Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1446: Worth

The sitting Pingwei all looked at each other and didn't know what to say. Isn't this Jiang Cheng avoiding suspicion? He is really a character who has experienced the ups and downs of shopping malls, he is indeed an old raccoon!

Seeing that the commentators were silent, Jiang Cheng announced: "Okay, then listen to the big group. This time the champion is the rookie one week after the Wei Wei game, in the lounge.

How is it? Are you happy to win the championship?" Jiang Cheng touched Zhou Wei's head.

Zhou Wei smiled and said: "Of course I am happy. I won the championship with my own strength. I also found that some 943 arrogant did it!

Stupid boy, practice hard! There will be countless champions waiting for you on the road of life in the future, come on! "Jiang Cheng encouraged Zhou Wei

"Teacher Jiang, then I'll go outside and take a trophy. Zhou Wei told Jiang Cheng to come.

Jiang Cheng was puzzled and asked, "Don't you like this trophy? Why don't you go out with it?

Why don't you like it? However, there are many other contestants outside. They did not win the championship. I don't want to deliberately hold the trophy to go out to stimulate them!" Zhou Wei smiled lightly.

Jiang Chengyun looked at Zhou Wei appreciatively, and said, "What a caring and kind kid, go, I will treat you to the trophy!"

Half an hour later, next to the racing track.

Oops, the champion has come out? Your Master Zhang is not afraid of you being exposed to the sun?" A boy who also participated in the competition mocked.

Zhou Wei didn't quite understand what the boy meant, and asked, "What do you mean? Lord Zhang? What is it, I don't quite understand!

"Oh, don't pretend to be stupid, how disgusting!" the boy smiled at Zhou Wei disdainfully.

Zhou Wei became more and more confused, but still smiled and said, "You just said it, what do you mean by Master Zhang?"

Is it interesting that you keep asking? Your Zhang master is Jiang Cheng, you buy the championship and find the local tyrants!

Zhou Wei's smile slowly condensed on his face.

Don’t talk nonsense, I won the championship completely because of my own driving skills!” Zhou Wei endured the great aggression in his heart and said.

The boy pushed Zhou Wei and said, "Don't do these unnecessary explanations. We all know it well. You should hurry up and take care of your master Zhang!

"Are you blaming me for not showing you the trophy, that's why I am angry?" Zhou Wei was pushed back a few steps.

Certainly, they must be blaming themselves for not showing them the trophy! Zhou Wei wondered if he was deceiving himself and comforting himself, thinking hurriedly.

The boy suddenly laughed and said, "Who is curious to see your trophy? It's just bought, it's worthless!

I'll get it for you now, don't be angry!" Zhou Wei immediately turned around and ran towards the lounge where Jiang Cheng said.

Zhou Wei, why did you run back?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Zhou Wei pursed his lips and said, "Mr. Jiang, I can win this competition because of myself, right?

Jiang Cheng was asked by Zhou Wei's sudden question, "What do you mean by this?"

I mean, did I win the championship because you were there?" Zhou Wei asked and lowered his head.

My teacher Jiang must not be such a person, must not be, and must not be!

Jiang Cheng remembered that he had not voted for Zhou Wei, and couldn't help feeling a little guilty. After all, he voted for a disabled girl who was not as skilled as Zhou Wei. Of course, I am also one of the critics. Without me, can your game continue? Of course it has something to do with me! Are you stupid?" Jiang Cheng circled the topic, sloppy.

Zhou Wei only understood Jiang Cheng's first meaning, which was also the correct meaning. Jiang Cheng didn't make him a champion by default.

"I'm really stupid, hehe, the other contestants outside want to see my trophy, can I show it to them"?" Zhou Wei said with some fear.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but "hehe chuckles, and said to Zhou Wei: You are really stupid when you say you are stupid? Eyes? Of course you are in charge of your trophy. Why do you ask me?

Zhou Wei said, immediately stamped out the trophy. What's wrong with this child? Why is he so hurried? Jiang Cheng felt that Zhou Wei's face had been wrong all the time, and when he carried the trophy out, he also appeared panicked, and couldn't help but want to go out and explore.

Do you really have the face to show us your trophy?" The boy scolded.

I didn't mean that! I didn't show off, I didn't!" Zhou Wei shook his head and explained.

Seeing that Zhou Wei actually took out the trophy, the boy couldn't help being angry.

Well, don't pretend to be pitiful, we can't afford to offend you! Your Master Zhang is amazing!" the boy said disdainfully.

Zhou Wei pursed his lips and said, "If I came out with the trophy and showed you the wrong thing, then I said, don't be angry. Friendship ranks second!

Oh, are we friends? We can't afford to be tall. Jiang Cheng, the master of your family, is amazing, in fact? But a scumbag! "The boy looked up to the sky after speaking.

When Zhou Wei heard the boy scold Jiang Cheng as a scum, he couldn't help but angrily said: "You are a scum, get out of here!

Oops! Your kid is really begging! I'm calling Xiaoye, my brothers, go!" The boy called the crowd standing next to him and rushed towards Zhou Wei.

Several people scuffled together, and Jiang Cheng happened to find out. Jiang Cheng took out the phone and sent all the people who hit Zhou Wei to the detention center.

Why are they hitting you?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Zhou Weiwei bowed his head and said: "They said that I was your default champion, and they called you...a scum. I couldn't bear it anymore and rushed up.

What? The default champion.

Jiang Cheng seemed to suddenly realize the reason why Zhou Wei was soured by other contestants. It was the black screen of the competition, the black screen!!

Linda, let me call up the surveillance video of the meeting between me and the other commentators of the game the night before, and specially cut out their conversation after I left, and then send it to me immediately! "Jiang Cheng called and asked assistant Linda Tao.

Jiang Cheng was also not idle, took out his laptop, and inquired the private intersection records of Ping Wei in all the competitions.

It is true that Xun Teng Company never raises idlers. Jiang Cheng received an email from Linda, his assistant, in five minutes.

Hmph, these people are really amazing, they dare to take my words as deaf ears!" Jiang Cheng couldn't help but anger after watching the surveillance video.

I made Zhou Wei the champion? I dismissed Zhou Wei because others blocked me from pushing him to the championship?

Looking at these nonsense, Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth and made a major decision.

Linda, make an announcement in the name of the company! "Jiang Cheng once again called the assistant Lindal.

There was a pause on the other end of the phone and asked: "., Boss Jiang, what announcement did you say?"

All the traffic jams will be cancelled including the results after the race! And, get ready for the next Bise!" Jiang Cheng said calmly.

Linda couldn't help being shocked over there, and she said loudly: What? Boss, you want to withdraw the Biser? Do you know how much the company will lose?

I have calculated it. The maximum loss of canceling the pesé is 200 million, and the competition to be held again is only 300 million! And there are some things I can’t ignore, so what is the difference between me and those who accept foreign exchange? "Jiang Cheng Explained.

"Okay, boss, I'll make an announcement now!" Assistant Linda replied on the phone

Boss Jiang is really rich and powerful, he's 500 million back and forth! Throat, forget it, who makes the boss worth more than a trillion? This is just a small 500 million.

The announcement of Jiang Cheng's reorganization of the game has just been issued and caused a sensation in the outside world.

Not only reorganized the competition, but also cancelled all awards. Could it be that what went wrong with those experts?"

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