing in the middle

The sixty-year-old people are Xu Lao and Tang Yuan.

The boss came out of the interrogation room and was almost stunned when he saw some of the people in this group.

Why are you here!" The boss has a huge psychological shadow area at this time. On weekdays, these big guys can only be seen during the meeting. Why are all these big guys crowded into their small temple today? I’m here, and I didn’t get any notice in advance. Looking at the faces of these bosses, they all looked gloomy. They didn’t look like ordinary inspectors, but it seemed that something serious had happened.

This...Boss? Where are you today...? "The boss looked at his direct superior and asked cautiously.

The boss is obviously someone who knows the inside story. After clearing his throat, Lu Wei said sternly: "Xiao Jiang, has your firm recently caught a young man?"

Young man? What young man? "The boss is a bit unclear, so suddenly the boss's complexion changed dramatically. Could it be the young man in the interrogation room!

Seeing the boss’s face, the boss knew that he had reacted. He kept praying in his heart that these people would never do anything unusual to the young man, otherwise he would not be able to eat his boss. ! You know, those two old men have a lot of background

At this time, the boss and Fuwei Clerk standing next to Xu Lao were also very unhappy

It's great! Just after a busy day, I was about to go home from get off work and take a good rest. Suddenly, I received a call from the boss of the county saying that an important person was coming and asked all of them to meet him. Junli's voice sounded very angry and grumpy. When he found out the identity of the old man, he was shocked.

People with such a big identity suddenly came to their house! Sudden inspection? When they heard that it was because the people underneath had arrested a very important young man, they all had the heart to scold his mother. How terrible the status of a young man who can make the county bosses who must be treated carefully to find this young man in person, and the old man who is so scared by the county people to find him in person, is that terrible status! By Wei Wen

In a hurry, he quickly summoned the boss and went to the yamen.

Where is that person and how is he?" The boss asked anxiously. He recognized Mr. Xu as soon as he saw Mr. Xu. After all, he was one of the seven.

Few people don't know him. That's why he asked anxiously.

Everyone is okay, everyone is okay, he is in the interrogation room, we are interrogating him just now..." the boss said truthfully.

What? Are you still interrogating him? Did he commit an offence? You just interrogate him? "The boss was immediately anxious when he heard that this group of people had brought him to the interrogation room. He seemed to have felt the black hat on his head. Guaranteed.

Where are the people, don’t bring them out quickly. Tang Yuan on the side couldn’t stand it anymore, talking about it for a long time, but let Xu Lao see Jiang Cheng to calm down his anger, this group of people really had no vision at all.

Oh, yes, yes, I will call him out now. "The boss heard Tang Yuan's words, and felt that it seemed very reasonable in his heart, and immediately turned and entered the interrogation room.

boom. "The door of the interrogation room was opened. At this time, Jiang Cheng was still sitting in the interrogation chair, and the questioner was asking every sentence. He was barely asking, and it seemed to be homely.

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