Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1456: Stand by

"Ah? Boss Jiang Cheng, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with your body? Nothing serious, right?" Assistant Linda asked carefully.

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm fine!

"Then why did you call an ambulance?" Linda asked in a puzzled manner.

bea) Jiang Cheng was a little anxious, so he shouted to Lnda on the other end of the phone: "Linda, I don't have time to talk to you so much now. After you call the car first, follow me right away! Right away!

Oh my god, I’m playing qualifying! Will I be reported?

Linda could only lament in her heart, who let herself be such a boss, she had to quit the game and dialed the number 12.

Hello, doctor! There is a patient on my side in the fifth building of Shengshihuating. Could you please send a car to have a look immediately!

After Linda finished the emergency call, she immediately changed her clothes and rushed to Jiang Cheng's villa.

"Li Juan, can you hear me?" Jiang Cheng shouted at Li Juan, who had collapsed on the ground.

There was silence in response to Jiang Cheng. At this time, Mengmeng brought the first aid kit and said, "Here you are, Brother Jiang Cheng! I will give you what you need!

"Give me the receiver!" Jiang Cheng shouted.

Mengmeng said, nodded, and said, "Okay, I will find it for you immediately!

Jiang Cheng took the receiver that Mengmeng handed him, and he said: Mengmeng, take a few umbrellas to block Li Juan's vicinity, I want to open her clothes for inspection!

Girls at home, no matter how old they are, and whether they have children, they must pay more attention to their own image. If I don’t do this, I'm afraid that even if Li Juan's condition improves, she wakes up to find that she was in a coma and was pulled down by the public to check her clothes, then Li Juan's heart disease may follow her for life. Right!

After seeing Mengmeng doing it, Jiang Cheng started to do it. Fortunately, Li Juan still has a breath!

Li Juan, you have to hold on! If you hold on, I promise you that I will talk about your husband's affairs on the Internet, have you heard?" Jiang Cheng slowly said to Li Juan.

Li Juan didn't know if he could still hear Jiang Cheng's words in a coma, or he was too obsessed with the safety of Chief Liang's husband. Jiang Cheng's hand was held by Jiang Cheng and his fingers suddenly moved like a butterfly's wings.

Jiang Cheng saw Li Juan's reaction after hearing his words, and was unaware of joy. He continued: "You can't die. If you are not strong, what will the child do? He is two years old, how can he have no mother? ?

Jiang Cheng kept pressing the xiong mouth for Li Juan, doing cardiac resuscitation. He didn't stop until the beads of sweat on Jiang Cheng's head rolled to the ground.

Brother Jiang Cheng, take a break! look tired!" Mengmeng persuaded her with some caution.

After hearing what Mengmeng said, Jiang Cheng couldn't help being a little angry, and said angrily: "This is a life, how can I give up? How can I

I'm just afraid that you are too tired, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! You know, I don't...I don't mean that disrespect for life. "Mengmeng has never been yelled at by Jiang Cheng before, and she couldn't help being a little scared.

I blame myself, because I was too anxious, otherwise how could she be thundered because of Mengmeng's words of comfort, and she is also for her own good! Really.

Jiang Cheng saw that Mengmeng was a little stunned by the fright, and couldn't help but feel a little unbearable. He reported and said, "I'm sorry, Mengmeng. It's all because I was too anxious. It would happen, I didn't mean to scold you. I didn't expect you to be scared like this. I'm sorry, don't take it to heart!

Well, it doesn't matter. Brother Jiang Cheng, I understand you! You are also anxious, Li Juan's body is like this, you are very kind!" Mengmeng shook her head and said softly to Jiang Cheng.

Without waiting for Jiang Cheng to reply, the "Dujun Duduyu" report reminded me of the car and the ambulance.

"Mr. Jiang, did you report it?" the team member asked slowly. Jiang Cheng took a big step forward and said: "Yes, it's me! So can we understand the situation now?" the team member asked.

At this time, Jiang Cheng's assistant Linda also ran out of the taxi and was late.

Before Lindai could stand up, Jiang Cheng said to the players:"

Comrade, I don’t have time to talk to you about this now. Let’s talk to my assistant, Miss Linda. I have some things that I need to go to the hospital to deal with right away!

It's just a small matter!

The team members saw the direction Jiang Cheng pointed out that Li Juan fell to the ground, and said slowly: "Okay, then we now have two people here with your help.

Li Linda/Ms. collected on-site evidence at the entrance of your villa, and then I and you personally went to the hospital to see the true physical condition of the suspect Li Juan!

Linda, come here!" Jiang Cheng pulled assistant Linda aside.

Linda was a little confused and asked, "What's the matter? Jiang Cheng, the boss!

I have called up the surveillance video of the incident before, and they are all in this U disk. It is best not to let the team members come into the house to check, because Dong Ran should rest, I don't want to disturb him, and I don't want the privacy of my own home to be spied on. "Jiang Cheng handed the blue USB flash drive in his pants pocket to

Assistant Linda, told her.

Linda nodded and replied: Well, big boss, I understand this.

What about the patient’s family? Who called the emergency center? "The doctor who followed the car in the ambulance next to him shouted towards Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng could not say goodbye to Lindai. Hearing what the doctor said, he immediately ran to the ambulance and shouted to the doctor who followed the car: "It's me, it's the first aid of the emergency center I called. car

"Well, okay! Family of the patient, please tell me the patient's medical history and whether there is any allergies. It's best to tell us the cause of the disease again!" The doctor said to Jiang Cheng.

Afterwards, the doctor following the car instructed the nurses and paramedics in the ambulance: First, go and lift the patient onto the car on a stretcher. Also, immediately use the instrument to check the patient's vital signs!

Jiang Cheng paused and replied: "I only know that the patient's name is Li Juan, who has no high blood pressure or low blood sugar. I don't know the rest.

What? You don't know the first aid you reported? "The doctor with the car looked at Jiang Cheng in confusion.

Jiang Cheng gently squeezed the layer and explained: "I am not the patient's family, but just a witness to the incident. I saw the patient fainted on the ground next to me. As a person, I can't just stand by!

Then how do you know her blood pressure? Also, who is the patient who has been eagerly taught?" Doctor Cha asked Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng visited a group of paramedics who were carrying a stretcher, carried Li Juan into the ambulance, and said, "I did it! I used to take medicine at Zhejiang University as an elective. Although there is no intensive training, I still have little knowledge but a little first aid Work is still possible! Blood pressure is also heard with a stethoscope, blood sugar I have seen Li Juan’s face and lips and tongue color, according to the medical book I back, patient Li Juan’s blood sugar is definitely no problem! 1603400476

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