Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1443: Match

Boss Jiang, you let me pay attention to the racing game last time

There are eyebrows!" Linda's voice rang on the phone.

Jiang Cheng said, and immediately replied: "I will send you a document. The owner of the document is Zhou Wei. I will register him for this racing competition!

After speaking, Jiang Cheng put down the documents and made a temporary intention to return to Yizhao School. Zhou Wei, you have signed up for a racing competition in our door, you must participate on time!" Jiang Cheng said while looking at Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei was a little nervous, his two little hands behind his back fought together, and said, "I might not be able to do it. My racing skills are not as good as yours.

Jiang Cheng smiled and touched Zhou Wei's head, and comforted: It's okay, don't worry, the car skills are also learned by training, come on!

Zhou Wei really listened to Jiang Cheng's words. From that day on, he practiced hard and went to the racing track almost every day, rain or shine.

Soon the day of the game came, Jiang Cheng was afraid that Zhou Wei was too nervous, so he followed to the competition venue.

Zhou Wei, I will take you to walk around and get familiar with the terrain. It will not be easy to drive a car when you are in Besse. "Jiang Cheng ordered.

Zhou Wei nodded in agreement, and said, "Okay, I think so too!

After speaking, the two began to walk around the periphery of the racing track. Halfway through, Zhou Wei said embarrassedly, "Teacher Jiang, I'm going to the Yizhao bathroom, you go shopping first!

Jiang Cheng nodded, thinking about going to see this (bbag) side first

It’s better to remind Zhou Wei of the road conditions.

Without knowing it, Jiang Cheng walked to the racing reserve area. He was paying too much attention, but he saw two people talking sneakily beside a red traffic jam.

Jiang Cheng looked forward and took a look. Isn’t this exactly Zhou Wei’s car? Hurry up and let the rear wheel half out!” The man on the left whispered to the other man.

Jiang Cheng frowned when he heard the words, took out the mobile phone in his bag, and pressed the record button with a "ding".

Well, okay, I pierced the tire skin with a silver needle. However, as soon as the car starts, the tire will burst and slowly leak!" the man on the other side replied.

Jiang Cheng saw that the two masked men were about to leave, and immediately grabbed the first one and knocked the two strong men to the ground, unable to move. "Who are you? Quickly let us go!" the two men shouted in unison. Jiang Cheng disdainfully frowned and said, "You have done a bad thing, and you are so arrogant. You are indeed a veteran?"

Haha, no matter how you sue us, no one would dare to take us anyway and not see who is behind us?" A man said disdainfully.

Xiao Zuo, what are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense!" Another man interrupted immediately.

Those who talk about it often don't think too much about it, but the people who listen to it are often more sensitive and will keep any details in mind, let alone a genius like Jiang Cheng!

The people behind? Are these two people who deliberately pierced the tires were instigated? And their "masters" must come from a long way

When Jiang Cheng thought of this, he couldn't help but keep an eye on him. He called his assistant Linda: he asked her to retrieve the surveillance video of the parking lot of the race-level vehicle.

After speaking, I took two people to the temporary office of the organizer

Hello, I want to report that these two people deliberately punctured the tires of the racing car, and they were unpredictable!" Jiang Cheng slowly said towards the person in charge.

A scene that Jiang Cheng hadn't imagined happened.

After seeing the two people, the person in charge not only didn't get angry, but immediately restrained the two for questioning, but felt that it was not a big deal.

You probably read it wrong, the stadium is very well guarded, why would you let these idlers wait in and behave?" the person in charge said with tattooed eyebrows.

Jiang Cheng had no choice but to continue: "I have a live recording here! After speaking, Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone, turned the volume up to the maximum, and started playing.

After the person in charge heard the recording, his face only changed slightly, but he quickly recovered his calm.

It's just a recording, anyone can forge it, it's nothing evidence! The person in charge said indifferently.

When Jiang Cheng heard the person in charge's casual tone and disdainful expression, he couldn't help but be angry, and wanted to produce more clear evidence.

I don't know if surveillance video is considered evidence?" Jiang Cheng said, holding back his anger.

The organizer couldn't help but laughed and said: Young man, if you have the ability, go look for it. If you find it, you will be cruel!

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng immediately called the assistant Linda: "You immediately

The surveillance video you just called is called to me!"

This... Boss Jiang, I don’t know why. When I went to investigate, the monitor showed that it was under maintenance and the status was abnormal!

I went... Jiang Cheng immediately hung up the phone.

Jiang Cheng stared at the organizer fiercely, and asked: "What did you do? Surveillance video has always been managed by the organizer. When the game is about to happen, it must be the organizer's method to monitor problems.

I said, if you have the ability, just use the evidence, otherwise, don't talk about it!" said the organizer disapprovingly.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help it anymore, and the veins violently rushed straight up and punched the person in charge alone, knocking him to the ground.

Ah, come! Security guard, someone hit someone! The person in charge screamed intermittently.

Jiang Cheng didn't hurriedly sat in a chair, took out his notebook and checked the organizer's monitoring system himself.

"Who beat someone? Stand up!" the security guard roared toward the office. The person in charge saw the security coming, and a glint flashed in his eyes, and shouted: It's him, it's him! Get him up for me.

Let me see if any of you dare to move me, your manager is your end!" Jiang Cheng roared.

The bodyguards were also shocked by Jiang Cheng's sudden aura, not knowing whether to step forward or back.

"Who did you follow? Hmm!" the person in charge asked Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "You are not qualified to know, and you do not deserve to know.

The person in charge has also experienced strong winds and heavy rains, but he is not as flustered as the bodyguards.

Supporting the kicked place, he tremblingly turned out the registration form and saw that Jiang Cheng was the name of Men Zhouwei.

Jiang Cheng saw the person in charge's trembling motions, but he had no idea, just smiled disdainfully.

Hello, it's me. You canceled Zhou Wei's qualification to participate in the Senate!" the person in charge said on the phone.

Jiang Cheng couldn't sit still when he heard this, and the surveillance video here was successfully deciphered by Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng also found the operation traces of others maliciously damaging the monitoring system from the operation records.

Jiang Cheng didn't have time to pick up the person in charge who deliberately made trouble. He immediately picked up the phone and made the same call.

"Mengmeng, are you in the company now?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Suddenly received a call from the boss, Meng Ling was also a little confused, and asked: "It's working time, of course I am in the office, what's wrong? Didn't you accompany the students to participate in the competition? What's the matter?

You go now to find all the information Lindas wants to get to the organizer of this racing game!" Jiang Cheng asked.

Mengmeng became even more confused on the other side, completely ignorant of Jiang Cheng's intentions to inquire about the organizer of the competition.

She asked, "What's the situation? Why do you need those materials?" "Don't worry about this. You will use the company's name to check the organizer of this competition. I don't have time to explain to you now!" Jiang Cheng hurriedly replied.

From Jiang Cheng's hurried tone, Meng Ling also heard the urgent nature of this matter, and immediately set about it.

Jiang Cheng walked out of the office of the person in charge of the organizer who was boring, and went outside to breathe.

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