Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1469: Gibberish

Jiang Cheng, how are you? "Xu Ying, who just got free, was too happy to see Jiang Cheng suddenly fall to the ground and couldn't help exclaiming. Mengmeng in the warehouse also heard Xu Ying's shout. Knowing that Jiang Cheng must be in trouble, he ran out and shouted, "Xu Ying, don't touch President Jiang! I'm not allowed to touch it!

"Ms. Yinmeng, did you tell the importance of the matter? Didn't you see Jiang Cheng fainted on the ground? Do you want to kill him?" Xu Ying was also anxious by Mengmeng's words. It's not because of Jiang Cheng's injury, she wants to rush to play Mengmeng.

Xu Ying did not wait for Mengmeng's reply, and said to herself: "Come here, let the driver drive over and send Jiang Cheng back to Xu's house!

Xu Ying, do you think you can do whatever you want with the Xu family's eldest? Why did you send Jiang Cheng to Xu's house? What do you want to do? Meng Yu roared a little excitedly, holding Jiang Cheng's hand tightly. Xu Ying smiled without anger, and said, "Coco, what kind of love or friendship can you talk about if a person's life is gone? You are a bit too selfish, right? But. But. Okay, listen to you!" Mengmeng heard it The word "death" was completely panicked, and immediately looked at Xu Ying eagerly.

Hours later, inside Xu's house.

Miss, I have sutured Mr. Jiang Cheng's wound, there should be no major problem, and he should wake up immediately!" The Xu family's personal doctor said to Xu Ying.

Sure enough, as soon as the private doctor walked out the door, Jiang Cheng slowly opened his eyes. He saw the strange environment around him and couldn't help asking, "Where is this?

This is my house one by one, Xu Ying!" Xu Ying said with excitement when Jiang Cheng was awake

Jiang Cheng then realized that Xu Ying was standing next to his bed, and he naturally thought of her act of taking advantage of the fire today, and couldn't help but sit up suddenly and said, "Go out!

"This is my house, it's all my territory. Jiang Cheng, I don't care how powerful you are, but you are too generous? No matter how Xu Zhai is, I am in charge, not you!" Xu Ying has a pair of big eyes Retorted. Jiang Cheng said, he pulled out the dripping needle, walked out of the bed, and said, "Okay, thank Miss Xu for the treatment. I, Jiang Cheng, won't bother me and go ahead!

As soon as Jiang Cheng left the house, he took out the phone, dialed the number of assistant Linda, and said, "You go and investigate me and find out who made it today.

On the other hand, Mr. Xu received a notice from the Hua Family Mansion before Jiang Cheng had come over, and the mansion asked him to prevent Jiang Cheng from investigating what happened during the day.

Therefore, as soon as Mr. Xu heard Jiang Cheng coming out, he hurriedly walked out of the study, stopped Jiang Cheng, and said, "A lot of things, don't check it out. It's better to do more than less!

Well, thank you Mr. Xu for his hospitality and treatment today! However, I, Jiang Cheng, is a clear-cut person, and there is no room for sand in my eyes, and I can't let anything become unclear! "Jiang Cheng lightly In reply, the tone was neither excited nor displeased.

Xu Ying is so despicable today, and the people of the Xu family are definitely not much better!

After speaking, Jiang Cheng went downstairs without looking back, regardless of Mr. Xu's face. Alas, this young man! "When Mr. Xu heard the courtesy of Jiang Cheng's words, he naturally knew that he was alienated from himself and the Xu family, and he sighed helplessly.

Hey, President Jiang, something happened to me!" Assistant Linda: Called to report to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng paused, and asked, "What's the matter? Tell me!

When I inquired about the imitation incident today, I found that the Huajia Mansion was deliberately obstructing, do we want to...

Face?" Linda asked vaguely.

Jiang Cheng snorted coldly and replied, "I, Jiang Cheng want to do something, no one can stop it! You boldly use my name to investigate, let me see who else dares to stop?"

Indeed, on the entire earth, people who dare to provoke Jiang Cheng may not have been born yet!

On the other side, Xu Ying saw Jiang Cheng running out of the room. She immediately ran to the room where Mengmeng was sleeping, wanting to "communication" with her.

Mengmeng, Jiang Cheng doesn't love you! "Xu Ying asked Mengmeng lightly. Mengmeng retorted." Do you think I believe in what you say? Ha, do you know that he was in a coma? It's my name! "Although Xu Ying's mouth is panicking, her eyes are straight and cute.

Mengmeng suddenly panicked and didn't know what to say. Seeing Xu Ying's serious expression, she believed it to be true, and ran out without saying anything.

As soon as Mengmeng went out, she saw Jiang Cheng and immediately became angry, and shouted at Jiang Cheng: "I want to break up with you!

Jiang Cheng said, raising his eyebrows, and said, "What are you talking about? Go home with me first!

After speaking, he didn't say much, and drove Mengmeng on his back and drove home.

What's wrong with this little girl? It's fine during the day and will break up at night.

In Jiang Cheng's villa, Dong Ran was not at home because of the music competition. "Mr. Jiang, do you like me or not?" Mengmeng looked at Jiang Cheng and asked. Jiang Cheng frowned and said, "Do you like Xu Ying? "Do you like Xu Ying?" Mengmeng said with her last hope. Jiang Cheng turned and sat on the sofa and replied: "I don't like it! Mengmeng As if seeing hope, but also thinking of Jiang Cheng and the reason why they agreed to be with him, thinking about not doing anything, slowly taking off his coat, sitting on Jiang Cheng’s lap, and wrapping his hands around Jiang Cheng. Neck.

"Mr. Jiang, kiss me!" Ling Ling put her face near Jiang Cheng's lips. Jiang Cheng was still stunned at first, but was suddenly shocked by Mengmeng's bold actions, stood up and scolded: "What are you doing? Mengmeng, you are too presumptuous! I will tell you now, I only treat you as a sister!"

After speaking, he turned around and left the villa, drove to the bar alone, thinking about drinking to relieve his troubles.

Inside the bar, a lot of flowers, wine, and green, Jiang Cheng chose the quietest place to sit down and drink alone. Before I knew it, I drank a lot and the bottles were all high-quality spirits.

What a coincidence!" A girl's voice sounded idle.

Jiang Cheng looked up and realized that it was Xu Ying, and asked a little confused: "What do you do with the injury?

You are still injured and can't drink! Go, come home with me!" Xu Ying snatched the bottle in Jiang Cheng's hand.

I don't know if Jiang Cheng was drunk or really felt the concern in Xu Ying's words. He actually got up and walked towards Xu Ying, and followed Xu Ying in the car driving towards Xu Ying's house.

Jiang Cheng is already completely obsessed, walking is also swaying, and he keeps saying: "Hurry up, I will drink happily!

Xu Wudi assisted Jiang Cheng and the two walked back on the street. Jiang Cheng drank a lot of wine, so they walked very slowly. The figures of the two people were drawn very long under the green light.

Suddenly, four big men in the shape of a thought came out from the end of the street, each holding their heads, Xu Ying knew from a glance that this man came for Jiang Cheng, but with her, she would not let Jiang Cheng be imitated.

Xu Ying quickly found a corner, and then put Jiang Cheng against the corner. Jiang Cheng was indeed drunk, sitting on the ground, still talking nonsense there.

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