Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1451: Chain problem

In order to welcome the contract students, Jiang Cheng didn't order wine. Instead, like a student, he ordered his least favorite sweet juice and drank it.

"Mr. Jiang, although the time you took us is not long, we really like you! If you don’t have you, then skip class as we did before, and don’t listen to discipline. Let’s not talk about our future. We don’t even have an exam. Will pass!

Jiang Cheng said sincerely one of the most expensive students in the class. Jiang Cheng took a sip of the juice gently and said, "You have brought me a lot of happiness, and I am honored to be your teacher!" Dong Ran looked at the increasingly sensational scenes, in order to prevent the scene The situation was uncontrollable, and he immediately swallowed the imitation in his heart and said, "Okay, don't say these words that make people cry, how embarrassing! Jiang Cheng suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and said: Okay, everyone. Hurry up and move your messenger, now it’s only 45 minutes before the beginning of the movie, but there is only one class, so hurry up! Otherwise, you will miss the movie show!

At nine o'clock in the middle of the night, just after the movie was shown, there was a sudden heavy rain outside.

Jiang Cheng and the students were not aware of the thunder and lightning weather outside because they were watching movies indoors. When they walked out to see the lightning and thunder, they were a little dumbfounded.

I also said I took a taxi home, what should I do? It seems that there is not even a taxi on the road!

My parents said they were going to drive me to pick me up, but I just called and asked, they were stuck in a traffic jam and stuck on the road.

The students all grumbled and said, standing still and not knowing what to do.

Otherwise I will send you back!" Jiang Cheng thought about it for a while. Dong Ran frowned and said: Today you are driving a limited edition Bugatti Veyron with so few seats, you think you are driving a bus. Where's the car?

Teacher Jiang, otherwise you drive one by one!" Zhou Wei flashed with inspiration.

Jiang Cheng shook his head and said: "No, it's past nine o'clock, you are not safe here, let me figure out a way! Don't worry about it!

After less than two minutes, Jiang Chengpa called the assistant Linda and said: "Now you ask the company's driver to transfer a few cars to the building where the restaurant is located on the left bank of Paris. This is from the cinema on the first floor. Export!

Assistant Linda saw that it was already past nine o'clock in the evening Beijing time, and saw the sound of raining outside. She couldn't help feeling a little strange and asked: "I'm going, Mr. Jiang, what's the matter with you? What kind of fool is trapped?""

No, the students I took graduated, I took them out to eat, then I felt bored and watched the movie again. I didn't look at the weather forecast and didn't know it would rain. Now I can't walk without a car. "Jiang Cheng explained.

The assistant Linda couldn't help but chuckle "hehe" and jokingly said: "You are really not just a good boss in the Eastern District, but you are also a good teacher in the world! Hahahaha, you can eat and play and teach, yes, you can also Live right!"

"Don't ridicule your noble boss anymore, hurry up, send a car over. Send some low-key cars, don't be too ostentatious!" Jiang Cheng teased his assistant while exhorting.

Assistant Linda coughed a few times and replied, right away, it will be guaranteed within 3 minutes!

Three minutes later, at the entrance of the theater, a row of Rolls Reese lined up gorgeously.

Wow, Teacher Jiang, local tyrant! "Many students sighed. Tsk tsk tsk, my head teacher is a king, too rich! How many tens of thousands of dollars for these 313 cars? No, I have to add more. What?

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, "Get in the car, the drivers will take you home safely, and get together for a long time! If you have anything, just call the teacher!

After watching a group of students go, Jiang Cheng pulled Dong Ran and Zhou Wei into his car. He planned to personally send Zhou Wei home, and then take Dong Ran home.

Zhou Wei, your home is here! Umbrella is next to you, slamming Mou home! Throat, no, who is the figure standing at the door? Do you know? Are you the bad guys who are plotting wrong? "Jiang Cheng from the beginning Suddenly, his thoughtfulness turned to faint worry in his heart.

Zhou Wei looked in the direction Jiang Cheng was looking, and replied, "That's my mother, maybe!

Should? No, let me send you there. Dong Ran, you guard the car!" Jiang Cheng instructed the two little guys, Dong Ran and Zhou Wei.

Jiang Cheng led Zhou Wei to the house, taking advantage of the light under the street lamp, and confirmed that this person was Zhou Wei's mother.

Xiaowei, who is this? Who sent you back?" Zhou Wei's mother said in surprise when she saw Jiang Cheng's luxury car.

Zhou Wei pointed at Jiang Cheng and said with a smile: "Mom, this is Jiang Cheng that I often mention to you, Teacher Jiang!

You are Teacher Jiang, so long and long!" Zhou Wei's mother took out her hand and shook Jiang Cheng's hand gently.

Jiang Cheng smiled and nodded, and said, "Well, hello, Zhou Wei's mother, I am Jiang Cheng, Zhou Wei's teacher.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Jiang! We have been at the door of my Zhou Wei all the way. If you hadn't encouraged him to continue his dream of being a traffic jam driver, there might not be a member of the famous team in the region today.

It's Zhou Wei!" Zhou Wei's mother said sincerely looking at Jiang Cheng.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng shook his head and said, "Mother Zhou Wei, you are serious! This is all due to Zhou Wei's talent and his efforts, I just played a supporting role.

You are too humble, I really, really represent me, on behalf of Zhou Wei, and thank you on behalf of our whole family!" Zhou Wei's mother said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng waved to Zhou Wei, mother and son, and said, "It really doesn't matter. Alright, Alright, Zhou Wei, hurry up and help your mother into the house. I will also go first. The road is slippery on rainy days. Be careful!

Back in the car, Dong Ran couldn't wait to chat with Jiang Cheng. The two of Bi Jing lived together for so long, and became more acquainted, slowly reaching the point where they could talk about everything.

You can rest for a long time after you bring our graduates this year, Zhenying screens you!" Dong Ran said with his mouth open.

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you going to take a break? Because you have to take care of you before, you have to take exams. Many of our company's affairs are in charge of assistants and deputy directors. I will go to the company tomorrow to investigate. Let's take a look at the company's current situation and deal with some important things!

Why do I think I pity you so much? I feel tired! Dong Ran looked at Jiang Cheng with some distress.

Jiang Cheng raised a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, and replied: Little devil, do you know? If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!

In the morning, Jiang Cheng got up at 5:30 a.m., earlier than when he got up in the morning the previous morning. He left breakfast and a note with the instructions on the table, and drove to the company alone.

At 7:30, Jiang Cheng was dealing with some of the small file assistants left over from the school substitute some time ago, Linda pushed the door directly and walked in.

Wow, Mr. Jiang, are you really here? I thought Chief Liang from the Finance Department came in yesterday to get the papers and didn't turn off the lights!"

Assistant Linda said with some surprise.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, and asked: "Did people often come in and out of my office during the time I was not in the company?

Why come to my office? With so many documents and seals in the office, will it be unsafe? Fortunately, I am prepared to lock up important documents and private seals. There should be no big problem. "That's not true. During this time, only Deputy Director and Director Liang of the Finance Department came in!" Linda replied conscientiously.

Jiang Cheng pursed his lips and was about to let the assistant go back. He inadvertently saw that the second drawer on the right opened slightly. He turned it over and found that a stack of invoices was missing.

"Linda, why do I feel that there are fewer invoices in my box?

Jiang Cheng asked with some doubts.

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