Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1468: Bondage

Ah! Come, rush up together! "Xu Ying saw that Jiang Cheng was injured, no matter what the conditions were or what was not, and if he didn't get angry, he directly let everyone rush up.

Seeing that Xu Ying had ordered the bodyguard to come up to him, Jiang Cheng slowly retreated to the door of the warehouse and wanted to go in at 11 to see how Mengmeng was.

Mengmeng, how do you feel? Does the wound still bleed?" Jiang Cheng bends over because he was stabbed in the back.

Mengmeng also heard Jiang Cheng’s roar just now, so she knew that Jiang Cheng must have been injured. Regardless of his injury, she immediately stood up, rushed up and asked, "Brother Jiang Cheng, are you okay? Where is it? I'm not good.

"I'm okay, I just accidentally let those people hit it gently. But you, why did you suddenly stand up, be careful that the wound is cracked!" Jiang Cheng said with a slight frown.

Mengmeng heard Jiang Cheng say that she was okay, and she was happy from the bottom of her heart. She hugged Jiang Cheng and said, "Um. I know that my brother Jiang Cheng is the best! He will definitely not get hurt.

Ah Yan rushed up and hugged Jiang Cheng. Mengmeng's hand would naturally touch the wound on Jiang Cheng's back. Jiang Cheng couldn't help groaning because of the pain.

Mengmeng was also a little dazed when she heard Jiang Cheng's forbearing voice. Later, she found that her hands were a little moist and sticky. When she put it back, she knew that it was blood. She was shocked and stunned. She shouted: Ah! Jiang Cheng Brother is blood! What's wrong with you, what's wrong? Let me see it!"

"It's okay, uh... don't worry! Be good." Jiang Cheng's voice was trembling because of the severe pain in his back.

Mengmeng watched Jiang Cheng's face shed cold sweat. She couldn't help but was shocked. She ran to the back and saw that Jiang Cheng's back was covered with blood. Suddenly, she almost cried, and said with a crying voice: "Brother Jiang Cheng, if you have anything to do, blame me!! What am I in Tokyo! Wow...what should I do?

Good, cute! Sit down quickly and don't make trouble, I'll be fine in a while, just let me sit down. "Jiang Cheng tremblingly stretched out his hand and gently patted the crying Mengmeng's back.

Outside the warehouse, Xu Ying did not leave any bodyguards by her side to protect herself. She ordered all the bodyguards to participate in the fight.

Because Xu's bodyguards were never vegetarians, as time passed, the special forces fell one after another, and only a few special forces were still fighting.

One of the special forces saw that Xu Ying was not accompanied and protected and immediately thought of an idea. He ran up and strangled Xu Ying's neck and shouted at all the bodyguards: "You are moving, believe it or not, I will kill your master immediately. !

Before Xu Ying's bodyguards could react, Xu Ying shouted at the special forces who held him hostage: "Do you know who I am? Just do it! I'm Miss Xu, dare you? Do you want to do it? "But hehe, I care if you are from the Xu family or from the Wang family, and from the Li family. Now you are just the meat on the knife board. I am the man with the knife. As long as those people move again In one fell swoop, I dare to cut your throat with this sharp knife!

If you don't believe it, do you want to give it a try? The special soldier said to Xu Ying and all the bodyguards. After all the bodyguards saw their own eldest lady being held hostage by special forces, they slowly recovered and put down their weapons.

After all, the job I was hired by the Xu family was to protect Xu Ying, the eldest of the Xu family. Now that the protected people are in the hands of the gangsters, how can I act rashly? No job is just a small matter, if Xu Something really happened to Ying, Miss Xu's family. The Xu family got angry. She really couldn't eat herself and walked away!

And Jiang Cheng inside the warehouse also noticed something wrong outside the warehouse. He was shocked to hear that something was wrong. Xu Ying must have something wrong, and immediately planned to stand up and go out.

What are you doing? President Jiang, you are still injured! "Mengmeng watched Jiang Cheng's move to get up, and quickly grabbed Jiang Cheng's arm.

Jiang Cheng pursed her lips, and said, "It's okay, I am a big man, I must go to Dun Xu Ying! And, she finally sent someone to save us!"

But, hasn't she offered the conditions yet?" Mengmeng said with a pouting mouth.

Jiang Cheng touched Mengmeng's head on 827, and calmly said, "But I did not agree to the conditions she put forward, but she still came to save me in an emergency. No matter whether she really helped me, I can't let it go. With

A living person was hurt. Even if a stranger is held hostage, I can't just ignore it!

Meng Ling looked at Jiang Cheng's stubborn eyes, and knew that she would definitely not be able to persuade him, so she let go of him. As Jiang Cheng walked outside, he activated the system and activated a physical attack. He also took out a reconfigurable silver pistol from his backpack.

Is there anything you are coming at me, why do you involve a little girl who has nothing to do with this matter?" Jiang Cheng said, looking at the gangster.

The special forces saw Jiang Cheng coming out, and of course they saw the knife on his back. The blood was still lingering. They couldn't help but said disdainfully: "Your blood hasn't drained yet? You all surrender, let us brothers Go, I will let him go!

Ah! "Jiang Cheng's dress yelled in pain and suddenly sat on the ground. When Xu Ying saw Jiang Cheng's pain, her pupils suddenly contracted, and she shouted Jiang Cheng, go! Go!

Just when the special forces were ready to sell themselves and laughed at the fateful mandarin ducks", Jiang Cheng suddenly turned around, took out his pistol, and shot him with a'bang', the bullet passed directly above the eyebrows of the special forces.

The other special forces saw that the special forces holding Xu Ying had been shot by Jiang Cheng. Their own party was actually gone, but they were not reconciled. They thought that instead of being arrested and tortured, they might as well fight again and perhaps find them. Opportunity to escape.

A special soldier gave the brother on the side a look. The other side knew it, and he dashed and rushed directly to Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng saw that he was unwilling to show weakness and went straight to a karate, and knocked the person ahead of him from the air. Knowing that there is only a dead end, do you still want to die?" Jiang Cheng yelled at the few surviving special forces.

Who knows that this roar didn't have any effect, and the last two special soldiers took sharp knives and stabbed Jiang Cheng.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Cheng stood up reluctantly, swept one of his legs and tripped one of them to the ground. He immediately swiped the sharp knife in his hand and stabbed the strong man behind him.

Just when the brawny man was stabbed, Jiang Cheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. The special soldier who had just been kicked by Jiang Cheng stood up again, squeezing Jiang Cheng's neck from behind, as if he was going to die.

Jiang Cheng was so restrained by this special soldier that he couldn't move his body. In desperation, he slammed his head against the head of the special soldier who was strangling his neck. When the man was in pain, Jiang Cheng stood up and punched. Between the bridge of the special soldier's nose, the special soldier fainted. However, Jiang Cheng didn't get any benefit, because the blood clots that had just been solidified on his back were torn from the fierce fighting movements just now, and he fell to the ground with a "boom" if he couldn't bear it.

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