Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1427: Free flow

Boom! "I was thinking about it, but my door was kicked open again. The principal looked at the door distressedly. Sooner or later this solid wood door was broken. But I had to flatter Jiang Cheng against his will.

Jiang Cheng unabashedly cast a glance at the principal with contempt, and threw a sentence that your school's atmosphere is not good, and when the school atmosphere is improved, the principal will naturally be taken seriously. "Then he left without looking back.

The principal looked at Jiang Cheng who didn't look back, and seemed to know something. Nodded.

Principal, I am indeed responsible for this incident. Bi Jing happened in my class. However, you also know the identity of that child. And you told me at the beginning to let me ignore him. I didn't want this child at the beginning, you had to go to our Bansei, now it is fine, I will bear it?" A young man stood in front of a fat middle-aged man and shouted angrily.

"Director Yang! I can't do anything about this. I don't need to talk about the above forces. I don't want to be like this either! But I can't neglect that one! "The greasy middle-aged who is called the principal The man said irritably. The person in front of me is really difficult, and he has been entangled in the meeting.

No matter how entangled he was, it couldn't change the fact that he was expelled. He didn't know what kind of force the leader of the education team could call to ask for care, he only knew that he was going to be a good receptionist.

Thinking of this, the principal was a little puzzled in his heart. Who is this person? How could he have to come here to be a teacher! The principal thought, but he just thought. He already knew what to ask and what not to ask.

Are you going to withdraw the punishment or not?" Old Yang asked with a flushed face. The principal looked at Director Yang's arrogant aura. An anger hit his heart. Get out!" the principal roared, his neck flushed and he took a sip The tea breathed. Really... now anyone dared to yell at him. Then he can't do it as the principal?

Director Yang went out with an uneven face. In fact, Director Yang is young, but he has always been upright and has been given such a nickname. "Dear Mr. Jiang... Your salute." Director Yang looked at the letter in his hand and smiled with satisfaction. Anyway, I have to give it a try.

Mr. Jiang, your letter. "Director Yang went to the office and put the letter in his hand on Jiang Cheng's desk. Jiang Cheng opened the letter suspiciously. "Mr. Jiang, I feel that what happened that day has nothing to do with me. First of all, because the kid has a background. Secondly, I was not there at the time. "Jiang Cheng looked at the letter, and a weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Director Yang is bold.

Thinking of calling the principal directly, "Hey, principal, hello. Director Yang, let him stay." Without waiting for the principal to reply. Jiang Cheng hung up the phone.

He really didn't want to grind too much with that oily principal. But the principal came here without knowing it.

Hello, Mr. Jiang? You seem to be a little interested in Mr. Yang? "The principal said very well. His main purpose is not to see who Jiang Cheng is friends with, but whether he provokes anyone. Think of himself. The principal couldn't help regretting the anger at Director Yang in the morning. If Jiang Cheng had friendship with Director Yang, he would naturally provoke Jiang Cheng.

"No." Jiang Cheng said bluntly, listening to the principal's right-handed tone, it really made people feel very sick.

But isn't that the case with the Hua Family Farm? You won't control Pang Yuan, you think you will be passed away. Jiang Cheng sighed helplessly, but he became interested in the outspoken Director Yang.

That's because of Director Xu? "The principal was relieved, at least he didn't provoke the horrible man. The principal shook his sweaty shirt, and a shabby smell floated up, making people nauseous.

The principal frowned, trying to make his voice gentle. "Xu Ying? What's the matter with her?" Jiang Cheng frowned unhappy, really can't remember the intersection between Xu Ying and Director Yang. Although Xu Ying is the dean of teaching, she just took office.

Director Yang felt a little bit more mysterious. Jiang Cheng couldn't help but want to lift the veil and find out.

Oh, it's okay. It's just that Mr. Xu is a computer teacher, and it happens that Director Yang also knows some knowledge about computers. I just thought, two people might talk about it. "

Jiang Cheng was taken aback when he heard what the principal said. "What did you say? Director Yang knows computers? What does he know?" The principal said dumbly as Jiang Cheng was excited.

I don’t know this too well. Why don’t you go to Director Yang? "Jiang Cheng stopped talking nonsense with the fat middle-aged uncle, and hung up the phone. The principal angrily threw the phone to the ground and glanced disdainfully. Mobile phone. Just hang up your own phone once or twice. It's become a habit to hang up.

The principal glanced at the phone harshly, and didn't know who that person was. So arrogant.

Jiang Cheng opened the door of the office. Director Yang glanced at Jiang Cheng and continued to work with his head down, as if he hadn't seen him. "Director Yang, shall we come out and talk?" Jiang Cheng said bluntly.

Director Yang seemed a little unhappy, but he put down the pen in his hand and went out with Jiang Cheng.

Thank you. "Director Yang said directly as soon as he left the house, he also bowed formally. Jiang Cheng was a little sorry, "I heard that you know computers. "Jiang Cheng asked fanatically with attachment.

Way to understand the code. "Director Yang dropped the four words and left. Looking at the back of Director Yang, Jiang Cheng became more interested in Director Yang.

He was thinking about it but was hit by someone. Jiang Cheng turned his head angrily, but saw Xu Ying's angry face.

It seems that people have a big opinion of you!" Xu Ying smiled and said to Jiang Cheng, "Think about how to have a good relationship with them. My teacher Jiang!

Jiang Cheng helplessly rubbed his head and turned to leave. Xu Ying was left with a smirk on his face.

It was night, the wind was light and the clouds were light. Jiang Cheng followed it over and over. It's useful to find a relationship yourself. The other teachers live in 97 teacher dormitories.

It's okay for me to complete a teacher's villa. Jiang Cheng looked at the teaching building. There are stars and lights on the roof.

Jiang Cheng got up and went to the top of the building. Jiang Cheng was refreshed by the wind on the roof. In a blink of an eye, I saw someone drinking on the rooftop. Jiang Cheng walked in and found that it was Director Yang.

Without seeing him, Jiang Cheng took a bottle of beer and went to work with Director Yang.

Director Yang looked up at Jiang Cheng, and smiled mockingly. "Mr. Jiang, you don't want to enjoy it in your apartment anymore, why are you here?

Listening to Director Yang, who was deeply ironic, Jiang Cheng became more convinced that what Xu Ying said was correct, and Director Yang really had opinions on him.

Jiang Cheng didn't mind talking about it with Director Yang, a box of wine was gone. The two of them listened to the evening breeze in the city with the warm air.

Jiang Cheng suddenly remembered that in his previous life, he seemed to have such a sangma with friends. Only after graduating from high school, I rarely get together.

Thought of this. Jiang Cheng unscrupulously drank with Director Yang on the rooftop. The beer bottles are all thrown away. Ye Shen Jiang Cheng and Director Yang helped each other down the stairs.

Alcohol numbs their nerves. But Jiang Cheng is still happy, because Zhao Tiantai has changed something. For example, prejudice

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