Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1454: look forward to

Damn, what do your legs mean to the players? That's a life-important thing!

Jiang Cheng forced himself to calm down and said to the doctor, "Now get in the ambulance and return to the hospital. I will follow the car as a family member. You immediately contact the hospital and prepare all the facilities!

Yeah, I got it. "The doctor replied.

As soon as Jiang Cheng got into the ambulance, he took out his cell phone and dialed the phone number of a famous surgeon in the outer area. He is the best doctor in the world who handles gunshot wounds.

Hello, MR.Bob! "Jiang Cheng said hello to the end of the phone.

The other party replied with a strange accent in Chinese, "Hello Mr. Makoto Ichi, may I have anything to do with calling me today?

Someone on my side got a gunshot wound. It may be difficult to deal with. Where are you now? I can send a private jet to pick you up. "Jiang Cheng is a little impatient, and his speech speed has become much faster.

Hearing Jiang Cheng’s words on the other side, he paused and replied: “I’m attending a meeting in the district now. You send the address of the hospital to my assistant Anna, and I will drive over right away!

Thank you, come to the hospital to talk! Bye" Jiang Cheng said to the doctor.

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he hung up and dialed the assistant Linda's phone, saying, "Linda, you immediately let Mengmeng and Deputy Dong go to the team to deal with the matters concerning Director Liang.

Okay, I got it! "The assistant Linda also heard that Jiang Cheng's tone was very serious when she spoke, and it didn't look like the hippie smile in the ordinary day.

Just when Jiang Cheng just hung up the phone with Linda, there was a lot of movement from the doctor. Because the hospital is very busy today, and Jiang Cheng and the others are in a remote place, so the doctor who was sent to follow the ambulance was an intern who had just arrived at the hospital to work. The intern immediately panicked when he saw the instrument for detecting the vital signs of the team captain began to sound "dididi".

What to do, what to do?" The intern said in a bewilderment.

Seeing the current situation, Jiang Cheng immediately ran up and shouted at the intern: "Have you never learned how to first aid in school? Why?

I, I. I learned it, it seems like I..." "The intern was already in a panic. Just now, Jiang Cheng was very angry and frightened the intern even more because he was anxious.

Seeing the appearance of the intern, Jiang Cheng had no choice but to slowly say: "The hand pushes 1mg of adrenaline, and five minutes of cardiac resuscitation compressions. The intern was initially shocked and he heard Jiang Cheng’s instructions. He immediately followed suit.

Ten minutes later, the vital signs of the team captain slowly returned to normal [], and the interns also recovered from the panic.

Thank you, I am embarrassed about what happened just now. If you didn't ask for your guidance, this patient might, probably already... I didn't expect that you still know medicine!" The intern looked at Jiang Cheng with some admiration.

Jiang Cheng shrugged and said: "When I was in college, I reported that the selected subject was medicine, so I thought I was a little involved in this aspect.

"Then you are great! I have seen your interview. But I'm really sorry. I don't know why I was like that when I saw the patient who was dying. It was not like a doctor should be. "The intern scratched his head somewhat reproachfully.

Seeing the shameful words of the intern, Jiang Cheng was too embarrassed to criticize and write anything. He had to persuade him to say: "Everyone has the first time. Don't be like this in the future. When you become a doctor, you must be prepared to do your own It's best."

Before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, the ambulance arrived at the hospital. The hospital knew that it was the ambulance arranged by Jiang Cheng, and even the dean specially ran down from the dean's office on the ninth floor to greet him.

Mr. Jiang, look up for a long time! "The dean and Jiang Cheng said hello. Jiang Cheng didn’t have any intentions to greet or greet the dean in business, but slowly said: “This is my good friend, he is a team member, today I was impersonated by a gun while performing the fortifications, and I also asked a doctor from outside the district to assist in the treatment!

Well, I understand the situation. The doctor you hired has been arranged by me and thought the doctor was leading him to the operation preparation studio. "The Dean said respectfully.

As Jiang Cheng walked to the operating room, he said to the dean, "Let your doctor and Dr. Bob257 discuss with him and come up with a complete and systematic treatment plan as soon as possible!"

Okay, I understand. I'll make arrangements right away!" The dean nodded and said.

Jiang Cheng paused, and then said, "I hope that your hospital and Dr. Bob can cooperate and assist each other.

The dean stretched out his hand and shook Jiang Cheng, and said, "Okay, it must be!"

After half an hour, Jiang Cheng looked at the treatment plan given by the hospital and there was nothing wrong with it. After seeing the sign outside the operating room, after the red light "Intraoperative" was on, he thought that there was nothing left for him, so he went racing. I went to the office to see the progress of Director Liang.

"Mengmeng, how is it?" Jiang Cheng asked while looking at Mengmeng. Mengmeng just finished signing some information given by Fang. After I stopped writing, I replied that there was no big problem. I just used the name of the company to put pressure on Fang. They said that they would give us a reply to Director Liang in the afternoon. The leader has been detained by the team!

Jiang Cheng nodded. Before he could reply, the leader of the team walked out and looked at Jiang Cheng and said: "We just discussed with the court and the commercial supervisory team. Because Director Liang evaded taxes and used taxes. Public money, gunshot wounds, assault, sentenced him to death, executed in a week!"

Jiang Cheng listened to the return from the team leader, nodded, and said: I hope that I can sign an agreement with your team and other residence agencies on behalf of Xun Teng Company.

What agreement?" asked the team leader.

Jiang Cheng took out the non-disclosure agreement prepared long ago from the car and said to the team boss: "Confidentiality agreement.

"What? Why do you want to sign this?" asked the team leader with some confusion.

Seeing the puzzled eyes of the team leader, Jiang Cheng explained to himself that our company is very exposed, and the media often use exaggerated methods to report many things, which also caused the public to overinterpret many things. So, I hope we can sign a confidentiality agreement, so that we can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble!

"Okay, understand!" said the team leader, expressing his understanding. Jiang Cheng and Mengmeng came out of the team and were sitting in the car not knowing where to go.

"Little Brother Jiang Cheng, Big Boss Jiang" Mengmeng looked at Jiang Zai with some molestation.

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked: What's wrong? What's the matter, Mengmeng little sister, Mengmeng big beautiful daughter

Hmm... I'm hungry, let's go find a hotel to eat!" Mengmeng stuck out her tongue playfully.

Jiang Cheng smiled and looked at Mengmeng, and replied, "Well, yes. You are a snack.

"Hehehe, wow, okay! Okay, okay, then I will use my mobile phone to search to see if there are any restaurants nearby." Mengmeng shook the phone at Jiang Cheng and said.

When Jiang Cheng looked at Mengmeng looking for food with her mobile phone, those piercing eyes were filled with joy and expectation. He couldn't help pinching Mengmeng's face with his hands and said, "Are you really a silly girl? 1603371635

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