Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1466: Not worth mentioning

Because he heard the footsteps and someone was approaching, Jiang Cheng immediately leaned against the wall, and then waited patiently. He looked down at Meng Meng Meng Meng, who was clinging to him tightly.

Looking at the beautiful face, there was no trace of fear, and she seemed very peaceful. Perhaps it was Jiang Cheng’s appearance that made Mengmeng courageous and took a reassurance.

Jiang Cheng imitated a quiet gesture to Mengmeng, and then he slowly approached the window. At this moment, he saw two soldiers walking by here.

Two people are not a problem to Jiang Cheng at all, and if they want to rush out of this heavily packed area, they must have guns.

Jiang Cheng looked at the faces of the two approaching people with deceptive smiles, and then said to Mengmeng: "You just stay here first, I will meet the two special soldiers.

"You must be careful!" Mengmeng blinked her eyes and said sincerely. Jiang Cheng nodded and then slowly turned out from the window, rolled on the spot, hiding behind a wall, and then, at this time, Hou Jiangcheng had an extra head in his hand, and his head shone coldly.

The two special forces, chatting, walking forward in a scattered way, they were very loose, but they didn't know that danger was slowly approaching them, and death was approaching them.

The two of them just passed the corner, Jiang Cheng rushed out and jumped high, his legs directly clamped the neck of a special soldier, and when the dagger in his hand was already flying, he flew to another special soldier. The whole process was high and flowing. .

At the same time that the special soldier fell to the ground, he took advantage of the situation and twisted the neck of the special soldier who was riding on his neck back, and the special soldier also fell to the end.

Jiang Cheng put all the guns on his door on his back, then tied all the bullet belts to himself, and then put the two walkie-talkies in his pocket. He knew that he had put high-strength interference here, but he couldn't rule it out. , The island area countered this interference.

Then he took the two corpses and hid them. Jiang Cheng returned to Mengmeng. Mengmeng was very pleased to see that Jiang Cheng had so many weapons suddenly.

At this time, Jiang Cheng’s cell phone vibrated. Jiang Cheng took it in his hand and took a look at the horse head satellite map that he sent. Jiang Cheng quickly read it again and has already pushed all the places in his mind. This is his Ability is also developed after years of training.

Then Jiang Cheng determined where he was, and then he found an exit. Then he planned out the route he was going to go out, and then he kept it in his heart, turned his head and said to Mengmeng, "Now we can go. With this drawing, we will save a lot of time and will not get lost in this horse head.

After speaking, Jiang Cheng pulled Mengmeng and started to set off again. This time he let Ling Yu closely follow behind, and he took the gun and walked in front, Miao was at his waist, and his index finger should be on the side of the dunk, always ready. Shoot and release people.

Two people one after another, quickly interspersed in the middle of the house. These are all warehouses of different types, and the large and small warehouses are very complicated. This also helps Jiang Cheng, where there are so many special forces zones. Passing silently like this.

Suddenly someone shouted behind him: "Stop"

Mengmeng was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, but Jiang Cheng lay on his side, and shot a bullet with his backhand, hitting the center of his brow and shot dead.

Jiang Cheng smiled on his face: "Idiot, you should shoot directly, there is still a chance to speak in front of me, then you have only one word, death.

Jiang Cheng didn't go to deal with the corpse, because the gunfire spread and other people must have heard it. He didn't have time to deal with the corpse, so he hurried forward and continued running.

Immediately after crossing a wall, a special soldier saw Jiang Cheng and Meng Yin. Before the gun was picked up, he was shot by Jiang Cheng again and shot in the eyebrow. The special soldier really didn't understand that Jiang Cheng, who had clearly discovered him first, was actually himself lying down. It was true that Jiang Cheng was fast, too fast. This speed did not give the special soldiers time to react.

Just as the special forces reacted, the ruthless bullet had been ruthlessly shot into the body, killing him instantly. The reason why Jiang Cheng started the shot was the same, because only the first shot was killed and there was no reaction time.

Zhu Guo was in Xiong's mouth or somewhere else, and he would die in a few seconds. This would prevent Jiang Cheng from moving forward unintentionally, and the more gunshots, the earlier the enemy would find his position.

They didn't know that such sporadic gunshots were made by Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng had a good buffer time when the signal of this meeting was disturbed.

Jiang Cheng spotted a special soldier at a corner and solved it with a shot, but he suddenly felt the danger behind him, so he quickly turned around, a bunch of bullets flew out wildly, a figure in the end, and at the same time the cute one was also copied. It was imitated by a bullet. Although it is not fatal, the blood is flowing out and must be bandaged immediately.

Ling Meng fainted in fright. Jiang Cheng directly put Mengmeng on his shoulders and ran forward frantically. This was a large warehouse that appeared in front of him. Jiang Cheng rushed in directly and closed the door directly.

Putting down Mengmeng, the blood has already flowed to Jiang Cheng's clothes. Jiang Cheng took off his clothes, tore a long strip, and then simply treated the wound. It hurts and Mengmeng opened his eyes.

Jiang Cheng put the prepared stick made of cloth strips into Mengmeng's mouth and said, "Mengmeng, you have to hold back. I must bandage the wound, otherwise I can't go out.

Mengmeng nodded firmly when facing death and Jiang Cheng was beside him, but the painful tears still came out of her eyes.

Jiang Cheng looked at Mengmeng's pain, and tears were already in his eyes, because he had told himself countless times that he would protect Mengmeng and not let Mengmeng suffer a little bit of great misery, but he actually suffered today. Gunshot wounds. This is something Jiang Cheng doesn't allow, and she doesn't forgive herself. Mengmeng watched Jiang Cheng seriously bandage herself, as gentle as a nurse. She didn't expect that a steely man in front of her would also have a tender side. .

Mengmeng reached out to wipe away Jiang Cheng's tears. She wanted to tell him, don't cry, I'm fine, as long as I'm by your side, even if I go up to the sword and down to the sea of ​​fire.

But there was a cloth circle in his mouth, so I couldn’t speak out. Jiang Cheng quickly bandaged Mengmeng’s wound, and then said to Mengmeng: "Don’t worry, I will save you, we will kill you. Yes, we are going to watch the fireworks. "Spoon

Brother Jiang Cheng, do we really have a chance to go out? Can we really start to watch the fireworks? "" Mengmeng looked at the man holding herself expectantly.

The footsteps outside are getting closer, Jiang Cheng is full of sweat, clinging to the gate, and the thick iron gate can’t give Jiang Cheng any sense of security. He knows that the iron gate is not worthwhile for the special forces outside. Mention.

Jiang Cheng nodded, without looking straight at Mengmeng, and said, "Sister, you're waiting here, I'll go out and take a look." He threw a word casually, and Jiang Cheng walked straight across the door.

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