Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1447: regret

The outside world has always been so suspicious.

The reputation of the expert commentators of the competition also plummeted. Because of these things, for a long time, no program group dared to invite them to participate in the judging work.

The second competition will be held in the second week after the announcement. In this competition, Jiang Cheng used the audience's votes and Wei Wei's ratings to calculate the average value, and there was no suspicion of cheating.

Zhou Wei played better this time than the last time, and everyone in the circle and outside the picture appreciated him.

The result, of course, is obvious.

After all the audience voted and commented on Wei's scoring, the champion of this competition was Zhou Wei!" Jiang Cheng announced from the podium.

Zhou Wei won the championship with almost transparent competition scores. No one doubted the result this time.

Participants who fought against Zhou Wei last time were also released from the detention center. Seeing Zhou Wei's wonderful game process, he felt a little guilty.

Zhou Wei, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive last time!" The beater bowed to Zhou Wei and said guiltily.

Zhou Wei felt a little embarrassed when he heard his talk and said, "There was a black screen in the last competition, but it was not instructed by Teacher Jiang! So, there is nothing wrong with you saying that!"

Okay, even if we don't know each other, we will be brothers and friends in the future!" The boy said with a smile.

Zhou Wei patted the boy on the shoulder and asked, "Are you a real brother or a fake brother? As your brother, I don't even know your name!

"Oh oh oh, sorry, I'm so excited! My name is Li Mingxiao and I am glad to meet you!" the man introduced himself.

Zhou Wei smiled and said to Li Mingxiao that you must know my name, but let me introduce myself again. Hello, I am Zhou Wei, and I am glad to meet you!

I am 18 and very happy to meet you too! However, there is an unrelenting request. I don’t know if it is inappropriate to speak?" Li Mingxiao was a little bit hesitant and stopped.

Zhou Wei shrugged and said: Since we are brothers, then nothing is a big deal, just say it!

I am about to form a team, your driving skills are really good, can you join us?" Li Mingxiao touched the back of his head embarrassedly.

Zhou Wei said, lowered his head slightly and said: Uh. , I’m going to ask others about this matter. After all, I’m not an adult and I can’t do it myself.

Li Mingxiao nodded, expressed his understanding, and said, "Then go back and ask.

But, we really appreciate you, everyone in the team is looking forward to your joining

Zhou Wei ran back immediately and found Jiang Cheng in the office. Teacher Jiang, I want to ask you a question! "Zhou Wei took La Jiangcheng's arm.

Jiang Cheng picked up the floor, avoided the ground, turned around and asked, "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

Li Mingxiao, Ao, that’s not right. It’s the man who beat me last time. He invited me into their caravan. Do you want me to go?

Zhou Wei's two small hands were together like a small earthworm.

Jiang Cheng gently touched Zhou Wei's head and said: Jun boy, although I am your teacher, I am not the planner of your life! The road of life is yours! You have to make your own decisions.

Can it?" Zhou Wei looked at Jiang Cheng blankly.

Jiang Cheng gave Zhou Wei an encouraging look, gave him a thumbs up, and said: "You have to believe in yourself, you can do it, and make your own decisions. Regardless of whether the result is good or bad, you just don't regret it!

After hearing Jiang Cheng's encouragement, Zhou Wei ran out of the office and went to Li Mingxiaoyue's coffee shop after thanking Jiang Cheng.

I think about it! I want to join your team!" Zhou Wei looked at Li Mingxiao seriously.

Li Mingxiao heard Zhou Wei's reply moving and confused, and asked: "Why are you so sure this time?

Because Teacher Jiang said, the path of life is my own. I have to learn to make my own decisions. Of course, I am also responsible for my choices!" Zhou Wei said seriously, even his facial expressions were a little serious. .

Li Mingxiao saw Zhou Wei appreciatively, stretched out his hand and shook Zhou Wei gently, and said, "That's good, you are welcome to join our fleet and enter this big family!

