Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1416: Headquarters

I decided to release the inter-regional version of Fujitsu Computer Security Manager. "Jiang Cheng said. This matter was promised to Mr. Xu, but he has not had time to do it. It just happened to be free these two days, so I hurried to do it.

When Lao Ma and Lao Zhang heard Jiang Cheng's words, their spirits immediately lifted. They wanted to release this inter-regional version long ago, but I don’t know why, Jiang Cheng always said that the time was not enough to refuse to release, and now they finally heard Jiang Cheng let go, can they be unhappy?

"Why, Lao Jiang, the time is ripe?" Lao Ma asked curiously.

He has never been clear what the timing in Jiang Cheng's mouth refers to. Correct. "Jiang Cheng just said one word, and then he stopped talking, which made Lao Ma and Lao Zhang who wanted to know more about it.

Okay, so be it. The inter-regional version is sold to them regardless of the family and enterprise versions, and will be sold to them at double the price of the enterprise version. "Jiang Cheng said

What?? Doubling!? "Lao Ma and Lao Zhang are shocked, doubling, what is the concept, every sale is a net profit of two thousand coins, net profit!

That's right, it is doubled. They like it or not. We currently don't have that big demand for the mansion outside the zone, so this is purely a kind offer. They like to buy or not. The county has to increase the burden on our server. "Jiang Cheng said badly, and Lao Ma and Lao Zhang did not raise any objections.

I'll leave this software to Zhang Lingling to make it. Anyway, she is idle all day long and has nothing to do. She knows to eat a little bit here and a little bit there, but this woman is still not fat, I'm really afraid that she will eat me poorly if she continues Up. "Jiang Cheng said uncomfortably.

Now Zhang Mengmeng is obsessed with food all day, unable to extricate himself, today I found a delicious one here, and another delicious one there. He spent the whole day running between barbecue, hot pot, boiled and other foods, which is simply better than Jiang Cheng busy.

Since this software is handed over to sister Lingling, then we will concentrate on updating the CC software now. Now the number of registered CC software has exceeded 5 million, and the number of daily online users is also 3 million. I believe that it will not be long before we can undoubtedly dominate the instant messaging world of Huajia. By then, CC software will become a habit of people. The software is a success!" Lao Ma said excitedly.

Okay, don’t YY, the bugs of the new version have been revised, there are so many YYs, don’t even update the version on time, let alone unify the instant messaging world, this software still has a few people who don’t know. "Lao Zhang ruthlessly poured cold water on Lao Ma, so that Lao Ma returned to the real world.

Why, now you have to do things like bug fixes yourself, the boss?" Jiang Cheng asked curiously, the company's staff is already so tight that this kind of small things need to be done by the chairman of the board. ?

Isn’t it? I’m not moving the company right now. I simply gave the employees two days off. I can only do the things for these two days. "Lao Ma said bitterly.

"It seems that recruitment needs to be brought to life quickly." Jiang Cheng said that the boss of a technology company with a twenty-story building personally fixed the BUG. Who would believe it.

When Lao Ma was about to pour bitterness to Jiang Cheng, the office door rang.

Please come in! "Lao Ma said. Then, the office door was pushed open, and Wen Xiaobai walked in.

"President Jiang, the man named Ma Tian is here, and he is now in the second floor conference room." Wen Xiaobai said to Jiang Cheng.

Ma Tian really came, it seems that he can't escape from my palm! Jiang Cheng said very happily in his heart.

"Let him come here to find me directly, and I will introduce you personal knowledge." The second half of this sentence is for Lao Ma and Lao Zhang.

Wen Xiaobai nodded and walked out. Before long, Ma Tian was brought up.

Ma Tian was shocked when he first arrived at Fuji Xun. I heard that Fuji Xun is a rising star. However, he did not expect that the hardware is so powerful that he can own such a large building as the company headquarters. It seems that his dream wants to be realized. It's really just around the corner!

When Ma Tian saw Jiang Cheng, he respectfully yelled "Mr. Jiang. Jiang Cheng quickly stood up, and Lao Ma and Lao Zhang also stood up. Hey, why are you polite, let me introduce you to you? These two, this is Lao Zhang, another general manager of Fuji Xun, this is Lao Ma, the chairman, this is Ma Tian. "Jiang Cheng gave them a brief introduction to each other.

After the three greeted each other enthusiastically, Ma Tian said seriously to Jiang Cheng: "Mr. Jiang, I have a good idea, I am willing to accept your help, I want to create the world's largest Internet business company!" Ma Tian looked at Jiang Cheng's eyes, full of perseverance.

No, no! I have confidence, but..." Ma Tian still hesitated.

If you are confident, then just let it go, mother-in-law and mother-in-law are like a twat, what do you mean! Okay, you go back first, and I will call you when I register the company. "Jiang Cheng patted Ma Tian on the shoulder.

OK, then I will wait for your news. "Ma Tian nodded, looking forward to it in his heart.

After sending off Ma Tian, ​​Jiang Cheng strolled around the company again. After getting familiar with the environment, he also walked out of the company. The Tangmen security guard at the door is now a good student, and when he sees Jiang Cheng, he walks to the door and greets Jiang Cheng one by one.

After leaving the company, Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone, flipped through his address book, found a person named Zhang Jin, and pulled it over.

This chapter was recently met by Jiang Cheng when he was in Yamen two days ago. At that time, almost all the bosses in the mansion had a phone number for Jiang Cheng. The so-called people in the DPRK are easy to do things, and now they are using their connections. It's time, no need to do it for nothing.

In terms of the efficiency of work under the current system of Huajia District, if you don’t want to find a relationship, if you want to register a company, it can take as short as six months and as long as one year. Then the day lilies will be cold. I also have a woollen company, so it's better to find a relationship.

The call is connected.

Hello, hello, who? "Zhang Jin's voice came from the other end of the conversation. Zhang Jin, the current leader of the Q House industrial and commercial team, did not despise Zhang Jin because it was a strange phone, because this number was his personal number. The number. Those who know this number must be important people, so his tone is also very good.

"Hello, Boss Zhang, this is Jiang Cheng." Jiang Cheng said hello.

Jiang Cheng...Ah, Mr. Jiang, hello! How come you call me when you have time! "Zhang Jin heard that it was Jiang Cheng, but he didn't respond at first, but fortunately, this was just two days ago. His memory was not too bad, so he soon remembered where Jiang Cheng was.

Haha, Boss Zhang is very busy, this is not something I hope Zhang Laomen is busy, so I called and harassed Boss Zhang. "Speaking of courtesy, Jiang Cheng is not inferior to the silk platform.

Oh? Is there anything that Mr. Jiang can't reach? I can't guarantee that I can reach Mr. Jiang. "Zhang Jin said, this sentence is not a polite remark. Jiang Cheng's back is the most he saw with his own eyes. It is not too clear that the background is bright. This kind of character was just a fluke when he left the phone. I just want to get acquainted in my mind. I don't think Jiang Chengran would really call me and say he needs door help. Of course I have to seize such a good opportunity!

Boss Zhang is joking, and now it's time for dinner. I don't know if Boss Zhang is free. I invite Boss Zhang to dinner. "Jiang Cheng said, asking people to be busy when doing Taoism should have an attitude of inviting people to be busy, and not because the other person's status is lower than himself, and he will feel superior.

"Mr. Jiang said something, this meal should of course be my request, how can Mr. Jiang spend the money!" Zhang Jin said, where can this be? This is an opportunity for you to realize your own money. I must seize every opportunity.

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