Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1453: urgent

After seeing Director Liang being stopped by the team members, Jiang Cheng slowly drove the door and got out of the car and walked slowly towards the team members.

Hello, I am Jiang Cheng. "Jiang Cheng introduced himself to a large group of team members.

The captain of the player happened to be the captain of the last time the bomb was dismantled. He looked at Jiang Cheng and said, "It's been a long time, Mr. Jiang! I don't know what you are going to report this time?

No, look!" "Jiang Cheng pointed to Chief Liang who was pressed to the ground. Just when Jiang Cheng was about to continue speaking, Chief Liang suddenly took out the knife hidden in his shoes, and stabbed him directly into the thigh of the team member who had subdued him.

Ah! "As the team members screamed and fell to the ground, Director Liang finally got rid of the restraints and started running with a gun and a knife.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Cheng and the captain of the team rushed forward "May 10," and just as the small team behind was about to follow up, Jiang Cheng rushed to the back and shouted: "You stay, take a photo of the scene. Evidence, dial 12 emergency number, and stop the bleeding for your little comrade by the way.

Who knows that at that moment, Director Liang [Benquge] was so anxious that he took a gun and started beating, "crack, bang.... Bullets hit one by one. Jiang Cheng and the team captain ran forward to catch him.

"You don't want to be a cocoon anymore, don't do any unnecessary and useless work!" the team leader shouted at Director Liang.

I'm going. Director Liang is really jumping the wall!

Jiang Cheng gave the team captain a look, pointed his finger at his car two meters away from the prong, and said silently, "Get on the car!" The team captain understood, and immediately ran to Jiang Cheng's Bugatti with Jiang Cheng. Veyron.

With a bang, Director Liang shot a shot in the calf of the team captain who was opening the door and planning to get on the car, and blood spewed out suddenly. "Um..."

The captain quietly endured the pain and did not make a sound. Jiang Cheng got into the car one step ahead of the team captain, and did not see the scene of the captain being injured. He still asked unreasonably, "Captain, are you okay? You haven't been hit and injured just now?

It's okay, the shots just hit the ground and didn't hit me. You didn't get hit by a bullet, right? You should be fine, right?" The team leader concealed his injury, and asked Jiang Cheng instead.

Jiang Cheng shook his head and replied: "Neither do I! My car is bulletproof, and we are relatively safe inside.

"Then what are you going to do? Can't just do it, do you want to let him go?" The team captain was a little anxious when he heard that, he accidentally moved his calf and naturally pulled a little to the imitation mouth on the calf, and he suddenly squeezed. lip.

Jiang Cheng was thinking about how to catch Director Liang, but he didn't notice the reaction of the team captain at this moment.

Afterwards, Jiang Cheng said, "I drove to chase. In the box of your co-pilot, there is a pistol. You hold it. After a while, I will lean on the isolation belt on the right and drive Chief Liang to the left!

Then, I use this pistol to hit Director Liang!" The team captain pulled out an exquisite silver pistol from the box, and then Jiang Cheng said.

Jiang Cheng nodded lightly, and said, "Well, but don't hit the key position of Director Liang, you have to stay alive! Sit firmly, I drove.

Well, I won't solve him with a single shot. He shot my brothers and killed him with one shot. It's too cheap for him!" The team captain replied gritted his teeth.

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows lightly and started the car. In order to relieve the tension, he said, "I thought you would say something. You have a rule that you can't kill the suspect with a gun!

Hmm...Of course not. I have never followed this law. It was because of violating these regulations that I fell from the position of the leader of the team. "The captain of the team seemed to think of something, a little secretive feeling.

Jiang Cheng suddenly admired the captain of the team member, and said, "Why use your own future as a bet? Why don't you regret it? Of course not. I used to be a player just to catch the bad guys and eliminate violence! How can I forget my original intentions because of the position of the leader of the team and these trivial things? "The team captain's eyes looked at Jiang Cheng with a touch of tenacity and sincerity.

Some things are done by gentlemen, and some things are not done by gentlemen. If you forget your original intention, the past has become a cloud.

Jiang Cheng drove very fast. As soon as the explanation by the team leader fell, Jiang Cheng and the team leader saw Director Liang who was running less than five meters away.

The two people did not chat with each other in a tacit understanding, and the team leader secretly loaded the pistol with a "click".

Jiang Cheng speeded up suddenly, saying that it was too late and it was fast. The team captain took the gun with his left hand and stretched his hand out of the car window glass. One shot hit Director Liang, but at that time, Director Liang also saw the team leader and was impatient Shot down at the team captain.

Which of the bullets issued by Director Liang swept across the team leader's arm dangerously, and brushed shoulders with the team leader's arm, leaving only a little red mark on the skin.

Afterwards, the bullet hit Jiang Cheng's bulletproof Bugatti Veyron again. Because the car was bulletproof and green, it bounced back to the ground after a click.

At this moment, Director Liang had been hit in the calf by the team leader and fell to the ground.

Jiang Cheng fiercely took the team captain's hand and saw the **** red marks that had been scraped by the bullets. He said, "Fortunately, I didn't hit your arm, are you okay? Your face Why is it so pale?

The captain of the team members was already speechless because of the severe pain caused by the imitation mouth on his hands and calves, especially on the gun on the calf. Because he just stood up and shot Director Liang, the clot of blood coagulated again. Red blood, the wound was torn open.

He had to shook his head and signaled that Jiang Cheng was fine. Let's go down, the ambulance has also arrived over there, let's go and see. "Jiang Cheng said to the captain.

After Jiang Cheng had already got off the car and handcuffed Director Liang with a chain, Jiang Cheng found that the team leader had not gotten out of the car until now.

A terrible guess appeared in Jiang Cheng's heart, prompting him to dash into the car and open the door straight.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help feeling a little panicked when he saw that the car cushion on the co-pilot seat where the team captain was sitting was full of blood.

He picked up the team captain and rushed to the ambulance that had just followed.

Doctor, doctor, hurry up!" Jiang Cheng yelled anxiously. The small team members waiting next to him saw his captain held by Jiang Cheng and the blood left by the captain running down the calf trousers. They couldn't help but worry. He asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong with our captain?

At this moment, Jiang Cheng couldn't take care of the subordinates of these small players. His heart was all on the team captain.

At this time, the doctor had quickly checked the fake mouth of the team leader, and said to Jiang Cheng, "The wound on the patient's hand is nothing. The most important thing is the wound on his calf. The wound was torn twice, and he was not diagnosed and treated in time. Too much. If it is not handled well for a while, it may be

What could it be?" Jiang Cheng shouted angrily at the doctor.

The doctor was a little scared of Jiang Cheng, and said in a slightly trembling voice, "Maybe... it may cause the gun-imitation right leg to be amputated.

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