Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1470: A glimmer of hope

At this time, the four tiger-shaped big men had rushed to the front of Xu Ying, and Xu Ying knew from their positions that these four people had received professional training, and they were able to fight and adapt.

Look at the depressed and well-proportioned bodies of the four big men in the shape of anxieties. The corners of their faces are like knife cuts. They are all people who fight frequently to get this kind of momentum.

One of the four sturdy men said: "You go away, we are so men who do not fight with women. We only need the man behind you to hand him over, and you can go home.

Xu Ying sneered and said: "You are so naive, let me hand him over unless you step on my body, I advise you to go back quickly, lest you can't find anything if 497 is beaten by me.

Can't you see the crying chick, there is such a tone," said a sturdy man at this time.

And another sturdy guy also interrupted: "Haha, leave it to me, you all back, I like such a beauties with heavy flavors, and I will take it back and enjoy it when I conquer her." This sturdy guy One's evil smile.

Xu Ying didn't say anything, but instead mobilized her body's energy to put herself in a state where she could hit a heavy blow at any time.

The man with a wicked smile didn't know what to do and walked out of the four. He came to the front of Xu Ying and looked at Xu Ying. His brows were clear, his teeth were white and his lips were red.

Yeah, such a beautiful beauty, I really don’t have the cruel heart to start, I’m very gentle, especially when dealing with women, I’m gentle and like water, so beauties, please agree. I don’t think my fist is too heavy. The body is overwhelmed. "This sturdy guy really thinks Xu Ying is the target of his bullying.

Xu Yingren didn't hate much, so he hit his toes, rushed forward, and then rose from the ground. When he swept back, he kicked a sturdy man, coming as fast as lightning, and the sturdy man didn't realize it. Xu Ying actually initiated the challenge first.

Backed hurriedly, but still rubbing his toes against the big man’s arm, there was a biting pain deep into his bones. The big man gritted his teeth, his face trembled, his eyes bursting with fierce light, and the evil smile just disappeared completely. Without a trace.

Hey, Brother Long! Can you do it, if you can't, let me come," a sturdy man behind shouted from behind, which made the sturdy man even more ashamed.

Bah! "The sturdy big man talked on the ground, then clenched his fists and hit Xu Ying directly. Xu Ying dodged directly on the side of her body.

A punch, and then directly an elbow hit the big man's face mercilessly. At the moment when the big man was beaten, Xu Ying slammed his side and punched his uppercut to the flesh.

After a flurry of punches, the big man was directly knocked to the ground. This made the three sturdy big men behind him immediately alert. They knew the strength of Brother Long. With such strength, they were hit by Xu Ying in an instant. It seems that this woman is indeed Not that simple, they really looked away.

Let's go together and take revenge on Brother Long.

Three sturdy guys rushed up and directly attacked Xu Ying in the middle. Xu Ying calmed down and felt the changes of the three big guys. The body was constantly coming over in the middle of the wind, and it was good when he fought back. With soft hands, it's as fast as lightning when hiding.

The four were spinning here at high speed like a whirlwind. After a while, the three big guys were beaten to the ground by Xu Ying: "Get out of here, let me see you again, I'm absolutely not welcome.

The four big men supported each other and limped away. Xu Ying watched the four leave her sight, and sat directly on the ground because her arm hurts very uncomfortably.

She picked up her clothes and took a look, there was a hole in her arm, Xu Ying's ninja teeth, a piece of cloth was torn off the clothes, and then she simply bandaged her wound, and then once again helped Jiang Cheng back to the house.

When Jiang Cheng was sober and found out that Xu Ying was already lying in the ward, Jiang Cheng regretted what happened yesterday. Why did he get drunk and hurt Xu Ying.

Are you okay? Yesterday it was all my fault!" Jiang Cheng said while looking at Xu Ying on the hospital bed.

Xu Ying smiled and said, "It's okay, but I am really not as good as you. If I have half of your skills, I won't be hurt by those little gangsters.

Jiang Cheng said more and more guilt, decided to stay with Xu Ying and take care of her other side. Mengmeng found out about Jiang Cheng and Xu Ying and was heartbroken. "Stay in this city mansion any longer will only cause more pain to myself! It's better to leave as soon as you leave..." Mengmeng said with a cry. Mengmeng left a note, and went directly out of the area, Mengling left sadly.

At noon, Jiang Cheng saw Xu Ying asleep, so he returned home to see how Ling Meng was.

Inside the villa, Jiang Cheng gently opened the door. Mengmeng, I'm back!" Jiang Cheng yelled into the door. What responded to him was a dead silence, "No!" Jiang Cheng seemed to realize something.

Jiang Cheng was about to make a call when he saw the note on the table and realized that Mengmeng was out of the area.

What is this little girl thinking? "Jiang Cheng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Jiang Cheng stood in front of the table holding the note, looking at the fare Malone outside the window. He saw the hurried pedestrians, where did Mengmeng go?

Jiang Cheng quickly booked a ticket on the computer, and the plane took off just an hour and a half later. Jiang Cheng quickly picked up the luggage, and then ran out with the suitcase. Just downstairs, there was a taxi. Jiang Cheng jumped into the car directly.

Airport, please hurry up! Jiang Cheng shouted anxiously.

Ten minutes later, inside the airport.

Jiang Cheng was preparing to go through the security check. Suddenly, a ringing of his cell phone rang "Ding Ke Ding, Jiang Cheng took out his cell phone and took a look. It was Old Xu, "Old Xu, what's the matter?"

Ying'er's wound has worsened again!" Old Xu's voice came from the phone

"Okay, Mr. Xu, you ask the doctor to watch it first, and I'll be right back!" Jiang Cheng finally decided to go and see Xu Ying first, after all, she was injured for her own sake.

After Jiang Cheng hung up Xu Lao's phone, he directly dialed the assistant Linda's phone, and said: "Linda, you directly order the airport to be blocked, you must find me cute!

Boss, what's the matter with you and Mengmeng? Also, I just checked Mengmeng's ticket and it is too late to block the airport!" Linda replied.

Jiang Cheng paused, and said: "Linda, then you can use the satellite to fix the cuteness, and you can't let it go! Send a few more bodyguards to keep her safe!"

Okay!" Linda replied respectfully.

At this time, Jiang Cheng was already sitting in the taxi to the hospital. Although he had instructed Linda to take care of Mengmeng, he thought of himself

Mengmeng who treats her as a sister is dangerous and becomes a little anxious.

Holding the last glimmer of hope, he dialed Mengmeng's phone, never thinking that the phone could be connected.

Mengmeng, are you okay over there? "Jiang Cheng was obviously hoarse when he said this. He didn't know how he could be like this. He also suppressed himself through time, but he couldn't hide his worry no matter how he concealed it. .

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