Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1426: Have a good heart

The principal looked at Jiang Cheng's playful eyes, and a fear spread in his heart. Because of the person in front of him, he knew he would definitely not be able to provoke him. Unfortunately, he just provoke him.

You go now! It will not be used for school tomorrow. "The principal is also a smart man, and he turned his head and transferred all the responsibilities to the dean.

This principal, I'm "the director of the instructor who looked at Jiang Cheng incoherently but didn't know what to say.

Xu Ying, who was watching the play silently, spoke at this time. She must speak surprisingly when she spoke. "Okay, let him go! From now on, I will be the new dean of this school. This has never happened.

Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at Xu Ying blankly, with an unhappy expression on his face. I was photographed, so why does this little Nizi say forget it?

On the first day of class, Jiang Cheng got up early in the morning. But in the first class of Jiang Cheng, there was an obese student who directly broke Jiang Cheng's face. He slept on the table all by himself and made grunts from time to time.

The students around seemed to be used to it. Jiang Cheng frowned and continued to lecture with displeasure.

The student seemed to be aware of Jiang Cheng's gaze and had long heard that a new teacher had come. The child directly looked up at the teacher. Continue to lie down on the table and sleep soundly, without ignoring Jiang Cheng.

Anyway, he is the son of the deputy director of the education team, and even the principal of the school has to give me a three-point face. If he has something to do with his dad, he will finish, and then continue to sleep with his head.

Jiang Cheng looked at the rampant boy in front of him, frowning unhappy. This is my first class, how can I let this kid break the discipline of this class, the kids now!"

Thinking about the original intention of coming to this school, Jiang Cheng walked up to the child and knocked on the child's table.

The child looked up and looked at Jiang Cheng. After all, Jiang Cheng drew his eyes back and took the textbook and went to sleep. The student on the side looked at Jiang Cheng and then at the child.

Suddenly the class was boiling. But the boiling didn't last long. Jiang Cheng glared at the child, and after the child felt his gaze, he sat up after all. Looking at the new book in front of me.

Jiang Cheng thought that he would not sleep again after he woke up, but after the meeting, he still saw the student sleeping at the table.

Jiang Cheng felt a little uncomfortable. He woke him up again and told the student: "Your family let you go back to school to study, not let you go back to school to sleep. It is better to go home to sleep if you want to sleep. Why do you come to school if you are so comfortable at home?

After the child was awakened, seeing that he was scolded by a little teacher, he felt a little ashamed and felt that he lost face in the class.

Disdainfully said: "I sleep in your ass, I sleep in my sleep, you teach your book. If you wake me up, I will be polite to you, and the teacher will beat you. Do you know who I am, how dare you? Say me, even the principal dare not care about me in this school. Your new teacher wants to compete with me?

Jiang Cheng directly called Director Yang and briefly described the situation. Director Yang rushed to the news after hearing the news and gave the child a helpless look. Some embracing money looked at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng was expressionless. He threw the sentence "In this section, you can pick up the child first." Director Yang looked at the two people who were walking further and further, and shook his head helplessly.

Jiang Cheng didn't bother to talk to the children and brought them directly to the principal's office. The principal was looking at the task in the office, and they were suddenly kicked away, naturally angry. Turning his head to see that it was Jiang Cheng, he immediately stopped. Pleased and asked: "Yes, Teacher Jiang. Why are you here?

Jiang Cheng went straight to the subject and said: "I heard the students say, you let them sleep during class time?" In a cold tone, his face was expressionless. The principal saw the student immediately stunned.

There was a remorse in my heart. I should have changed the child's shift long ago, but I didn't expect to forget it. This time is good. The principal's palms were hot and wet. The smile on his face.

Jiang Cheng saw the headmaster's face and said, "This is your irresponsibility, the headmaster!

Just after he fell asleep, the child directly interrupted and said: "Who are you, what's wrong, what's wrong with my sleep in class. Who is my dad? Ah?

The principal seemed to find a new exit, and he pulled the child and said, "Teacher Jiang, you have seen this too. I don't care about it. His dad is pressing me. If you say nothing, I can't help it!"

Jiang Cheng sneered, and sure enough, he did not miss the principal. Once it comes to your own interests. Anything can be sold. But this is exactly the result he wanted. Watching the principal sweat profusely. Jiang Cheng's heart wandered with pleasure.

Jiang Cheng was thinking about how to get involved with Boss Li. Unexpectedly, the principal just sent it up and said: Teacher Jiang, this is the phone number of the boss of the education team, look.

Jiang Cheng, who got the phone, answered without saying a word. The child was still domineering. The principal looked at the child with hatred of iron and steel, but the resentment in his eyes could not be stopped. It is a feeling of being blocked by others in the thorn in the eye.

After the call was connected, Jiang Cheng said directly: "Hey! Boss Li! I have a student here. He said he was a son of the deputy director of the education team, and he relied on his father, the director of the school. Running rampantly, violates school rules and disciplines. If you can spoil your child like this, I am afraid that this director is not a gentleman. I suggest you go back and investigate the director! That's the thing, it's just my suggestion, you see for yourself Let's do it, and then hang up with nothing.

Then he turned around and said to the principal that as the principal, one should not be afraid of expensive punches. Students who encounter such stubbornness should be severely punished or even expelled.

The principal didn't know what Jiang Cheng meant, and it was not easy for him to climb this far. In any case, he will never give up his current position. Immediately he even nodded and said: OK, OK, I know how to do it, and I also have a certain responsibility when something like this happens, and I will take a good turn of the county.

After hearing this, the child fell in love for a few seconds, and then realized that something was going on. Suddenly, he violently and sincerely asked Jiang Cheng for money, begging hard. Jiang Cheng coldly glanced at the child in front of him, with a bit of contempt in his heart. He left without looking back.

But I was still a little bit shy in my heart, thinking that the son of a small deputy director was just like this. I can imagine what will happen to the sons of other experts. After thinking about it, I feel terrible. The competition and corruption of the Hua family has become such a point.

The next day, there was already one student missing from Jiang Cheng's class. The other students seemed to have a good heart and kept silent about what happened yesterday. But it seemed that everyone knew about it.

After yesterday's incident, anyone with a sense of mind knew that the classmate should be expelled from school.

Soon there was news that the vice principal of the school was promoted to deputy director. Anyone who is interested knows what, seeing Jiang Cheng 1.6 is to avoid it. There are also speculations that there is just a lack of people somewhere so that the deputy principal can be selected.

The principal was sitting in the office, his scarlet eyes showed his unwillingness. Why? I have done so much, but I still just end up as a principal, and the vice principal who hasn't done anything comes on stage.

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