This competition not only praised Zhou Wei, but also hit Shouhui and created Mo Mu's commentary on Wei. It also once again praised Jiang Cheng, who was "hot" as a teacher.

Xun Teng's top boss Jiang Cheng is not only a top scientist, but also an unparalleled educator who has nurtured countless talents! And as the No. 1 middle school where Jiang Cheng works, is it really the county-level first high school?

Reports like this spread like wildfire. Every day, they will appear on the homepage of Weibo, WeChat, Toutiao and other information websites.

Zhongbei Jiang Cheng is on fire! But Jiangzi is older, and there are more impurities. Everyone is coveting this hot piece of fat in Yizhong, and the education team also came down to check it.

Principal, please come with us!" the education team and some security members said to the principal of No. 1 Middle School.

Jiang Cheng hurried here, stopped in front of the principal, and asked, "What's the matter? Why do you want to arrest people?

Those people knew that Jiang Cheng’s background was too big to provoke him, so they explained patiently: Someone provided video and recording materials as evidence, reported the principal’s remittance, and based on the response of the deputy boss of the Finance Department of the Education Team. , The school's finances are in deficit, and the accounts are not correct!

Hearing this, Jiang Zai also knew that the principal's hands must be dirty. This time, it must be the principal and the school's failure. Without relatives, he had to quit the principal's office and returned to his own office.

In the afternoon, I received an announcement from the education team: “The principal of No. 1 Middle School received foreign exchange due to bank exchanges, tax evasion, and formally dismissed his position and was under investigation!” At this time, the teachers in charge of various departments of No. Can you be a principal?

That night, Jiang Cheng once again went on a hot search. However, this time it was because of Dong Ran.

Wow, God is so unfair! If you give me a teacher like Jiang Cheng who is responsible and handsome, I will definitely enter Tsinghua Peking University! "Many people sighed like this after seeing the hot video. Edited a lot of videos of Jiang Cheng and Dong Ran getting along, and also described

Qingzao Dong Ran has been living with his teacher. Jiang Cheng communicated with his parents carefully in order to protect Dong Ran.

Dong Ran was taken out by human flesh, the videos of him and Jiang Cheng were picked up, and everything he cut was exposed to netizens

At this time, a small V player with hundreds of thousands of fans' repost was pushed to the forefront.

He reposted the video and Aite went to the local education team, saying: "If such a teacher is not the principal, who will be the principal? This is Jiang Cheng, who is both virtuous and capable, and qualified to be the principal of a high school.

A week later, Jiang Cheng really received a letter from the education team inviting Jiang Cheng to be the principal of No. 1 Middle School.

Jiang Cheng had no choice but to make a statement on Weibo, "Dear netizens, first of all, I want to thank you all for your love and appreciation. You all want to recommend me to be the principal. However, I am too busy to take care of it. The principal in the school is busy with work, so I think that the principal should be elected by a more competent person. I hope everyone will understand.

Jiang Cheng’s statement on Weibo really shocked everyone, and everyone felt sorry for Jiang Cheng’s failure to be elected as the principal of No. 1 Middle School. Bi Jing In their minds, Jiang Cheng is a serious and responsible teacher.

If he is elected as the principal of No. 1 High School, not only will the No. 1 High School become famous for it, but his children will also receive a better education.

However, due to Jiang Cheng's resolute attitude on Weibo, the parents behind the Internet had no choice but to give up. Even so, everyone has long recognized Jiang Cheng as the principal of No. 1 Middle School. Therefore, whenever I have the opportunity, I will express my opinions behind the re-election of the principal of No. 1 Middle School.

On this day, the No. 1 High School decided to hold a "Voting Conference for No. 1 High School Principals" on Monday. All teachers and students of the school can participate to express their views on who is elected the No.

Regarding No. 1 Middle School through holding this event, Jiang Cheng did not express any opinions. This event is the fairest.

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