Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1460: answer

Seeing Mengmeng's fall, Li Juan's child became frightened and began to cry. Perhaps crying is the best way to vent your fears. That morning, on that rainy day, Mengmeng didn't know how she took her child out of the hospital. She only knew that the life of this child would be different from that of other children.

After returning home, Mengmeng discussed with Jiang Cheng how to arrange the child's affairs. I wanted to send the child to an orphanage, but Mengmeng disagreed.

Mengmeng feels that the children in the orphanage are still so young, what if they are abused? They will definitely be bullied!

Then she remembered the phone conversation with her aunt a few days ago. The aunt said on the phone that she had always wanted a child but was unable to give birth.

It would be better to raise the child to the aunt, which is not too bad. With the wish of my aunt for so many years, the children also have a place to go.

Jiang Cheng also agreed with Mengmeng's idea, and applied to the court to obtain the approval of the court, and transferred the child to his aunt's house on the same day.

My aunt learned about the child on the phone, but she was so happy that she prepared a table of wine and vegetables to greet her, but she was rich. When the aunt saw the child, she happily ran over to hug him, but the child refused to agree and turned and hugged Mengmeng. Meng Xiaogui smiled awkwardly, and said to her aunt: The child is still young, afraid of birth, and will be able to have love in the future.

The aunt nodded, looked at the child with a motherly smile, and continued to go into the kitchen. Seeing the aunt's departure, Mengmeng introduced to the child: "My dear, your mom and dad have been away for a while now because of business. Now you live in this aunt's house, OK?

The child pouted, and asked: "Sister Yingmeng, what about you?" Mengmeng touched the child and said, "Why, sister who is reluctant, she will often come to see you after her hair.

"Naragogo" the child's tears flowed in his eyes, but he didn't let the tears fall. Mengmeng was ruthless and refused to look at it, and reluctantly transferred the child to her aunt for care. During the meal, the aunt asked about this and that, her happiness at this time was beyond words, and Mengmeng also felt happy and happy for her. When I was enjoying the meal, my aunt saw (Denohao) my neighbor came back from get off work, so she kindly invited him to join this banquet. Viewer Jiang Cheng looked at the weather-beaten man in front of him. There were scars on his body. It was obvious that he had been injured. Suspicion arose in Jiang Cheng's heart, and he was also very curious about this mysterious neighbor.

Jiang Cheng asked, "This eldest brother, I think you are mature and stable, and you must do a big business, right?" My aunt's neighbor smiled embarrassedly and said, "No no, I can be considered a retired soldier at best. This is fine, where is the big cause?

Oh, that's the case, it's not bad to be a security guard. "Jiang Cheng nodded.

The aunt turned her head suddenly, as if thinking of something, she said: Hey Jiang Cheng, I think my neighbor is also good, or you can take him to protect you?" The neighbor's eldest brother raised his head to Jiang Cheng. His eyes smiled honestly.

In that case, it's better to have a try. "Jiang Cheng smiled at that thick face indifferently. The expression on that simple face looked at Jiang Cheng's smile stiff.

Bi Jing, a security guard was provoked when he went for an interview. What a humiliation. The security guard stared at Jiang Cheng, gritted his teeth and said, ""Then let it go. "

At the beginning, the two of them were very polite after a few rounds with each other, and neither touched each other's clothes.

Jiang Cheng knew that if this went on, there would only be endless, and he would not be polite and start to exert his strength. Of course, the retired soldiers also followed their forces, and at first they seemed evenly matched, but after a while, Jiang Cheng could not hide his ears from the thunder, and punched the retired soldiers very much.

The retired soldier was punched in the face, and the retired soldier wanted to dodge but it was too late. Jiang Cheng's tactics are quick and ruthless, making people overwhelmed.

The retired soldier was stunned by the shock, and took a few steps back. The retired soldier was angry and rushed to Jiang Cheng for a while. By coincidence, Jiang Cheng avoided it.

With a "swish", Jiang Cheng ran behind the retired soldier, hugged him, and threw him to the ground with force. All I heard was the loud noise of "boom," and it was the head of the retired soldier hitting the ground.

The retired soldier hugged his head and looked at Jiang Cheng with a slightly hateful look, as if saying: "I won't let you go." He stood up slowly and posed his own old-fashioned art of war. Jiang Cheng rushed up with a very fast speed, using his remaining strength to hit the retired belly fiercely with his hands.

The next table was knocked down by the two, the child was crying upstairs, and the aunt looked at everything in front of her, and was stunned.

Auntie, go up and coax the children!" Mengmeng said on the sidelines. She didn't know why Jiang Cheng fought during this fight, but he had his reasons, so she supported it.

The retired soldier seemed to understand Jiang Cheng's eyes, and his own power was really not as good as Jiang Cheng. The hero didn't suffer the immediate loss, so he had to admit defeat. Jiang Cheng retired and set up troops. The retired soldier was actually very convinced. It turns out that this kid still has two things.

After the fight, the two high-five like good friends, and each other laughs from time to time. The two went to a tavern. The two looked at each other and smiled, and walked into the door of the pub together, found an empty place to sit, Xiao Ni, serve wine! Order peanuts and meat on top. "The retired soldier said to Xiao Er.

Unexpectedly, you are a good kid. I really convinced you. "The retired soldier said. Jiang Cheng just smiled and didn't say anything.

In five minutes, the wine and food were served. The two picked up the jug and began to drink, and would not stop drinking until midnight. What did you say not to get drunk or not to return. Xiao Er looked at them, shook his head, and left. It wasn't until Mengmeng came to see Jiang Cheng that Jiang Cheng and the retired soldier put down their wine glasses.

Mengmeng held Jiang Cheng and asked Xiao Er to hold the retired soldier. The drunk Jiang Cheng saw that he was about to be taken away. He squatted down quickly, holding the hip flask and refused to move. Mengmeng didn't expect Jiang Cheng to be so naughty when he was drunk. He suddenly squatted down and Mengmeng fell a big somersault.

Mengyu patted the dust on her body and said to Jiang Cheng, "Stop making trouble and come home with me.

Drink, drink, come, brother, keep drinking. "Jiang Cheng smirked at Mengmeng. Mengmeng smiled helplessly, and shook her head. There was really no way to deal with him. In the end, Jiang Cheng was taken away by Mengmeng.

The retired soldier did not know where he was dragged by the second. Mengmeng took Jiang Cheng into her aunt's house. Although the aunt's house is not luxurious, at least it can live in.

It is not easy for Mengmeng to carry Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng is a big man anyway. And Mengmeng is just a weak woman. Mengmeng took Jiang Cheng directly upstairs. Open the door, walk in and throw Jiang Cheng on the bed. I climbed onto the bed myself. Jiang Cheng was already drunk. So no one was found around.

Meng Liao looked at Jiang Cheng's handsome face, her muscles suffocated Meng Meng a bit. Looking at the man in front of her, Mengmeng was involuntarily addicted. Even if you give everything, it's worth it.

The next day, sunlight came in from the windowsill, with a hint of warmth. Jiang Cheng got up and saw that the bed was messy, and his muscles looked beautiful in the sun! It was just that his soreness made him a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Cheng's brain exploded! How could this happen? What did he do last night? Suddenly remembered that he had seen Mengmeng in a daze yesterday. Many questions are answered instantly, and 80% are cute.

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