Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1414: Founder!

When I came to Fujisun Company, the company was noisy at this time, people coming and going, there were company employees, there were employees from moving companies, and all kinds of people crowded in this small space. It looks very messy.

Jiang Cheng knows that this is a company now, and today is the day when Fuji Xun is relocating.

The important documents were cleaned up yesterday, and Zhang drove to the new company in person early in the morning. Now he is picking up some odds and ends.

Jiang Cheng himself didn't have anything here, so after looking at it twice, he found the headquarters of Fuji Xun's company based on the address of the new company mentioned by Lao Ma.

This is a 20-storey building located in the CBD of Q House. It has a very advantageous geographical location and well-developed traffic. It is absolutely Huangzhang area. There were a lot of people staring at this building, and many of them were among the top 500 companies in Huajia District. It can be said that if it were not for Jiang Cheng's relationship, Fuji Xun would definitely not be greener than this building.

Standing in front of the building, Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Guangxing's Teng Xun Technology Co., Ltd., and he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. After all, there is also a sense of accomplishment in it.

At this time, security guards were already standing guard at the door of the building. Jiang Cheng made a micro-personnel 1 and saw that these security guards were not simple, they were extremely stable, breathing very regular, and they were all practicing.

It should be from Tang Sect, Jiang Cheng thought in his heart, lifting his leg and wanted to walk inward.

"Hey! Stop! Talk about you!" Just when Jiang Cheng was about to go straight in, one of the security guards shouted to himself, and the other security guards all stared at him, as if he was about to do something illegal. Like.

Friends, do you know where this is, just break in?" the security guard named Zhujiang Cheng asked.

"Isn't this Tencent company?" Jiang Cheng asked with some confusion, did he find the wrong door?

"Yes, do you know that it is Fuji Xun Company who just walked in? Do you have a certificate? If you don't have it, you won't let it go!" The security guard said with a straight face

Credentials? Lao Ma didn't tell himself.

When several security guards saw Jiang Cheng not speaking, they thought he was too guilty to speak, and was about to rush people. A woman's voice came from the building.

"What are you doing there?" the woman said. Jiang Cheng looked at people, acquaintances.

Manager, this person has no documents but wants to go in, we stopped him. "The security guard said before.

Without a certificate, you can't let it go without a certificate. "The woman waved her hand and motioned to chase people directly. When she was about to turn around and leave, a playful voice rang.

I said Xiao Baibai, you have to drive me away? "Jiang Cheng deliberately called Wen Xiaobai Xiaobaibai, just to see how this woman was angry.

Yes, this woman is the manager of the security department of the Fuji Xun company, Wen Xiaobai. Today is the day of the company's relocation. It is a bit chaotic. In order to prevent the occurrence of chaos, she personally came to the town.

Hearing that this undocumented person dared to call their security department manager like this, these security guards couldn't help feeling a little sympathy for Jiang Cheng. Man, your molesting people also score people!

It can be seen that these security guards should have seen Wen Xiaobai's violent side. But they didn't think why Jiang Cheng would know the name of their security manager.

Wen Xiaobai heard Jingran someone calling her Xiaobaibai, an anger hit his heart, and turned around, trying to make this undocumented person look good, but when he saw that person's face, his momentum suddenly The whole person is a meal.

Just in the minds of the group of security guards, guessing whether this man is the manager's concubine or something, Wen Xiaobai's words made them suddenly lose the mood of guessing.

Hello, General Manager!" Wen Xiaobai shouted. Originally, she didn't want to call General Manager Jiang Cheng, but Bi Jing was at work, and Master also told Jiang Cheng to be polite, so she reluctantly called. Those security guards are all bad, the general manager? This person who looks very ordinary and even has a trace of trivial passerby is our general manager? Can you bring such a player? You are the general manager. Say it earlier! Isn't this deliberately pitting us!

At this time, these security guards were very ambitious, for fear that Jiang Cheng would blame them for the incident just now. They only went to work on the first day. The salary here is so rich, they don't want to lose their job.

Jiang Cheng is obviously not the kind of people with small belly and chicken intestines. He didn't mean to blame them. On the contrary, he was very satisfied with the work attitude of the security guards.

Your performance just now made me..." Jiang Cheng said that there was a deliberate pause here, which made the hearts of the security guards hang.

I am very satisfied. I have worked hard for you in the past two days, and the salary for these two days has been doubled. "Jiang Cheng said, suddenly these security guards were overjoyed, didn't blame Jiang Cheng to pay? Suddenly, these security guards were grateful to Jiang Cheng. Work hard, I'll go in and have a look. The shoulder of the security guard immediately made him flattered. Although he is from Wujiang, he is rich, and Jiang Cheng is his **** of wealth.

By the way, if someone named Ma Tian comes to me later, ask him to call me and wait for me in the reception room. "Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of Ma Tian. With this kind of security, Ma Tian would definitely not be able to get in, so he should explain in advance that he can get a lot of trouble.

"Okay President Jiang, we remember." The security guards nodded one after another. When Jiang Cheng saw this, he didn't say much, and walked into the lobby on this floor of the building with Wen Xiaobai, which was very wide, scattered with some sofa chairs and small tables for people to rest. There is only a huge front desk, visually it can stand under twenty people without being too crowded. Since the company has not recruited new employees, and the old employees have not come together, the general manager's office, which appears to be empty in the entire building, is on the top floor, and the three general manager offices and the chairman's office are on the top floor. "

Wen Xiaobai said, and took Jiang Cheng to the top floor in the high-rise elevator.

The lighting on the top floor is very good. The sun is shot on the balcony outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor, giving a very warm feeling. Jiang Cheng looked at his new office. The office is a suite structure, and the other is the doorman’s. office. Since this building was previously owned by a company, many office supplies are complete. The whole office looks very pleasing to the eye. Jiang Cheng nodded, expressing his satisfaction.

By the way, Mr. Ma said that if you come to find them, there is something to discuss. "Wen Xiaobai suddenly remembered, and said quickly.

"Are you sure you think clearly?" Jiang Cheng asked Ma Tian seriously. Ma Tian did not speak any more, but nodded vigorously. Okay, then we are doing business, so let's work out some specific matters here. "Jiang Cheng said, calling Ma Tian to sit down.

Lao Jiang, what are you talking about? What is the largest Internet business company?" Lao Ma asked with a dazed expression.

Haha don't worry, listen to me. This Ma Tian, ​​but a talent! Jiang Cheng looked at Ma Tian and said, this sentence immediately attracted Lao Zhang's attention. After all, Tian Yu is always attracted to each other.

Have you ever heard of Huajia Yellow Pages? It was founded by Ma Tian. "Jiang Cheng said. Hearing what Jiang Cheng said, both Lao Ma and Lao Zhang were taken aback.

After all, they are in the Internet industry. Of course, they have heard of the Huajiahuangwang website that has emerged in the past two years! And they have also advertised on it! Unexpectedly, this shameless Ma Tian turned out to be the founder of Huajiahuangwang. !

Mr. Ma, disrespect and disrespect!" Lao Zhang said to Ma Tian. Ma Tian waved his hand indifferently, "That's all from the past, and now Huajia Huangwang doesn't belong to me anymore. "Ma Tian said disappointedly.

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