Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1457: awkward

Wow! "Doctor Cha involuntarily called out.

In order to teach himself to use a stethoscope to listen to blood pressure, the color of the lips, tongue, and face, and the complexion of hands and feet to check blood sugar, the teacher taught himself for no less than two years, and he also graduated with a doctorate of medicine. This patient "family" is really amazing!

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and said: What's wrong?

The doctor following the car is not so good to let the patient’s "family" Jiang Cheng see that he worships him, and Bi Jing himself is a well-dressed doctor who is embarrassed in front of the patient's "family", that's nothing. Huh? He calmed down and said, "Aoao, it's okay. I just want to tell you that everything in the car is functioning normally. I just notified the headquarter of the emergency center to get them ready to welcome the patient.

Let’s set off now? I’ll follow the car!" Jiang Cheng asked. Before the doctor who followed the car could reply, Yinmeng held Li Juan and Director Liang’s two-year-old son and rushed to the rescue. On the other side of the car, looking at Jiang Cheng next to her, she said, "This kid has been crying beside him for a long time. I coaxed him for a long time, but he still cries, but he doesn't want to rest for a while!"

"Did he perceive that his mother is leaving here and go to the hospital? This may be the reaction between mother and child that blood is thicker than water, Jiang Cheng guessed.

Mengmeng looked at the little guy crying with pear blossoms and rain, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed. "Then this...this, what should I do now?

Little baby, do you feel that your mother is leaving? Don't you worry about her? Mom will be fine. "Jiang Cheng took the little guy from Mengmeng's arms and coaxed patiently.

However, this two-year-old kid didn't give Jiang Cheng a thin face.

In this world, it is estimated that he is the only one who dare not give Jiang Cheng face! Otherwise, try to put him beside his mother Li Juan? Maybe he just misses his mother? Proposed to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng thought that maybe it was true. The child and mother had a clear heart, why would they want to be separated?

Jiang Cheng embraced the two-year-old child of Director Liang and Li Juan who was crying and crying. He turned to see the doctor who followed the car and slowly said, "Doctor, do you think you can't accommodate? This child is only two years old and needs mom!

This "the little doctor who followed the car is embarrassed, Bi Jing, when did the hospital have such a rule? Is it to drive the mother to faint and be sent to emergency education, and the two-year-old child who is waiting to be fed will accompany her mother to the hospital? Is there a precedent for taking an ambulance together?

Seeing the embarrassment of the doctor who followed the car, Jiang Cheng knew that he was a little embarrassed, and a little doctor who followed the car could not make such a decision.

"Hey, is it the dean?" Jiang Cheng asked the dean of the emergency center on the phone.

As soon as the director heard Jiang Cheng’s voice, he immediately roused himself and said: "Yes, yes, I am the director of the emergency center. I also asked

Mr. Jiang Cheng called today, what's the matter?

Nothing big, it's just a small situation on my side. Jiang Cheng said slowly.

Hearing this, the dean thought about how he could miss such a good opportunity to curry favor with Jiang Cheng, and immediately said: "Mr. Jiang Cheng, if you have anything you can say I can promise it, it will be done!

Jiang Cheng told the dean about all the situation so far, saying: "Dean, you should also know how important a mother is to a two-year-old child. Look at my proposal to let a two-year-old child follow Do you think you approve the proposal of an ambulance?"

It's just a trivial matter! Mr. Jiang, please pass the phone to the doctor who followed the car, and I'll tell him!" The dean said respectfully to Jiang Cheng.

Isn't it just letting a two-year-old child follow his mother's ambulance? Just because of this, if I don't agree, I am afraid Jiang Cheng will be offended!

The patient has advanced gastric cancer!

The little doctor who followed the car heard that the principal had approved this behavior, and he called himself and said it again. His eyes on Jiang Cheng changed.

How is it? Now it’s not an embarrassment, right?” Jiang Cheng shook his phone, looking at the doctor who followed the car and asked.

How dare the doctor with the car shook his head, nodded and said that it is no more embarrassing, no embarrassment! Thank you Mr. Jiang, otherwise I will not violate the rules.

It's okay, get in the car!" Jiang Cheng said to the doctor who was following the car. Looking at Jiang Cheng, she didn't mean to let her follow the car, and immediately shouted, Brother Jiang Cheng, how can you not bring me? I want to Follow along with you, I have to take care of the little baby!

Jiang Cheng looked at the cute and cute voice in his voice, filled with helplessness, and thought that if the child is really beside his mother and still crying, then if he gets into trouble, he is a big man. It's not easy to deal with this tricky thing.

Therefore, he stretched out his hand to Mengmeng and talked about it! What? What did you say? "Mengmeng was a little confused when she saw Jiang Cheng stretch out her slender hand to herself.

When Jiang Cheng heard Mengmeng's reply like "Little Deaf and Blind", which was generally deaf and blind, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly and replied: ""I will let you in the car! I allow you to follow the car, did you hear me? ?

Really? Then why are you handing me your hand? "Mengmeng looked at Jiang Cheng dumbfounded. She didn't expect that Jiang Cheng would put herself in the ambulance so easily and could follow the car to the hospital.

Hearing Mengmeng's words at this moment, Jiang Cheng was almost petrified. This normal computer girl, why is this IQ not offline today?

Jiang Cheng didn't answer, but pulled Mengmeng onto the emergency vehicle and closed the rear door of the emergency vehicle with a beep.

Jiang Cheng shouted at the driver in front: Master driver, please drive, thank you!

Brother Jiang Cheng, haven't you responded to me? Why did you stretch out your hand to me? "Mengmeng blinked at Jiang Cheng with big eyes.

Jiang Cheng has not yet responded to Mengmeng, the little doctor who followed the car couldn't help it at first. He saw Mengmeng's cute look and Jiang Cheng's face full of ink lines and couldn't help laughing "cohehe". sound.

Little girl, are you stupid? Of course, Mr. Jiang extended his hand to you in order to pull you and help you get into the ambulance. The chassis of the ambulance is a bit higher, so it is not easy to get up.

After Mengmeng heard it, she slowly recovered. Some awkward and embarrassed to explain positively, she said sideways: "Huh! Who are you stupid?"

I said you are stupid? Mr. Jiang Cheng must have stretched his hand to you because he wanted to get you into the ambulance. Could it be that he stretched his hand to you and proposed to you? "The little doctor in the car was a little angry just now. Like a little frog, there are some cute cute and humorous.

No wonder people say that doctors are all science students! With this EQ with Dr. Che, how can you find a girlfriend?

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows, thinking inwardly.

Who knew that the joking words with the little doctor in the car made Mengmeng, who had liked Jiang Cheng for a long time, become a little bit shy, buried her head and said nothing.

Jiang Cheng inadvertently saw Meng Liao with his head buried and his entire face looked like cooked red shrimp. He felt embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

I was most afraid of the sudden silence of the air. No one had spoken in the car for a long time. Even Director Liang and Li Juan’s two-year-old son stopped crying. In order to alleviate the inexplicable embarrassment of the team, Jiang Cheng had to speak: "Doctor, how are you going to see Li Juan? 1603404080

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