Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1455: First aid kit

Why? Why do you say that? "Mengmeng looked at her hand on the phone. Jiang Cheng replied while looking at Mengmeng; look at Mengmeng, I just said you are a foodie and a little glutton, why are you not angry? What?

Why should I be angry? Only the good-looking little gluttons are foodies, and the ugly-looking gluttons are called rice buckets!" Mengmeng explained with a smile.

Jiang Cheng looked at Mengmeng helplessly, suddenly seemed to think of something, and said that he can't go out to eat! I have something wrong.

"What's the matter? Why can't you eat out?" Mengmeng asked inexplicably.

Jiang Cheng pursed his lips and said, "I promised Dong Ran yesterday. He will learn how to cook snowflake steak today. He told me to go back and eat with him today! I'm busy today, and I will be with Director Liang There was such a fight over there and I accidentally forgot it.

O'ao, all right. "Mengmeng was a little lost, pouting. Jiang Cheng smiled helplessly, and said: I will take you home first, or I will give you money, you can eat or bring friends, I will pay for it.

No, then I will go to your house to eat too. I also want to taste the craftsmanship of Dong Ran, a small classmate that you often talk about!" Mengmeng took Jiang Cheng's hand and acted like a baby.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, but agreed, and said, "Well then, let's go! Tonight, Dong Ran just finished the steak.

Sister Yingmeng, can you take a look?" Dong Ran went from the kitchen to the guest house, looking at Mengmeng and asked.

Mengmeng heard this, but before she said anything, she was pulled into the kitchen by Dong Ran. She asked, "What's wrong? What to look at?

Dong Ran smiled and looked at Mengmeng with a weird look in his eyes, and said, "You are the only young lady I have seen brought back by Jiang Cheng and Teacher Jiang since I lived here until now!

"Really? Am I really the first girl he brought back?

Meng asked with surprise after hearing Dong Ran's words.

Dong Ran nodded and replied: "Of course, why lie to you? But then again, do you like my tall and mighty teacher, who is loved by others and blossoms in flowers?

What are you talking about? "Mengmeng was a little annoyed, but her face flushed together.

Seeing Mengmeng's shy response, Dong Ran naturally came to a conclusion. With a smile, he took out the steak, potato salad, vegetable salad and fruit platter.

Dong Ran, I didn't expect it to be hidden! "Jiang Cheng couldn't help but admire the delicious dishes on the table.

Dong Ran shrugged with a smile, and said, "I only learned to play when I was boring before, eat whatever you want.

After dinner, seeing that it was not too early, Jiang Cheng took the car key and said to Mengmeng: "Let's go, it's too late for a while. Now, taking advantage of the brighter moonlight, I will send you back first.

"Well, okay." Mengmeng didn't know why she suddenly felt a sense of loss, and slowly said to Jiang Cheng.

The two of them just walked out of the door of the villa and saw Director Liang’s wife Li Juan standing at the door holding her two-year-old son.

Jiang Cheng subconsciously grabbed Mengmeng, frowned and walked towards Li Juan and her daughter.

Do you have anything to do here?" Jiang Cheng looked at Li Juan and asked.

Li Juan has been waiting at the door for more than three hours. Although his two-year-old son is not heavy, he still has a certain weight. Moreover, Li Juan has been holding his son. Her arms are already sore and unconsciously. To send.

I. I want to bring my son to intercede for that unsuspecting husband in my family. Please let Liangzi go!" Li Juan said while crying.

Jiang Cheng snorted disdainfully, and said, "He made a mistake, so why should I forgive him?

I know Liangzi was wrong, but he was also blinded by lard for a while, and he was too fancy about money, property, and interests. "Li Juan quickly looked at Jiang Cheng and explained.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help his eyebrows, and said, "Then many murderers are sorrowful because of their timing. Isn't that (Money? Zhao) They should also be acquitted?

I am... I didn't mean that. "Li Juan said with a wild wave of hands.

Jiang Cheng looked at Li Juan's bewildered expression and wild look, and also felt a little intolerable. After all, Director Liang himself made a mistake and has nothing to do with his family and his wife, so why bother to implicate them?

He thought for a while, and slowly said: If you do something wrong, you have to admit it, not to mention that Chief Liang is a man, and he has to learn to be responsible for the wrong things he did! A big man should not let his woman hold a child. Come to plead, you go back

No, if I don’t come to intercede with you for Liangzi, his sentence of death will not change! If he is dead, there will be no chance of atonement and opposition to the county!” Li Juan became more excited as she spoke. , Suddenly fell to the ground and fell into a coma. The child beside him cried "Wow".

What happened to your body?

Seeing that Li Juan had fainted on the ground, Xiaoling was a little panicked when she saw that Li Juan had fainted, and she was a little flustered. She asked Jiang Cheng, "Jiang Cheng, what should I do? She won't really faint, right?

"Don't worry, none of us pushed her or bumped into her. Her fainting is most likely a pretense. She may be trying to ruin the company.

A stroke! "Jiang Cheng feels disdain as he speaks, his eyes are full of disgust when he sees Li Juan.

After hearing Jiang Cheng's reply, Mengmeng slowly recovered from her panic. She asked, "What should we do now according to you? Report it?"

Um, you go report it, and I will now call out the monitoring outside the villa, as evidence that none of us have ever encountered her!" Jiang Cheng exhorted Mengmeng.

Mengmeng nodded, took out the phone and dialed the number, and said, "Hello! I reported that someone might want to pretend to faint and ruin us. We are in the villa area of ​​Shengshihuating. I hope you can come here!"

As soon as Mengmeng's voice fell, and just put down the phone, Jiang Cheng had already intercepted the surveillance video.

"Mengmeng, go and sit in the car and rest for a while!" Jiang Cheng exhorted. Mengmeng was a little puzzled and asked, "Why? I want to stay with you! Jiang Cheng originally wanted to make Mengmeng avoid it. 863 results She did not understand what she wanted. Jiang Cheng was about to continue to say something, but was interrupted by Mengmeng's hasty words.

Brother Jiang Cheng, look, why do I think something is wrong?" Mengmeng said anxiously while pointing at Li Juan who fell on the ground.

Jiang Cheng saw Li Juan who had fallen on the ground. His lips were purple, and his face was so pale that he was not bloody. The sweat slowly spread out, and he was a little panicked.

"Mengmeng, you go into the house, let Dong Ran come into my study and take the stethoscope in the drawer on the left and the things in the first aid kit!" Jiang Cheng turned his head and shouted at Jiang Cheng.

After Mengmeng turned and entered the villa, Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone and called the assistant Linda, and said, "There may be something really wrong with me, you call downstairs in my private villa! 1603371643

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