Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1450: graduation

Let's go! Waiting for me for a long time! Someone came to me just now and some things were delayed, let's go now! "Dong Ran has been waiting outside for a long time. After seeing him, Jiang Cheng said embarrassedly.

Looking at him, Dong Ran didn't say anything. This matter was originally because someone voluntarily accompanied her to the exam, so she had nothing to say. After all, Jiang Cheng has a lot to deal with now. He is busy, for himself, he is used to it.

"How about the review, let me tell you! After a while, you should treat it as usual, don't put too much pressure on yourself, know it! Just let it go, relax, maybe there is a good one. Achievements, know it!

When he got into the car, Jiang Cheng started nagging. He was afraid that Dong Ran would put too much pressure on him, so he kept enlightening her, hoping that she would not be so nervous.

Oops, it’s okay, I’m all ready, I’m sure I won’t let you down, don’t worry! I’m a lot lighter than you, it’s yourself, worrying about me, don’t worry, I’ve been prepared for so long, nothing will happen . "Dong Ran said with a smile. She has been preparing for so long and will not disappoint herself and Jiang Cheng.

Looking at her, Jiang Cheng smiled embarrassedly, and the two of them went to the test site. Fortunately, the traffic was unimpeded along the way. But suddenly, the car stopped. I can't go anymore.

I rely on, what is the situation, don't drop the chain at a critical moment! This car is really not interesting enough. "Suddenly, when I heard a sound, the car couldn't move. Jiang Cheng knew that this car had a flat tire. Now, the car is parked halfway, what can I do?

"What's wrong, has the car punctured?" Dong Ran also opened his eyes when he heard the sound, and then asked, she felt that something bad had happened. Now, it really happened.

After the inspection, it was found that the car had a puncture. Now, Jiang Cheng is particularly depressed. If he puts aside Dong Ran's exam, what can I do? Dong Ran looked at him and said nothing. This time she had a lot of problems in the exam, but she believed that 75, in the end, she would definitely get excellent results.

The two people were on the road, and there was no way at all. The cars went back and forth, but there was no one they knew. "Principal Jiang, why are you here? Did something happen?" Just when the two of them were at a loss, a voice came. Following the sound, the car also stopped next to them, and the chief poked his head out of the car.

"I sent her to the exam, but now, the car has a tyre. There is no way!" Jiang Cheng said angrily. The car had a tyre, and now he has to retreat to this director. Therefore, the mood is bad.

Oops, what a coincidence, I just want to go to the exam place today. If you don’t dislike it, I will send you there! Okay! Otherwise, the exam will start in a while, and I won’t be able to catch up. Come, come up. Right!", the director hurriedly said seeing this situation. Jiang Cheng took a look, and now there is no way, so he pulled Dong Ran into the director’s car. Finally, Dong Ran caught up with the exam in time. After Jiang Dao thanked him, the director left.

A few days later, the exam results came out, and Dong Ran lived up to expectations and got excellent results. Jiang Cheng was very happy. After thinking about it, he called the following and resumed his position as director.

In the morning, Jiang Cheng was awakened by the crisp ringing of the original phone.

Hello, hello! Which one are you looking for?" Jiang Cheng's lazy voice sounded in the bedroom.

The person on the other end of the phone paused and said, "Hello! Sorry, I interrupted you to rest!

Huh? It’s okay, who are you? "Jiang Cheng replied. I am Chief Yang of the last time. I would like to treat you to a meal today. For the last time you did not remember the villain, you treated me leniently. Thank you!" said the person on the other end respectfully.

Jiang Cheng said, raising his eyebrows, and said, "Aoao, but it's okay, you got my student Dong Ran from Yemen at that time, and it doesn't matter if you have done the same, it doesn't matter!

After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng didn't wait for Director Yang to answer and hung up the phone. Seeing オ at six o'clock in the morning, he couldn't help frowning.

Do these people call no time and place anymore? Are they rushing to reincarnate so early?

Jiang Cheng thought that it was still early, so he changed into a sweatshirt and planned to go to the gym on the second floor of his villa to exercise.

Mi. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Dong Ran's vocal training voice sounded in the gym, Jiang Cheng heard the elongated practising voice before he walked in.

Jiang Cheng gently opened the door, hiding behind Dong Ran quietly, and saw that Dong Ran was running on a treadmill while pulling his voice to practice.

He smiled, increased his voice like a prank, and suddenly shouted: "What are you doing?

Mi...Wow! Teacher Jiang, why do you think about getting up so early today? When I came before, you were still sleeping in your bedroom! Did I disturb you?" Dong Ran asked cautiously.

Jiang Cheng shook his head, stepped onto another treadmill next to him, ran, and said, "It was just being woken up by an inexplicable and annoying phone call! No, you are thinking that I used to get up too late. Do you think I'm lazy?

"Slightly, I didn't! Teacher Jiang, you use your brain so much every day, of course you have to take a good rest, right?" Dong Ran stretched out his tongue playfully.

Jiang Cheng touched Dong Ran's head, which was all soaked in sweat, and said without half disgust: "Do you get up so early every day to practice?

Well, of course! The teacher of the music school said that the most important basis for singing is breath. Running can exercise lung capacity, and practicing sound while running can increase the length and stability of breath! "Dong Ran nodded nonchalantly.

Jiang Cheng looked at Dong Ran appreciatively and said, "Well, just keep practicing like this! From now on, you will be the musician of the future.

Hee hee, teacher, let's go to take a bath and change our clothes. It's getting late and we are ready to go to school!" Dong Ran lowered his head shyly when he heard Jiang Cheng's exaggerated appreciation.

Jiang Cheng pressed the off button of the treadmill and said, "Well, go change clothes and take a shower. I will take you there today, don't worry, take your time!

There was a silent voice in the school.

What's wrong? Why is it so quiet today?" Jiang Cheng asked the security guard.

The security guard smiled honestly and replied: Teacher Jiang, today is the beginning! Did you forget?

Huh? What? I was so confused that I took the exam today and I forgot about it!

I've been too busy lately, and I forgot to start this. Today should be the last exam, right? "Jiang Cheng blamed himself.

In the end, Jiang Cheng understands that the graduation ceremony will be held this afternoon, and that he may never see those children again.

At the graduation ceremony, it was the class led by Jiang Cheng to speak.

I only heard everyone yelling in unison, "Mr. Jiang, we love you! Jiang Cheng actually felt a warm current in his heart, and suddenly felt that all his efforts were not in vain.

Teacher Jiang, let's go to the movies in the afternoon, are you going?" Jiang Cheng's class representative ran down and asked.

Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "Of course I want to skip it! Tell the classmates, I will treat you to the movies and dinner today!"

The class representative ran to inform everyone in the class, only to hear an exclamation of "Ah, great!"

In the evening, inside the restaurant on the left bank of Paris.

Jiang Cheng picked up the cup full of juice, looked at all the students in the class, and said, "Come on, the teacher toasts you, and I wish you a smooth graduation!

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