Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1425: Ugly

Back home, Jiang Cheng took a small nap, and when it was almost time for school, he pulled up Xu Ying, drove his Camry, thinking about driving to the house.

Now is the time to go to school, and all the people at the school gate are students who go to school. Jiang Cheng parked his car on the side of the road, looking at these energetic students, he couldn't help but miss his lush years. The year in a hurry was the most beautiful.

Waiting for the students to have almost entered, Jiang Cheng and Xu Ying got out of the car and walked straight into the school.

Hey! What are you two doing! What are you doing!" The old doorman was unhappy when he saw that the man and the woman were just ignoring him and he wanted to walk in like this. Although the woman looks pretty good, it’s not that you ignore her. Uncle’s reason, I think back then, I was also a grass of the school! Uncle thought in his heart.

When Jiang Cheng heard the uncle stop themselves, they realized that it seemed something wrong with them. So he stopped and said to the uncle, sorry uncle, we are the new report teacher and your principal made an appointment.

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, the guardian uncle twitched his eyes: "You are waiting here, I'll confirm it." After speaking, he turned and went into the guard room and called.

Not long after, the uncle walked out again, this time his attitude became very kind.

The person who came to report said early, go in, the principal is waiting for you! The uncle said with a smile, and just sentenced the two.

When Jiang Cheng and Xu Ying saw the students coming and going, they couldn't help but remember that year, but they only smiled.

Two people picked around on the campus. At a glance, there was only a three-story teaching building, and the others didn't know what it was.

I only saw students in these buildings. There are many students who get together upstairs, both male and female, standing in the hallway, chatting in melancholy, like the end of the world.

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Xu Ying, guess how tall are the students who got together in the first building?" Random hands were placed on Xu Ying's shoulders. Like an old friend for a long time, the whole action is not embarrassing at all.

They? How can you tell them this way, they are not engraved on their foreheads, if you say so, you can see them slightly". Xu Ying answered with confusion, frowning, and looking at her shoulders, just not knowing Why is there some joy.

Jiang Cheng triumphed.

Of course, I am so good. You can't tell if you look at it like this, but you still have to be a teacher. You look at their so melancholy faces, their eyes are blank, and you know they are a third-year dog. ? Then he put down his hand on Xu Ying's shoulder. A little embarrassed smile.

Xu Ying looked at Jiang Cheng's hand and said lonely, "Ghost remembers, I was in the third year of high school? I spent the third year at home, and those things in school are not interesting. Don't talk nonsense with you, hurry up and find the principal's office. , Otherwise I’ll be late. I don’t want to leave a bad impression on others the first day.”

Jiang Cheng looked disgusted, looked at Xu Ying with Yi, turned around and left without looking back.

Xu Ying looked at Jiang Cheng strangely, and trot two steps to follow Xu Ying. Jiang Cheng glanced at Xu Ying and said meaningfully: "The current impression points are all based on borrowing. As long as you are handsome, the impression points are not afraid of being unqualified, and we are not other people. We should be the principal. It is necessary to leave a good impression on us.

After that, Xu Ying asked a girl nearby casually. In the blink of an eye, Xu Ying didn't know the location of the principal's office from the girl. After Xu Ying and the girl said thank you, they looked towards Zhou District and wanted to find a teacher from the school to take them there. The students nowadays are busy at three o'clock in the dormitory dining room. The ghost knows what Raoshizi Principal. Jiang Cheng sneered and thought.

After the two walked for two minutes, they saw a teacher hurriedly walking over and just hit Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng instinctively said embarrassedly and asked politely: "I didn't see it just now. I'm really embarrassed to run into you. Is this handsome gentleman the teacher here?

The teacher was obviously displeased by Jiang Cheng's ridicule, and replied annoyedly: "Yes, what's wrong."

Member Jiang Cheng felt the teacher's displeasure and frowned. Zhengqiang Q&A: ""Hello senior, we are the teachers who have just arrived. Can you take us to the principal's office?

The teacher looked at Geng Jiangcheng and threw the textbook in Jiang Cheng's arms with a look of contempt. Jiang Cheng pushed his mouth open just as he wanted to say something, and then the textbook that had just been thrown out hit him on the head. The teacher became angry on the spot.

Standing up and staring at Jiang Cheng, the two of them glared at him like two fierce beasts. When the students saw this scene, quarrels occurred and they all avoided.

Just when the two of them were about to break out and wanted to do something, a white Bentley honked the horn and drove over quickly.

After the car stopped, a middle-aged man quickly got out of the car and bowed to Jiang Cheng.

The teacher's face immediately became ugly, and the fine sweat on his forehead indicated that he was nervous now. Jiang Cheng waved his hand, glanced at the teacher and then at the principal.

The temperature dropped suddenly, which is self-evident.

A principal who can achieve this position is also a good person, and he doesn't know how to be a high-level principal if he doesn't know a little bit of humanity. The principal said angrily to the teacher: Do you, the director of digital derivatives, don't want to do it, you actually do this to Mr. Jiang. The teacher didn't seem to regret coming over, looked at the principal, then looked at Jiang Cheng and finally looked at his book. Like a sleepwalker.

The principal looked at the teacher coldly, his palms sweating, he didn't know who was in front of him. But he only knew that the young teacher in front of him was photographed by the boss of the education team.

He only knew that this character could not be offended.

Ding Coco... a sweet ringing came. The principal looked through the phone, and the words of Boss Li were beating on the phone, which surprised the principal. "Hi, Boss Li. Hello!

The impatient voice came from the other end of the phone, obviously because the time on the phone was waiting a long time. "Why answering the phone so slowly, is that Mr. Jiang here? You have to entertain you. This is from Fuwei Clerk. You and I can't afford anything."

The vicissitudes of life and hoarse voice hit the headmaster's heart word by word, and the headmaster turned to look at Jiang Cheng, who was shameless. With a chuckle in his heart, he hung up the phone with trembling fingers.

The teacher looked at the headmaster's crying expression, as if awakened immediately. Turning his head to Jiang Cheng, he said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, I just didn't see it clearly. I thought it was a student who skipped class! I'm really sorry.

When Jiang Cheng heard this, he didn't bother to look at the teacher, but stared straight at the principal. The principal felt Jiang Cheng's gaze.

Looking at Jiang Cheng, he said vaguely: "Mr. Jiang, cheating. I am the one who neglected." The sweat on his face showed his panic now.

Jiang Cheng said meaningfully: "Your school really has a lot of affairs, and the principal is so busy. The dean is so busy that even the teachers and students can't tell the meaning of the words, everyone knows.

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