Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1467: As for the dead place

I don't know why, Jiang Cheng would always call Mengmeng sister subconsciously, even if the relationship between the two people is the most familiar and intimate lover.

"I turned out to be just your sister in the end?" Mengmeng heard Jiang Cheng's words and whispered a little lostly.

Jiang Cheng only saw Mengmeng’s cherry mouth move a little, but because Mengmeng’s voice was too low, he did not hear clearly, and asked, "What did you say?

Nothing! "Mengmeng looked at the ground without looking at Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng glanced at Mengmeng and walked out without looking back. Mengmeng glanced at Jiang Cheng's back, feeling uneasy.

The woman behind Jiang Cheng Wuxin looked at the iron gate in front of her.

A **** battle. Jiang Cheng's red eyes were full of longing. The desire to fight.

Jiang Cheng waved open the iron gate and closed it smoothly. The heavy iron gate lifted up a trace of dust, blocking the way of retreat and blocking the eyes of the girl inside the iron gate. To be precise, Jiang Cheng has no retreat.

In any case, Mengmeng is her favorite sister, how could she worry about her life? Today's battle, she must not lose.

The corner of Mengmeng's mouth raised a wry smile, and said, "Yes, Mengyin looked at the closed door and didn't say anything. There was not only love and admiration in Jiang Cheng's eyes, but also a trace of pity. Warehouse. The outside is different from the desolation inside the warehouse where Mengmeng is located. Jiang Cheng looked at the people wearing camouflage outside, all wearing hoods, leaving only a pair of murderous eyes outside.

There is no difference between the eyes and the Hua family, and it is difficult to tell who is there. There was a sneer at the corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth, and he knew that this was the person over there without guessing.

How could they not send something back if they gave such a big gift to the mansion in the island district?

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng sneered at the corner of his mouth. If you do it again, Jiang Cheng will still send back that great gift. Jiang Cheng never takes advantage of others

The opposing special forces watched Jiang Cheng and stopped involuntarily. You can say that you have a crushing advantage here, and you have a team. On the other side, Jiang Cheng was only himself.

Just seeing Jiang Cheng's aura standing at the door, everyone was still involuntarily scared. Because of the aura!

Jiang Cheng looked at the person in front of him, and there was no life or death in his eyes, but only the desire to fight. Sweat was on the head of the opposing special forces captain, and the sweat hit the ground drop by drop, highlighting the panic in his heart.

Come! "Jiang Cheng waved his hand at the special forces. It was a picky action, an action that made people feel anger, but it gave people a sense of horror when Jiang Cheng did it.

Several members of the special forces swallowed involuntarily. The panic in my heart is self-evident. The special forces captain pulled the gun in his hand with fear in his eyes. The man in front of him told him that he could not provoke him.

Jiang Cheng watched him pull the gun, and the corners of his mouth formed a weird curve. He flew up and brushed past the bullet. The captain looked at the man in front of him with a look of fear in his eyes.

Jiang Cheng looked at the captain fixedly, and the captain took a step back involuntarily. Jiang Cheng rushed up with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, the next second the gun fell to the ground, and the captain stood aside in pain, holding his dislocated arm in his hand.

The outside of the warehouse looked very fierce. Jiang Cheng's figure shuttled among dozens of special forces, and wherever they were fighting, special forces fell to the ground.

Jiang Cheng clutched the wound and stared at the enemy in front of him, with the sneer still hanging from the corner of his mouth, he knew that his fake mouth was bleeding again. But even if the body is injured, he doesn't make a difference when hitting someone.

However, as time passes, even if it is Superman, his energy will slowly fade away, because hundreds of elite-trained special forces have been fighting against Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng has gradually become a little strenuous. stand up. The upper hand from the beginning has gradually fallen.

On the other side, the bodyguards who had been monitoring the outside of the warehouse watched the situation change and reported to Xu Yinghui: "Miss, Mr. Jiang Cheng has been imitated! "What? He has been imitated? What is he doing now?" Xu Ying was a little anxious, just "swish" to stand up

The bodyguard stepped back and said, "Mr. Jiang Cheng is... is fighting with special forces!

Come, come with me!" Xu Ying gave an order and ordered the bodyguards to arrive. Xu Ying went outside the warehouse, and when she saw Jiang Cheng just one or two meters away from her, she hurried across Jiang Cheng and said, "You What are you fighting after being imitation? Didn't you see the wound bleeding?

"I can't take care of that much now! Mengmeng is still inside, and she is also injured. I can't ignore her safety!" Jiang Cheng shouted angrily. Xu Ying heard Jiang Cheng's words of defending Mengmeng, and couldn't help being a little angry, and shouted: "You've been so adorable all day, you're so adorable, you're endless! Is she so important?

He came so far away to count him, and he only had Mengmeng in his eyes. Isn't he so worthless?

To me, she is a very important person to me!" Jiang Cheng shouted at Xu Ying in a hurry.

With the roar, the faux mouth seemed to crack more severely. Jiang Cheng looked at his faux mouth with a bit of anxiety in his eyes, and the pressure of the special soldiers in front of him was even more annoying.

It's not the time to quarrel, it's too late!" Jiang Cheng glanced at Xu Ying, and said anxiously. The bloodshot eyes made Xu Ying jump in shock, and Xu Ying glanced at Jiang Cheng in a daze.

Xu Ying lowered her head, the sore eyes sensation made her very uncomfortable, and irritably used the gun in her hand to the person aside, looked at the ink pressure in front of her and looked at Jiang Cheng again, and couldn't help humming coldly. Speak out.

Said: "Jiang Cheng, let me save you! Now, immediately break up with me and Mengmeng!

Break up? What break up? "Before hearing Jiang Cheng's reply, Mengmeng in the warehouse heard Xu Ying's roar outside the warehouse.

Xu Ying, you are such a villain! Do you want to take advantage of others? But what Jiang Cheng hates most in my life is being threatened! "Jiang Cheng was really annoyed when he heard Xu Ying's help. Say.

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he turned around and rushed into the fighting crowd, holding on to a dozen tough guys with special forces, and the downed special forces fell to the ground, and there was no room for resistance.

About half an hour later, I heard Jiang Cheng's "Whose rage?"

It turned out that two special forces were standing behind Jiang Cheng just now. Jiang Cheng could only solve one by one after seeing from the corner of the eye, first by sweeping his legs and tripping the man on the left to the ground. Just as he was about to turn around to fight with the special front soldier on the right, the special soldier suddenly took advantage of the situation and stabbed Jiang Cheng in the back with a sharp knife. Suddenly, blood flowed from Jiang Cheng's back, and his clothes were severely cut by the knife. He was sticking to the blood and pressed it wetly on Jiang Cheng's back. From this, it can be seen that the special forces used so much strength, this time their mission is not to stabbing Jiang Cheng, but to kill him.

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