Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1415: fresh blood

"Oh? What's the matter?" Old Ma asked curiously.

We will talk about this specific reason later. We will now mainly talk about my next plan. "Jiang Cheng said.

Hearing that Jiang Cheng was about to talk about the next plan, Lao Ma and Lao Zhang paid 12 points of attention. You must know that every item in Jiang Cheng's plan is very exciting.

"I plan to set up another Internet company in the name of a private person." Jiang Cheng said here, looking at Lao Ma Lao Zhang, "Don't worry, just listen to me.

When Lao Ma and Lao Zhang heard that Jiang Cheng wanted to set up another Internet company, he would inevitably have some thoughts. He thought that Jiang Cheng wanted to abandon them and do it alone. With Jiang Cheng's strength, there is absolutely no problem with Jiang Cheng. Sincerely let them not worry, they have to listen.

The Internet company I want to establish is not the same as Fuji Xun’s positioning. In my plan, Fuji Xun will be an Internet company focusing on social networking and entertainment in the future. As for the new company I am going to create, I plan to develop into e-commerce." After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, both Lao Zhang and Ma Tian were bright.

E-commerce is definitely an emerging industry this year. The people of the Hua family have been under the influence of some traditional ideas for hundreds of years. At present, some people still resist the Internet. It is inevitable that the development of new things always takes time, and e-commerce is a new thing. Emerging things in

E-commerce basically refers to online shopping and online shopping. This era is the era of the real economy. I don’t know how many people rely on the fat oil they earn from going to the sea to do business. When it comes to online shopping, most people’s first reaction is unreliable. Want to buy something with a few mouse clicks? And have to pay first?

Therefore, when Jiang Cheng proposed e-commerce, Lao Zhang and Ma Tian were a little hard to understand, but they were curious about Jiang Cheng's unexpected direction.

Why is it e-commerce?" Ma Tian asked. In his opinion, the Internet is more profitable than this. Why choose the current humble industry.

"I know that online shopping is absolutely out of reach for most people at present, but have you thought about it, five or ten years later? In the past few years, the speed of computer network development in our district is It is obvious to all that computers have gradually become popular in all households, and our district will certainly attach great importance to the development of this area. Therefore, I believe that within three years, online shopping will certainly rise to a certain extent. Become a trend, so I will not let go of such an opportunity." Jiang Cheng said.

Lao Zhang and several people are not fools. Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, they all reacted and agreed with Jiang Cheng's words. Bi Jing is an Internet person, and the future of the Internet can still be seen clearly.

So Ma Tian, ​​I am going to give you 10% of my company's shares, and let you be the chairman of the board, and take full responsibility for the company's affairs. If you don't need to report to me if you don't have a big deal, you will give you 100 million if you start the capital. "Jiang Cheng thought for a while, and said the figure of 100 million.

One hundred million!! "Not only Ma Tian, ​​Lao Zhang and Lao Ma were shocked. "I said Lao Jiang, you are not kidding, now our company does not add up to 100 million!" Lao Ma said in surprise.

"Haha, don't worry, Shanren has a clever plan!" Jiang Cheng said mysteriously.

10% of the shares, will it be too much..." Ma Tian said with some worry. Bi Jing himself did not pay a penny. If he manages the company, he is not worthy of so many shares, and Jiang Chengyi gave Just one hundred million, you are not afraid of running away?

.Haha, don’t worry, I already own a lot of 90% of the shares by myself. When the company develops, the money is only a number for me, and this 10% is nothing. "Jiang Cheng said indifferently. Indeed, the online shopping platform of Awai Baba, a later generation, can achieve an astonishing 400 million transactions in one day during the shopping festival alone!

What is that concept? A county’s GDP per year is one-fifth of a day, and there are so many days. Is this money still in the eyes of Jiang Cheng! Does it have anything to do with Fuji Xun? There is a chance for cooperation "Lao Zhang thought of it all at once. After all, Lao Jiang is also the second largest shareholder of Fuji Xun. Of course, the fertility does not flow into the outsiders' land.

Haha. Of course, both Internet companies have a lot of opportunities for cooperation in the future! The first item at present is the establishment of my company's human network. "Jiang Cheng said with winking eyebrows at Lao Ma. Lao Ma reacted in an instant, "Damn, Lao Jiang, you are a squeeze of labor, where is cooperation!" To build a network of people, there is no profit at all, Lao Is Jiang also embarrassed to say?

Haha, just kidding, it is inevitable to reach a strategic cooperation, but first of all, I have opinions that are very important. "Jiang Cheng said Dong suddenly and solemnly.

Seeing Jiang Cheng's seriousness, everyone's hearts suddenly burst, "What is it?" Old Ma said with some worry.

Register the company.

Cut! The Ministry looks at you!"

Jiang Cheng laughed, and walked out of the chairman's office with Ma Tian. Mr. Jiang, are you really sure you want to give me a hundred million?" Ma Tianyou asked more hesitantly.

"Why, no confidence? If you really don't have confidence, I'll find someone else.

Jiang Cheng heard Wen Xiaobai's words, nodded, left his general manager's office, and went to the chairman's office. Both Lao Zhang and Lao Ma are in this office at this time.

What's the matter, old horse, what can I do? "Jiang Cheng entered the office and found a convenient place to sit down. He was very conscious. It was nothing big, but we should start hiring. Now there is a new company. With the server and the money, there is a shortage of people," said the old horse.

Lao Zhang also nodded, "Now the various departments of the company are divided, but there are only a dozen of us. This two-story building is almost like a haunted house. It happens to be the graduation season. Ma and I are discussing plans to go to major colleges and universities to find some fresh graduates. Although newcomers have no experience, they have motivation. Our company is now a young company and needs fresh blood.

Jiang Cheng nodded in agreement. "Just do these things, and I fully support you.

Jiang Cheng's words changed the eyes of Lao Ma and Lao Zhang. You know that you should be a treasurer. "The old horse said dissatisfied. "This is your own company anyway, can't you get snacks?

Yes, I am not happy when you say that, I will tell you a news now. "Jiang Cheng heard this, and said in dissatisfaction. He even said that I don't care about it. If I don't care about it, is it so easy for your new company to move in?

What news? "Lao Ma Lao Zhang asked, they had just complained casually, where did they really blame Jiang Cheng, and now they heard Jiang Cheng say that there is new news, Xing Chao suddenly came.

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