Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1459: disappear

Thinking about it, Jiang Cheng's eyes were a bit moist. I also feel guilty for the behavior that I just bored with the child.

Mo Ye returned to its original tranquility, and everything that just happened was like a meteor that flicked across the dark night sky.

The next day, Jiang Cheng got up early. Today is sunny and it also indicates that something big will happen.

Jiang Cheng thought about it all night last night and decided to withdraw his complaint against Director Liang. Because the child was still so young, he was about to lose his mother. He didn't want the child to lose his father.

Jiang Cheng originally thought that withdrawing the complaint would be a very simple matter, so that everything is resolved, the child finds his father, at least he has some support in this world, and he will not feel guilty for the child.

But who knows, the court does not withdraw the lawsuit if you want to withdraw it. If Jiang Cheng wants to withdraw his complaint against Director Liang, he also needs to submit evidence to the court.

Evidence? Where's the evidence! Jiang Cheng sat on the chair and squeezed his temples with a headache. Thinking back to what the court told him, he was really dumbfounded.

Waiting for nothing like this is not a solution. You have to find evidence and submit it to the court to withdraw the complaint.

While Jiang Cheng ordered his subordinates to investigate the evidence, he was also investigating.

The investigation first started with Director Liang’s previous life, and Jiang Cheng didn’t know why he started the investigation here first.

But in the dark, the heavens guided him to come here, and his heart told him that he could get some clues. After searching all day, Jiang Cheng still didn't find any useful evidence.

The calls from his subordinates that were constantly answered also ended in failure of Bo wireless.

Also, this search for clues is all about finding a needle in the sea, ramming like a headless fly, and I don't know where to find it.

Jiang Cheng was downcast, completely devoid of the confidence and spirit of the day.

Thinking of the child who cried bitterly last night, Jiang Cheng had a headache and distressed. How much he wants to give the child a support, but what should he do, what should he do. What can I do to find clues?

People say that God is the most kind-hearted, and he will not just sit back and watch. He must be the same as himself not wanting to let his child lose his father, right? God, can you tell yourself, what on earth should I do and where should I search?

Huh? Child? By the way, when Jiang Juan was pregnant with the child! Yes, there may be clues. Jiang Cheng immediately jumped up from the chair and visited the house where Chief Liang had lived. His neighbor next door has always lived here.

Jiang Cheng asked tentatively, "Auntie, hello, may I ask, do you know the Chief Liang who lived here before?" The aunt with loose hair and dry skin replied: "I know, I must know that man, listen Said that the defendant went to jail? But it was great!

The plaintiff Jiang Cheng awkwardly touched his head and said, "Yes, do you know something about his previous life?" Aunt Hui seemed to have thought of something, and said disgustedly, "He, he is on two boats. Man. When the wife was pregnant, she didn't go home in the middle of the night."

Seeing that Jiang Cheng was silent, the aunt continued to say ∵ "I heard that I slept with other women and cheated! And now I still have contact." Tell me, who really is, myself Both of his wives are pregnant and cheating. What does it mean that there is still contact now, is the rest of the sentiment left?" Auntie babbled endlessly.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng was also taken aback.

After listening to Director Liang’s neighbors, Jiang Cheng also learned about Director Liang’s personality and past. On the way back, Jiang Cheng's mood was very low. The evidence to withdraw the complaint was not found, but as a result, Director Liang had a lot of troubles.

If God wants you to die, you must die, Director Liang.

Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly, and drove to the court. Jiang Cheng withdrew the idea of ​​canceling the appeal to Director Liang, and the court also released the verdict, and Director Liang was sentenced to death.

After learning of this news, Jiang Cheng was also shocked. He did not expect the court to be so efficient. After all, good is rewarded, and evil is rewarded. Seeing Jiang Cheng standing at the door blankly, Mengmeng shook Jiang Cheng and shouted, "What happened to you? What happened?"

Ah, it's nothing, but Director Liang was executed. "Jiang Cheng recovered and opened his mouth to Mengmeng. Mengmeng sighed and comforted, "Brother Jiang Cheng, don't blame yourself, you have done your best." Tomorrow I will take my child to see Li Juan and let her know about it by the way.

"Well, well, I'll go back to the house and rest first. Jiang Cheng walked to the bedroom after finishing talking. After working for so long, it is time to relax and rest.

The next day, there was heavy rain, lightning and thunder. The lightning split a small tree in the yard, and the flowers fell down and scattered all over the ground.

Baby, baby, do you miss mom? Mengmeng asked the kid who was playing.

The child's eyes were as clear as water, and he nodded, like a chicken pecking at rice, expressing his longing for his mother. Mengmengle bloomed, and said happily to the child: "Then sister will take you to see mom today, OK?

The child quickly grabbed Mengmeng's hand and nodded like a drum, very cute. Mengmeng also rubbed his hair gently. Li Juan in the hospital was lying on the bed with needles in her hands, her face pale, like a lifeless doll.

Li Juan was resting when Mengmeng and the child arrived. Hearing footsteps, he woke up. "Li Juan, take a look, who is coming to see you." "Meng Yu broke the silence first. Li Juan didn't have the strength to speak, her mouth was closed, but the shape of her mouth proved that she was calling the child.

The little guy is also spiritual. He ran to his mother with his short legs, yelling "Mom, Mom!" Put it down.

"Li Juan, in fact, when I came today, I told you something about it" Mengmeng said tentatively. Seeing that Li Juan had a reaction, she was listening to her own words and continued to say: "It is your husband's business. The court decision has come down. Director Liang... was executed. Please be sorry.

Li Juan, who was lying on the hospital bed, enlarged infinitely, and her mouth had grown a lot. Her breathing became heavier than before, and gradually it was a little harder.

The Mengmeng felt something was wrong with Li Juan, and the medical staff rushed over immediately. Soon, Li Juan was pushed into the looting room.

The child and Mengmeng are waiting at the door, perhaps because they have had feelings with Mengyu over the past few days. The child is holding Meng's hand tightly for fear that she will disappear.

Mengmeng also kept praying for Li Juan in her heart, blessing her to tide over the difficulties safely and let her children have a happy childhood.

Two hours later, the doctor came out. He shook his head and said to Mengmeng, "I'm sorry, we tried our best." Then he left.

Ling Meng fell to the ground instantly, and her spirit became dazed. Her hands and her legs are shaking, she doesn’t know what to do, what to do with the child

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