Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1444: philanthropist

Jiang Cheng turned over in the car for a long time, then turned to a small business card, and after a closer look, he realized that it was the contact information of the boss left when he attended the Xu family banquet last time.

Jiang Cheng dialed out according to the phone number written above. After the call was connected, he said, "Hello, boss! This is Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang Cheng, what is the purpose of calling here today?" the boss said kindly.

Jiang Cheng sighed lightly and said, "I was in a racing game. I found that there was a cat in the race. Someone deliberately damaged the monitor and damaged the racing vehicle. I hope to report it to you for good results!

"Okay, take your time to talk about the process and all the evidence you have now!" the boss said seriously.

Finally, there is a chance to be able to do business with Jiang Cheng, and to be able to flatter Jiang Cheng, I am afraid that my personal road will be a lot easier!

"Now, I have cracked the internal monitoring system of the organizer of this racing competition and grasped the traces of their deliberate destruction of surveillance video, including the recording of their on-site damage to the racing tires!" Jiang Cheng slowly explained.

The boss paused and said, "We will receive your report and make a fair ruling and deal with it!

"What I want to tell the boss is that it is not me, Jiang Cheng, as the whistleblower, but Xun Teng Company as the whistleblower, and I hope the boss will think twice!" Jiang Zai said threateningly.

The boss pursed his lips and said, "I will make an announcement now to cancel this competition, and I will send someone to deal with it!

Every Jiang Cheng made him panic and fear to death, if you add the entire Xun Teng company, I am afraid that I really can't eat it!

Hearing the affirmative reply from the boss, Jiang Cheng hung up the phone and went to the RV while reviewing company documents while waiting for the outcome of the matter.

Not long after, Zhou Wei came, and he asked: "Teacher, why is the competition cancelled?

"There are some problems with the authenticity of this game, so we can't compare it!" Jiang Cheng replied.

Wow! Teacher Jiang is really domineering!

Zhou Wei's eyes flashed with admiration, and he said, "Well, I don't even bother to participate in unfair games. I listen to Teacher Jiang about this matter.

Well, this is what a gentleman looks like, really a man!" Jiang Cheng appreciated.

On the other hand, a pot of porridge has appeared in Dong's company, and the father of Jiang Cheng student Dong Ran is the president of this company.

However, what is surprising is that the organizer of this racing competition is the Dong Group, and the leading boss is Dong Jun.

President, there was a sudden announcement in the mansion that the game must be cancelled!" The assistant reported to the Dong Junhui.

Dong Jun frowned and said, "How could this happen? The game is about to be held this afternoon. How can something go wrong suddenly? If the game does not go smoothly, then our company will definitely suffer a serious loss!

All investors have already injected capital. If the game does not go smoothly, then not only the Dong Group will face a deadlock of refunds, but also reputation damage.

All of this made Dong Jun couldn't help feeling burnt, and didn't know what to do.

Go and ask, who exactly reported it? Once you find it, tell me right away!" Dong Jun ordered his assistant to arrive.

"Report to the president, this time the reporting party has a background, and the influence is not small! The assistant replied.

Dong Jun asked impatiently: "Just tell me, who is it? I don't believe that my entire Dong family group can't compare to him!"

Uh...The president is the boss of Xunteng, Jiang Cheng!" the assistant replied hesitantly.

You may not be comparable to this, even if ten Dong Groups are not comparable to one Jiang Cheng's Xunteng company.

Dong Jun paused when he heard about Xun Teng Company, but Jiang Cheng? Why is he so familiar?

After a while, Dong Juno realized that the teacher of his son Dong Ran was Jiang Cheng.

Dong Jun had no time to think about anything, and immediately took the key to Dong Ran's school.

You hurry up, Dad!" Dong Jun said straight to the door. Seeing his father burning on fire, Dong Ran became a little worried and asked, "Dad," seven or seven," you said slowly, don't worry!

"Dad's company held a competition, but there was a problem in the middle, you teacher Jiang Cheng went to report it!" Dong Jun selectively told Dong Ran the truth about the beautified version.

Dong Ran was taken aback, paused for a while, and asked, "Did your company do anything shameful?"

I know the character of Teacher Jiang very well, he can't report his dad out of nothing!

You white-eyed wolf, how can you doubt your father and me?" Dong Jun said angrily.

Dong Ran showed his signature action again. He withdrew his mouth and said, "Haha! Doubt is one thing, but it's another thing if you didn't do it! Are you not going to tell the truth?

I. I admit that Dad did something wrong, but your teacher was too eager to do it. We can discuss things if necessary!" Dong Jun roared a little impatiently.

Discuss? I'm afraid your consultation is to give money, but what you didn't expect is that Teacher Jiang is better than you and is not short of money!" Dong Ran smiled indifferently.

With a snap, Dong Jun heard Dong Ran's fresh words and slapped Dong Ran on the face without holding back.

I'm telling you, little rabbit! You are going to beg you today, or if you don't beg, you must go too!" Dong Jun was completely angry and yelled at Dong Ran.

Dong Ran was also stunned by this sudden slap, and couldn't help it for a moment when he heard what his father Dong Jun said.

You dare to hit me, why are you hitting me! Have you raised me with your heart? Knowing that you have something to ask me now?

Before Dong Jun came back to his senses, Dong Ran rushed up and beat his own father Dong Jun on the leg with his head, and the two were beaten together.

When the principal saw the fight between the two fathers and sons of the Dong family, he was embarrassed and helpless, so he immediately called Jiang Cheng and informed him of the situation.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Cheng drove back immediately.

Dong Jun, what are you doing! "Jiang Cheng is not calling Dong Jun to be Dong Ran's father because he thinks Dong Jun is not qualified to be Dong Ran's father.

Seeing Jiang Cheng coming, Dong Jun immediately let go of Dong Ran, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and walked towards Jiang Cheng with a smile.

Mr. Jiang Cheng, I dealt with some housework and accidentally made you read a joke. I'm sorry!" Dong Jun laughed with him.

The sweat from the fight with Dong Ran still hangs on his hair and face, his face squeezed together, making people feel sick.

Jiang Cheng glanced at Dong Jun and said: You have done something wrong yourself and let your son solve it. Are you a man?

"I think we still have room for discussion on this matter!" Dong Pei said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng did not speak, waiting for Dong Jun's explanation.

Look, what can the competition actually do? The organizers are not philanthropists, of course, it is profitable!" Dong Jun said very seriously.

Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a little speechless, and said, "Then you think that the game is a tool for you to make money? Then what do you do to make those children with ideals?

Throat, what do those kids have? Can they win by paying? Can they blame us if they don't have money?" Dong Jun persuaded Jiang Cheng to say.

Jiang Cheng's three views were about to collapse by Dong Jun's fallacies, is it really an era of maximizing benefits?

The two of us have different perspectives, different ways, and we don’t teach each other. I won’t withdraw the report. Don’t worry!” Jiang Cheng replied

When Dong Jun heard the advice to Jiang Cheng to no avail, he immediately became angry, and turned back to the company without saying a goodbye.

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