Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1424: Big business

This is Wen Xiaobai, from the Tang Clan, who is Mengmeng, um, will also be your bodyguard in the future. "Jiang Cheng thought for a while and said.

Xiaobai, you have to take care of Miss Xu's personal safety in the future! She is the granddaughter of Xu Lao!" Jiang Cheng solemnly confessed. Xu Lao Wen Xiaobai has met him, and his identity is Wen Xiaobai It couldn't be more clear, I was a little surprised when I heard that the beautiful and disgusting woman in front of me was actually Old Xu's granddaughter.

I will take care of Miss Xu's safety. "Wen Xiaobai nodded and said.

"Don't call Miss Xu, Miss Xu is really ugly. Just call me Xiaoying. We will live together in the future. Everyone will be good sisters!" Xu Ying said with a smile. I have to say that this Xu Ying is really self-conscious. Coming to be familiar with each other, オ soon became acquainted with the two girls.

Jiang Cheng has already taken offense to women's fast and inexplicable friendship.

Xiaobai, you just find a room for Xu Ying to live in, and then take it away. I'll do something tomorrow, and you can choose between you and Mengmeng. ""Jiang Cheng said. Tomorrow he is going to get the company's affairs done well, so that he can be his teacher with peace of mind.

"Well, I see." Wen Xiaobai said Ju.

No words for a night.

The next day, when the three of Xu Yingmengmeng got up, Jiang Cheng’s breakfast, steamed buns and fried dough soy milk, were all bought on the table, but the three women were already satisfied. Xu Ying thought in her heart: "I didn't expect this kid to take care of people.

As for Jiang Cheng, after getting up early in the morning and buying early stirrups for the three women, he went straight to the engineering team.

He has already contacted Zhang Jin, and the company registration procedures have basically been completed, as long as he signs a few more words.

When Jiang Cheng drove his Camry to the office, it was already ten in the morning. Zhang Jin was already waiting at the door.

The guard at the door was very surprised to see his boss standing at the door in such a hot weather with the big sun just waiting for the shameless young man driving the Camry, and he couldn't help being curious about the young man's identity.

Mr. Jiang, you are here. Come with me. The last few procedures require you to do it. There is no way this can be done!" Zhang Jin said with a hint of apology.

Haha, what the boss said, I am already very grateful to boss Zhang, boss Zhang has already got the door and I am very busy!" Jiang Cheng said very sincerely.

Haha, what the boss said, I'm already very grateful to boss Zhang, boss Zhang has already closed, I am very busy!" "Jiang Cheng said very sincerely.

Haha, Mr. Jiang joked, it is my honor to be able to reach you!" Zhang Jin said.

Jiang Cheng patted Zhang Jin on the shoulder: "Let's let go of the old chapter, I'll take note of this love, and if there is anything I need to be busy in the future, just call me.

Hearing Jiang Cheng’s words, Zhang Jin’s face almost smiled into a chrysanthemum. What is he busying about Jiang Cheng’s affairs these days? Isn’t it just Jiang Cheng’s promise? Could he be unhappy with Jiang Cheng's words?

It was almost ten o’clock when Jiang Cheng came out of the engineering team, and he really saw the ability of the Hua Family Mansion. It took so long even for the boss, Zhang Jin, to complete the procedures personally. How troublesome it would be if people who have nothing to do want to become a company.

The main reason for this is that Jiang Cheng has also thought about it. The main reason is that the division is not clear enough.

But this is not a problem that Jiang Cheng needs to worry about. The thing he needs to solve now is the problem of the company.

Now that the company has been set up, I need to talk to Ma Tian. Jiang Cheng called Ma Tian.

Ma Tian is also very anxious these days. He went home from Fujisun's company that day.

Later, I was waiting for Jiang Cheng’s news, but after waiting for several days, there was no news from the left and right, and he almost doubted whether Jiang Cheng wanted his own!

Today, as usual, he took the cellphone and sat on the sofa at home. Although the TV was turned on, it was obvious that his mind had always been on the cellphone. He always took a look at Jiang Cheng’s news, for fear of accidentally leaking it. Up.

Ma Tian's wife was also very worried when she saw Ma Tian look like this. When she asked Ma Tian, ​​Ma Tian only said that she was waiting for a call from an important person, and she didn't want to say more about the specific situation.

Ma Tian was also afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, so Ma Tian didn't want his wife to hold too much hope before things became a set team.

Just when Ma Tian was uneasy, the phone finally rang. Ma Tianyi looked at the phone display and stood up all of a sudden, "Hey, Mr. Jiang.

Half an hour later, the exhibition hotel.

The highest standard box of the exhibition hotel is usually reserved for the powerful and powerful people in the Q House, and is not open to the outside world.

And now in this box, there are three people sitting. Jiang Cheng, Ma Tian and Huang boss.

Before, Jiang Cheng promised Boss Huang to take him to do business with him. No, just call Shang Ma Tian and Boss Huang to get to know them, and the future cooperation will be discussed by the two of them.

Mr. Jiang, I didn’t expect you to take care of the company’s affairs so soon! Congratulations!

As Boss Huang said, he offered a drink to Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng also had a drink. Haha, thanks to everyone’s busy schedule, no, I called Ma Tian today to make you two familiar with each other, and I will be the one who will work together in the future. "Jiang Cheng said.

Boss Huang and Ma Tian looked at each other and nodded to each other.

"Boss, this company has been established, so what shall we do next? Ma Tian asked.

"I will leave the rest of the matter to you. I won't care about it. You can put a hundred million yuan in the bank. Use it as you like. I only look at the results. I believe you won't let me down. "Jiang Cheng said. He is not prepared to intervene too much in this company, because Ma Tian's ability is beyond doubt.

I have asked Lao Zhang to contact you for the office area. You can contact him later. You only need to remember the general direction I said. As for the house exhibition, it is completely up to you. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, you will come to find Me, do you understand?" Jiang Cheng said to Ma Tian.

Ma Tian nodded. He knew that this was Jiang Cheng's trust in him. Although he didn't know why Jiang Cheng trusted him so much, Ma Tian believed in his heart that he would never fail Jiang Cheng's trust in him.

"Mr. Jiang, what about my hotel..." Boss Huang said. Haha, rest assured, I believe Ma Tian will have a perfect plan. "Jiang Cheng said with a smile. "Okay, I'm full, you two will continue to eat, I have things to leave first.

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he left first, leaving the two to have a long talk about the future development of the company.

It is now the next year, and Jiang Cheng received a call from the boss of the education team yesterday, saying that he could go to school with Xu Ying to report today.

Xu Ying's matter was directly ordered by Mr. Xu, and the efficiency naturally didn't need to be said much, so I could report on the same day as Jiang Cheng.

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