Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1448: perturbed

The time is set at the time when the students first come to school on Monday, so every student can have enough time at home to consider whom to vote for.

Many students are depressed at home, this vote is very important for those who want to be the principal of a high school. But for Jiang Cheng, it doesn't matter, and he doesn't want to be elected as the principal of No. 1 Middle School.

Voting is going on intensely, but everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. Especially after watching the videos of Jiang Cheng and Dong Ran, everyone prefers Jiang Cheng more, and everyone likes Jiang Cheng's serious and responsible professionalism.

What's more, among the students in No. 1 Middle School, which one is not high IQ? Which one is not with lofty ambitions? Everyone likes to be able to become a student and be admitted to Tsinghua University. And Jiang Cheng, let the students who are studying in No. 1 Middle School see hope, let them feel that Qing Peking University is not a dream.

Everyone gathered in the auditorium, and the expressions on everyone's faces were very excited and excited.

The beautifully dressed girl asked her companions next to her, "Hey, who do you think will be elected our principal this time? Are you not looking forward to it?" The girl with an eye next to him replied indifferently, "Is it still worth expecting? "It must be our teacher Jiang Cheng. His serious and responsible image has been recognized by many people. So, what can I look forward to?" The other girls nodded beside them, apparently agreeing with those eyes. Female opinion.

A host was selected from within the school. His appearance was thin and tall and his appearance was average, but his words caught everyone's attention.

Today, we are gathered here, no other purpose. That is to withdraw from the election of the new principal of No. 1 Middle School. I hope that everyone can have a fair and just heart, and never be able to favor any teacher. I hope everyone can remember this. We choose the principal to better serve the students of a high school and let the principal lead us to a better future. So, don’t have some selfish desires! "The host’s nice and elegant voice came from the microphone.

Seeing such a serious host, everyone also put away those silly thoughts and some unrealistic ideas, and concentrated on betting on this school vote.

All the classmates stepped onto the stage one after another, lined up and put their votes in the ballot box, and then returned to their positions one after another.

A girl next to her asked the boy next to her, "Hey, who did you vote for? The boy answered without hesitation: "Don't think about it. Of course I voted for Teacher Jiang Cheng, so are you also Teacher Jiang Cheng? "The girl arrogantly replied: "Of course, Teacher Jiang Cheng is the perfect teacher and principal in my mind. Apart from him, I can't find anyone else.

After about ten minutes, the voting results seemed to have come out.

"Well, students and teachers have been waiting for a long time. The result has come out and we will announce it immediately." The host said mysteriously.

The host held the note of the voting result in his hand, "Then the one who got the highest number of votes in this voting result is Mr. Cheng Yijiang! Congratulations, everyone.

"Papa Papa" There was enthusiastic applause on the court, as if everyone was very satisfied with the result this time.

But at this time Jiang Cheng stepped onto the podium and said to everyone: "I really appreciate the trust of all the students in me, but I really don't have more time and energy to be the principal of this No. 1 Middle School. Therefore, I recommend it. The vice principal came to assume the position of the principal of No. 1 Middle School. I hope that everyone can understand my difficulties and actively cooperate with the vice principal’s work. Thank you. "After that, Jiang Cheng bent his body to all the students.

Seeing that Jiang Cheng once again rejected the position of being elected as the principal of No. 1 Middle School, everyone had no choice but to give up, because the vice principal was also a kind, kind and strict manner.

After the election of the principal came to an end, the school ushered in a new task. The above requires a middle school to select some outstanding students to participate in the regional competition.

This competition is of great importance. The entire mansion is very important to this competition. One of the highest schools in the mansion, the boss of the mansion is even more important. The school just announced that they are going to participate in the regional competition. Everyone is very excited. After all, this opportunity is very rare. You can show your face in the regional competition. If you miss this time, it will be difficult next time. .

The boss of the school requires each class teacher to personally select some students that he is satisfied with. The students' comprehensive ability, learning ability and various physical examinations must reach the target.

As a class teacher, Jiang Cheng naturally has to select some people in his class to conduct assessments and evaluations on them, and go through a series of projects.

Select the person who will eventually participate in the competition. Jiang Cheng was really busy because of these things. Basically, I don’t want to put my feet on the floor. I go home to wash and take a bath every day, do nothing, lie down and go to sleep.

At this tense and busy time, the mansion sent an invitation to Jiang Cheng and invited Jiang Cheng to participate in the science and technology show in the mansion. The people in the mansion especially hope to see Jiang Cheng show off his talents again, and the people in the mansion appreciate Jiang Cheng’s abilities very much.

Seeing the email from the mansion, I invited myself to participate in the technology show. Jiang Cheng was lost in thought. This is an opportunity for him. Bi Jing can make more people realize himself and his ability and accomplishments in technology.

However, when he thought that the students in his school were still waiting for him, Jiang Cheng did not hesitate to send an e-mail to reject the request from the mansion, and devoted himself to sending his students to the competition.

After learning that Jiang Cheng refused the invitation to participate in the science and technology show because he wanted to accompany the students to the competition, the boss of the mansion didn't say anything, but he was furious.

They looked up to Jiang Cheng and thought he was a good seed, so they wanted to invite him to participate, but they didn't expect Jiang Cheng to be ignorant and refused. "Forget the throat, just forget it if you don't want to, please ask someone else!" The boss of the education team threw a word and left.

A director couldn't stand it anymore. Because he knew the principal of Jiang Cheng's school, he called my principal and was very angry during the call. He denounced Jiang Cheng's actions and emphasized that Jiang Cheng must participate in this science and technology show. After hanging up the phone, the principal only felt that he was in a cold sweat, and both sides couldn't afford to offend. One was the division chief, and the other was the sincere and Jiang Cheng background who gave the position of the principal to himself.

For a time, the principal was caught in a dilemma. I want to find a solution for both, but I can't figure it out.

When Jiang Cheng came to the school the next day, the principal had no choice but to find Jiang Cheng. He came to the door of Jiang Cheng's office and knocked on the door.

Jiang Cheng looked up and saw that the principal was standing at the door of his office, so he let the principal come in and sit down, and poured a glass of water to the principal. Although the principal felt a little nervous, he still drank his mouth and said, "Jiang Cheng took the students to the competition last time, what was the result?

Jiang Cheng knew that the principal came to him definitely not to ask about the result of the last competition, but the principal didn’t say anything else. Jiang Cheng continued with the principal’s words and said, “It’s not bad. I don’t know the specific result. Worried.

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